
Saturday, June 03, 2023

[Thick-skinned, brazen, shameless, hypocritical, double-standard] US defence chief slams China for lack of military dialogue

US defence chief slams China for lack of military dialogue

United States Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin said on Saturday he was deeply concerned by China's unwillingness to engage in military crisis management, warning that talks are crucial to avoiding conflict.

The relationship between the United States and China is at its lowest point in decades, as they remain deeply divided over everything from the sovereignty of Taiwan to espionage and territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Speaking at Asia's top security summit, Austin said that open lines of communication between US and Chinese defence and military leaders were essential to strengthen guard rails against conflict and bolster stability in the Asia-Pacific.

"I am deeply concerned that the PRC (People's Republic of China) has been unwilling to engage more seriously on better mechanisms for crisis management between our two militaries," he said.

Austin told this at the Shangri-La Dialogue, Asia's top security gathering, in Singapore.

"The more that we talk, the more that we can avoid the misunderstandings and miscalculations that could lead to crisis or conflict."

China's Minister of National Defence Li Shangfu had declined an invitation to meet Austin at the security summit this week.

On Friday, the two shook hands on the sidelines of the conference but did not have a "substantive exchange," the Pentagon said.

Li delivers his speech on Sunday.

One of the thorniest security issues between the two superpowers is the future of Taiwan, a self-governing territory that Beijing wants to bring under its rule.

There are increasing concerns that China could invade Taiwan with the US drawn into any conflict.

Austin pointed to Russia's invasion of Ukraine as an example of "how dangerous our world would become if big countries could just invade their peaceful neighbours with impunity".

He said the US was "deeply committed" to preserving the status quo in Taiwan and opposes unilateral changes from either side.

"Conflict is neither imminent nor inevitable. Deterrence is strong today, and it’s our job to keep it that way," Austin said.

- Reuters


kt comments:

Wankees are thick-skinned, brazen, shameless hussies, tok-kok-ing about "how dangerous our world would become if big countries could just invade their peaceful neighbours with impunity" when she arrogantly invaded: 

  • Puerto Rico and Cuba, 1898
  • Mexico, 1914-1918. ...
  • Haiti, 1915-1934. ...
  • Guatemala, 1954. ...
  • Cuba, 1961. ...
  • Dominican Republic, 1965. ...
  • Nicaragua, 1981-1990. ...
  • Grenada, 1983
  • Panama 1989

... and Hawaii (1898), above being wankees' neighbours, thus not including China, Russia (WWI), Philippine, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Libya, etc etc etc.


  1. All those countries you listed, the Yankees left after they achieved their political objectives, none of them had any territory annexed , unlike Russia's annexation of huge chunks of Ukraine.

    Cuba 1961 ? Cuban rebels.
    Nicaragua 1981-1990 ? So you deny the Nicaraguan Contras the right the rebel against their oppresors ? Oh.. I forget,.. in your book only left-wing or Communist rebellions are allowed ya..

    Mexico in 1914 had degenerated into lawlessness,... The Yankees felt they had to "sort it out"hahaha

    1. Wakakakaka…

      "the Yankees left after they achieved their political objectives, none of them had any territory annexed"

      Ooop… u DON'T know the favourite political gameplay of the WASP?

      Indirect control of the sieged territories via well trained shepherd proxies. Superficially moral compliance for the world to see, yet continuing the bloodsucking of the natives relentlessly at the background!

      Check Japan, SKorea, Germany, those Micronesia & central America banana states etc etc.

  2. What about China invasion of Korea 1952
    China invasion of Vietnam 1979

    Akan datang .. China invasion of Taiwan

  3. Korea - to support N Korea by pushing the wankees south of the 38th Parallel

    Vietnam - she voluntarily withdrew after "teaching" the Vietnamese an 'Abang' admonition

    Taiwan - no invasion because Taiwan is part of China; at most will be an internal/domestic affair (stop thinking like a wankee lah, wakakaka)

    1. "What about China invasion of Korea 1952
      China invasion of Vietnam 1979

      Akan datang .. China invasion of Taiwan"

      Wakakaka . . . . . . . . what embarrassing statements/questions!

      No wonder CK kept calling you know nothing! Bias selection of news reading is one thing but historical facts can easily be verified by many sources for collaboration except of course the reporter made an amendment to his writing after 20 years as in the case of Tiananmen Square reporting which apart from you would have raised anyone else suspicions.

    2. Whatever copium you are smoking about China, just don't pretend China doesn't invade it's neighbours.

      Chinks are no different for Wankees the moment they become powerful.

    3. Mfer, backup yr fart with the current contemporary geopolitical FACTS!

      Or else u r just lying through yr posterior underneath hole!
