
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Intrigue Behind Drone And Missile Strikes Against US Occupation In Syria

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Intrigue Behind Drone And Missile Strikes Against US Occupation In Syria

Wherever the Americans go there is bound to be trouble. There was a missile shoot out in Syria between American occupation forces and the locals beginning Thursday and continuing into yesterday. 


  • attacks on American bases near Omar oilfield, Koniko gas field Syria
  • drone strike killed American contractor, injured five US troops
  • US occupation forces staged counter strike in Dayr al-Zawr
  • pro Iran Syrians retaliated with rockets
  • US base near al-Omar under rocket fire Friday 
  • US base targeted with eight rockets
  • American wounded in counter attack

Here is evangelist Erick Stakelback of Watchman TV with his take on the exchange of fire :


My Comments:    Iran and the Saudis have made peace in Beijing - much against the wishes of the Americans. The Syrian president just visited the UAE - to re-establish relations with the Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia. Again much to the dislike of the US. Netanyahu in Israel is not on too friendly terms with the Biden camp. Israel usually "takes out" these missiles that originate from Iran. Looks like they missed a few this time around.

After the shootout the Americans quickly released a statement that they do not seek a confrontation with Iran.  Meaning they are blinking first. They are chickening out. With Iran, Saudi, Russia, China, UAE and even Netanyahu all on the opposite side in the Middle East the Americans are quite alone, defending their freedom and democracy over by the oil and gas fields in Syria.

Just one missile strike at the right spot  shows really how vulnerable is the United States.

Here are two maps:


As you can see the first map shows the location of US military bases in the middle east.
The second map shows the strike range of Iranian missiles. They can reach Ukraine. So the US do not really wish to get into a shootout with the ayatollahs. The Americans avoid fights with enemies who can shoot back. The mullahs know this too. 


  1. It's a Special Military Operation , NOT an Occupation.
    No ?
    Tell that to Vlad.

  2. Back in January 2020, the mighty Iranian revolutionary guards shot down an Ukrainian civilian airliner which had just taken off from Tehran airport.

    The Mullahs thought it was an American bomber.

    Key reason being the Iranian Mullahs were peeing and shitting in their pants in anticipation of a massive American retaliation for their missile barrage against an American base just a few hours earlier. Trump had made it clear there will be "consequence" if Americans are killed.

    The Mullahs know very well about Yankee missile and bomber capabilities, if they so choose to unleash it.

    Bidin is , of course, no Donald Trump.

    1. So u allow yr idol to make mistakes out of paranoic fears, yet there r no similar flexible allowances for yr idols' vowed enemies!

      Wow…. Mfer, u do deep into yr uncle Sam's rules of order - as defined by him!
