
Saturday, April 01, 2023

Wee responds to more criticism from DAP, this time on China visit

Wee responds to more criticism from DAP, this time on China visit

MCA president Wee Ka Siong has explained that his visit to China to meet with representatives of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was paid out of his own pocket.

This comes after Bandar Baru Klang assemblyperson Teng Chang Khim described MCA leaders’ meeting with CCP representatives as an “abuse of public funds”.

“I have been invited to join the prime minister for his official visit to Beijing. However, I self-funded the trip and did not spend a single sen of the rakyat’s money.

“The MCA leaders who accompanied me for the courtesy call had also funded their own expenses and did not use any public funds for the trip,” Wee (above) said in a Facebook post today.

He also said MCA leaders met with CCP’s international liaison department minister before Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim even arrived in China for the latter’s three-day official visit, as MCA has had long-standing ties with the Chinese party since 1994.

Wee added that their meeting with the CCP leaders was to promote the bilateral ties between Malaysia and China.

“So why did Teng have to resort to such a vile attack when we had every right to conduct the courtesy call?

“The accusation that we have used public funds or were sponsored by government agencies is totally false and baseless.

“It will be deeply appreciated if Teng could verify first before making such accusations. If Teng would like to sponsor his own diplomatic trip to China, please feel free to do so and MCA will have no issue about it,” he said.

Earlier today, Teng posted several pictures of MCA leaders meeting with CCP leaders alongside a caption.

“The visit to China is an official diplomatic government-to-government activity led by the prime minister.

“Unofficial party-to-party courtesy call to the CCP is an abuse of public funds,” read the caption on Teng’s posting.

Teng’s comments came shortly after MCA leaders criticised Deputy Education Minister Lim Hui Ying for failing to adequately prepare for a question-and-answer session at the Dewan Rakyat.

Bandar Baru Klang assemblyperson Teng Chang Khim

However, the question came up just after the session should have ended.

DAP’s Raub MP Chow Yu Hui had also slammed MCA after that, saying MCA should not act like Perikatan Nasional (PN) allies by engaging in a friendly fire with the government.

Wee had also replied to Chow’s remarks, saying his party can still act as a check-and-balance against the executive, even if they are part of the government alongside DAP.


  1. Isn't it spooky when both Chinese parties are kamcing with the CCP. Macam Mana Melayu nak terima calun cina pendatang sebagai perdana menteri Malaysia. It is time to cut off the umbilical cord.

    1. Cutting off that umbilical cord!


      How about excommunicating yr lots with feudalism & zombieicism?


      Don't ask others to do what u won't do!

  2. During the dark days of Anwar Ibrahim 's long struggle against the BN machine, he had met a number of times with foreign political figures.
    The moral support was always welcome, but the foreign figures always made clear it was on a personal basis.

    BN politikus often accused Anwar of colluding with foreigners , and the foreign govenments were accused of interfering with Malaysia's internal affairs.

    The point is , for any private organisations or individuals, regardless they claim to be paying the costs on their own, for them to conduct what has the appearance of private freelance foreign policy links is bound to be controversial.

    In China, there is no separation between the China Communist Party and the China State, the Party IS the State.
    So any MCA excuse of just cultivating Party to Party links with no relation to any China government connection is humbug.

  3. What an inconsequential fart!

    "can still act as a check-and-balance against the executive"

    The history of MCA proved very much otherwise!
