
Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Lim’s clan under siege: Now Zuraida wants 3R action to be taken against Kit Siang

The Lim’s clan under siege: Now Zuraida wants 3R action to be taken against Kit Siang

SO SOON after UMNO Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh hinted that the movement awaits DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng to be dealt with next for fanning 3R (race, religion and royalty) sentiments, former de-facto Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) president Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin wants similar action to be taken against retired DAP supremo Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang.

Speaking in the capacity of Muafakat Nasional deputy president, Zuraida is of the view that Kit Siang deliberately brought up the May 13 racial riot incident to frighten the non-Bumiputera community in order to solicit their support in the upcoming state polls.

“In the same statement, he assumed that one day there will (one day) be a Prime Minister (PM) from non-Malay ethnicity by drawing comparisons with the US which in 2009 appointed Barack Obama to helm the Uncle Sam nation,” she justified in a media statement.

“This is a very clear provocation on the Malay/Muslim community in this country because no doubt we are in real political instability at this point of time, there are no direct signs that the relations between the races in Malaysia are affected.”Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang

According to Zuraida who was formerly the PKR Wanita chief, it is common knowledge that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition “who at this juncture is increasingly disliked by a large number of Malay/Bumiputera voters, is very afraid of the green wave phenomenon brought about by Perikatan Nasional (PN).”

“Therefore, the leaders and fanatics of PH will use any means to scare the people with baseless accusations,” she claimed. “This ‘warning’ about the existence of more racial riots in the future is an irresponsible statement by Kit Siang”.

While the May 13 tragedy should indeed be remembered as a lesson for all Malaysians to appreciate the unity that has been forged between races over the years, the former plantation industries and commodities minister reckoned that for a veteran politician like Kit Siang to use the incident as a propaganda tool “is a very shameful thing that shouldn’t happen”.

“I believe that the statement issued by the former key leader of DAP is an action that can spark tension in the racial ties among Malaysians,” stressed the former Ampang MP. “Appropriately, Kit Siang should be prosecuted under the Sedition Act for this statement because he has clearly whipped up extreme provocation by touching one of the 3R matters.” – July 20, 2023


  1. Just like her idol, the old buffoon, this nonentity is trying to remain in the public limelight and trying desperately to be relevant.

  2. Tech giants form 'partnership' to make AI woke --- host workshops about incorporating Karl Marx's teachings and critical race theory into systems

    A "partnership" formed by several technology giants aims to make artificial intelligence systems woke, prioritizing "equity and inclusion" by "bringing diverse voices together," according to videos recently obtained by the American Accountability Foundation.

    Partnership on AI is a nonprofit organization formed in 2016 by Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and IBM. Since its launch, many companies and organizations have joined the group, including the ACLU, Apple, the Ford Foundation, Adobe, OpenAI, and others.

    According to its website, PAI's goal is to create "a future where Artificial Intelligence empowers humanity by contributing to a more just, equitable, and prosperous world."

    Videos obtained by the American Accountability Foundation revealed that PAI hosted several workshops promoting the integration of far-left ideology into AI systems.

    "Our investigation has revealed a 'partnership' between the world's biggest tech companies to together rig AI to be woke. The partnership explicitly cites Karl Marx and Critical Race Theory in their plans," AAF posted on Twitter this week.

    AAF shared a video from a "data colonialism" workshop hosted by PAI that discussed how AI developers could implement Karl Marx's teachings. The workshop's presenter, London School of Economics' Nick Couldry, suggested interpreting Marx's "labor relations" as "data relations."

    Couldry told the Daily Caller News Foundation, "The usefulness of Karl Marx's work for understanding the dynamics of capitalism is recognised by economists from all points on the political spectrum."

    "Since AI is undeniably part of capitalism, I simply pointed out that Marx's thought is relevant to AI too," he added.

    Another PAI workshop, "Towards a Critical Race Methodology for Algorithmic Fairness," stated that the evolving technology must "focus on the processes of racism," AAF reported.

    Based on a research article, the workshop aimed to "focus on the history of racial categories and turn to critical race theory and sociological work on race and ethnicity to ground conceptualizations of race for fairness research."

    An AAF spokesperson told the DCNF that PAI's agenda to incorporate left-leaning ideology into AI systems is "truly terrifying."

    "The danger of an ESG-like alliance of the world's biggest corporations working to use their monopoly over AI development to inject it with wokeness cannot be overstated," the spokesperson stated. "As we slip into a world dominated by AI, we may wake up one day soon to a universe where Critical Race Theory and Marxism are embedded into the very algorithms our society runs on."

    PAI did not respond to a request for comment, the DCNF reported.
