
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Tun M’s latest prophecy: Malaysian of Chinese descent can become PM as early as GE17

Tun M’s latest prophecy: Malaysian of Chinese descent can become PM as early as GE17

Chinese secret to success - use chopsticks

WHILE retired DAP supremo Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang does not expect a non-Malay to become a Prime Minister (PM) of Malaysia “during my lifetime or even my children’s lifetime”, former twice premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is seeing that happening over the next 10 years or so.

In a rebuttal to his deemed mouthpiece, veteran journalist and blogger Datuk A. Kadir Jasin for “happily telling the Malays to accept the fact that Tanah Melayu no longer exists” in the latter’s social media post, the Proklamasi Melayu chief advocate warned that “a Malaysian of Chinese descent could possibly become the PM by GE17 (17th General Election)”.

“A multi-racial country will not belong to all races. It will be owned by the Chinese. The reason is that they are smarter and richer than the Malays or Indians. Don’t dream that the current comfort life of the Malays will last forever,” penned Dr Mahathir in a letter addressed to Kadir.

The bigger the better

“Even the Americans and Europeans fear that the world will be owned and controlled by the Chinese. In Malaysia they’re in control of the national economy. In addition to the economy, they are able to manipulate the Malays (who can be easily bribed) in politics. We are seeing this happening now,” he observed while snubbing Kadir:

“It is not impossible that after GE16, they will establish their puppet government in this country. Possibly by GE17, a Malaysian of Chinese descent will become the PM. But then it’s okay. Aren’t they Malaysians, too?”

The country’s fourth and seventh premier who reigned for close to a quarter century further cast fear over the ‘fading away’ of Malay culture and customs.

“When they dominate the country, our customs cannot be defended,” lamented Dr Mahathir. “Not only that we can no longer make the call to prayer but roast suckling pig will also be served at public functions. Nothing wrong with that, right? We are forbidden to eat but not forbidden to see.

Better still, use those made of Chinese rare earth material

“In Singapore the mufti had to admit that just serving is okay,” revealed Dr Mahathir with a tinge of sarcasm. “In fact, there are already those who suggest that Bak Kut Teh should be recognised as a national heritage food. Most of us know that Bak Kut Teh is related to pork herbal soup.”

Sharing his concern about the Singapore experience, Dr Mahathir added: “Singapore made Malay as their national language. But the school uses English entirely. Singaporean Malay children can no longer speak Malay.” – July 22, 2023


  1. I haven't ever met a Singaporean Malay who cannot speak Malay, except for one who lived his entire life in Europe and is anyway half Indian...wakakaka..
    Fluent in English they are, and fully able to engage with the international business environment, unlike Mahathir's Melayu, who increasingly cannot survive in the international environment, only depend on Malay special rights

  2. If this latest lunacy does not warrant an investigation about playing with the 3R, I don't know what will.

    And he is always spouting lies that the most gullible malays will take as gospel truth.

    We know that no non malay much less the Chinese will be PM for a very,very long time not to mention in GE17.

    In fact, given the ever changing demographics, I believe that no non Malay will be PM for like, forever.

    And he always love to use Singapore as a punching bag. The fact is that the Malays in Singapore are doing very much better than Malays in Malaysia.

    Singapore Malays are able to stand on their own and compete confidently with the rest in Singapore. Singapore Malays do not need nor do they ask for the tongkat.

    The idiot criticizes that Singapore's teaching language is English. He claims Singapore Malays cannot speak Malay. The fact is Singapore Malays are fluent in English and they have also mother tongue classes to ensure they do not lose their Malayness. Same for the Indians and Chinese. The fool conveniently omits that in Singapore mother tongue is compulsory for ALL races.

    Also, this old fool who will not live to see GE17 does not mention that there is a mosque in EVERY housing estate in Singapore. And mosque committees are not required to tender for the land to build mosques. The Singapore government sets land aside for such purpose.

    On the other hand other religions have to tender for land gazetted for religious purposes.

    Finally, this old liar and hypocrite laments that the Chinese are smarter and richer than the Malays and Indians in Malaysia.

    The question every rational Malay should ask is "what did he do during his 22 plus 2 years as PM to uplift the status of Malays?" He had almost unfettered power during his first stint in Malaysia.

    He is the main cause of the Malays for their inability to compete with other races especially the Chinese.
