
Friday, March 03, 2023

Moscow mulls possible use of nuclear arms to fend off US attack

Moscow mulls possible use of nuclear arms to fend off US attack -report

A Russian defence ministry journal says Moscow is developing a new type of military strategy using nuclear weapons to protect against possible US aggression, RIA news agency reported today.

The article is the latest in a series of combative remarks by Russian politicians and commentators after the invasion of Ukraine on Feb 24 last year, suggesting Moscow would, if necessary, be prepared to deploy its vast nuclear arsenal.

RIA said the article, published in the Voennaya Mysl (Military Thought) magazine, concluded Washington was worried it might be losing dominance over the world and had, therefore, "apparently" prepared plans to strike Russia to neutralise it.

In response, Russian specialists were "actively developing a promising form of the strategic use of the Russian armed forces - an operation of strategic deterrence forces", RIA said.

This, it continued, "presupposes the use of modern strategic offensive and defensive, nuclear and non-nuclear weapons, taking into account the latest military technologies".

Moscow, the article said, needed to be able to show the US that it could not cripple Russia's nuclear missile system and would not be able to fend off a retaliatory strike.

Russia's defence ministry did not immediately respond to a query asking for confirmation of the RIA story.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (above) last week suspended a landmark nuclear arms control treaty, announced new strategic systems had been put on combat duty, and threatened to resume nuclear tests.

Although Moscow says it would only use nuclear weapons in case Russia's territorial integrity were threatened, Putin’s allies have regularly suggested calamity could be close.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev this week said the West's continued supply of weaponry to Kyiv risked a global catastrophe, repeating a threat of nuclear war over Ukraine.

- Reuters


  1. There is No, and will not be a US -initiated attack.
    There WILL likely be a conventional Ukraine offensive , using weapons provided by the West for Ukraine to defend it's soil, against Russian forces illegally in Ukraine sovereign soil.
    It is not clear that Russia can successfully fend that off.

    1. Parading yr f*cked war history of know-nothing!

      During the later stage of MacArthur's command in the Korean war, he actually proposed to use the nuke to bomb China!

      It has ALWAYS in the mind of the hawky Yank to use their nuke to revert their losing military operation.

      Russia's Mutual Assured Destruction reminder to the then US President Harry S. Truman forced the president to stop the nuking & removed that overrated MacArthur from the Korea front line command.

    2. In recent times the US mulled using nukes on North Korea, and the figure that came out of the Wankee planning was 80 nukes to crippled the North Koreans military including its command control and comms - 80 effing nukes, not just one or two, 80

    3. Every military in the world has war plans.
      China PLA has plans to Fucking turn USA into radioactive wasteland.

      Russia has plans to fucking completely obliterate UK .

      That in itself doesn't make them any more evil.
      It's just Thier military planning job.

    4. So?

      What's yr fart vis-a-vis yr earlier write?

      U lost yr mfering line of thought?

      Or u r just a pure know nothing fart!
