
Monday, February 27, 2023

Part 1 : Arrest of School Children? Hello "REFORMASI" @$$holes, is this the @$$hole reformasi you were shouting about ?

OutSyed The Box

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Part 1 : Arrest of School Children? Hello "REFORMASI" @$$holes, is this the @$$hole reformasi you were shouting about ?

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) criticised arrest of two teens
over video criticising SPM
LFL director Zaid Malek appalled by “heavy-handed” authorities
demanded Fahmi explain use of Sect 233(1)(a) CMA against schoolchildren

boys subjected to police raid in their home
arrested, underwent drug test
video venting frustrations on exam
it does not warrant intervention by police
just teenagers being childish
they were treated like hardened criminals
intimidate, treat (schoolchildren) like criminals
police arrested teens, after receiving reports from teacher

Zaid said CMA bane to freedom of speech
contrary to promises of reform by PH govt
against freedom of expression g'teed under constitution
condemn overzealous, arbitrary actions of police
Criticisms of govt should not be criminalised
childish vents by teenagers even less so

Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii called for all investigations dropped
more important is well-being of students
action cause unnecessary stigma, mental stress, fear
drop all investigations

Sunday, 26 Feb 2023 

two 18-year-olds arrested for dissatisfaction with SPM exam and insulted Singapore (??)

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) slammed arrest of schoolboys for “ridiculing SPM”
Director Zaid Malek criticised Sect 233(1)(a) CMA to restrict free speech
Even unsavoury comments do not warrant intervention of police

criticised PH for allowing CMA to exist after its calls for reform

PH indiscriminately wields weapon they once opposed vehemently
smacks of George Orwell’s Animal Farm,” he said
explain “unprecedented” use of S233 against students

Zaid condemned police overzealous arrest of students
criticised Sect 233(1)(a) of CMA, restrict free speech
Criticisms of govt should not be criminalised
childish vents by teenagers even less so
Are we to arrest every teenager for simply ranting online?
Is this what we have come to?” he asked.

Article 10(1)(a) of Fed Const freedom of speech, expression
people should be protected from criminal action when exercising free speech

case under Sect 14 of Minor Offences Act 1995, Sect 233 of CMA
Section 14 Minor Offences Act 1995 breach the peace fine RM100
S233 of the CMA criminalises communication deemed offensive
maximum fine RM50,000, jail one year or both

My Comments :

I have a question. What if the gomen takes action deemed stupid, what happens then? Shouldnt that be a crime as well? Shouldnt someone be arrested for being stupid?

What if the gomen takes some stupid action which deprives a person of his freedom - for example arresting school children for making a Tik Tok video? Shouldnt someone in the gomen also be arrested and investigated? Maybe sent to jail?

So they are arresting school children now. They are arresting teenagers who said teenager stuff in some Tik Tok video.

Is this the great "REFORMASI" all you reformasi @$$holes were shouting about all these years? Ini macam kah lu punya REFORMASI? Kepala b_ _ _h kau orang.

Let me tell you this - this increasingly stupid and incompetent gomen is not going to last. Just wait for those SIX State polls that are coming up soon. You will see how long this gomen is going to last. Not long.

And why this pre-occupation with arresting people for what they post on Social Media?
It is Social Media. That is the purpose of Social Media.

You can go to the kedai kopi and condemn anything you want to your friends at the kedai kopi. That is your space.

You can talk to your neighbour across the fence and condemn anything you want to your neighbour. That is also your space.

Or you can go into Social Media and condemn anything you want on Social Media. That is also your space.

Who asked that stupid teacher to intrude into the two boys space on Social Media? It is their space. Just like talking in the kedai kopi or talking to your neighbour across the fence.

Nobody asked that stupid teacher to switch on his phone or computer
surf the Net
click on the Tik Tok website
click on the boys Tik Tok video
and then get offended by what he saw.

Cikgu itu bodoh ke? Who asked you to watch their video?
Did the boys tell you to go and watch their video?

I have a question. Supposing you heard some people at the warong kopi condemning the SPM exam in the same exact manner as the two boys did then can you go and make a Police Report?

Who asked you to go and listen to people talking at the warong kopi?

Supposing you heard your neighbours talking across the fence condemning the SPM exam in the same exact manner as the two boys did then can you go and make a Police Report against your neighbours?

Who asked you to go and listen to your neighbours gossiping across the fence?

Because that is what Social Media really is - it is just neighbours gossipping across the fence or people cakap kosong at the warong kopi.

Tik Tok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc are also just like the warong kopi where the public can gather and gossip, cakap kosong, debate, argue, say just about anything they want.

If you start listening into every other warong kopi conversation, neighbours gossipping, Social Media video etc and start making Police Reports (and the Police take action) then you just prove to the world that you are stupid. It just shows that you have nothing better to do in your life.

And if you are a government that undertakes such useless action it shows that you do not know what else to do with your time.

I notice this Madani gomen is increasingly venturing down this reckless road. That Madani fellow just sent yet another Legal Notice to someone else over some comment that the other fellow made.

You are the CEO, the No. 1 fellow in charge. Surely you cannot be so childish and touchy. People will say whatever they want to say. It is you who should grow up.

Here I must give credit to Dr Mahathir and that Super Moron who is now in jail. Both of them Dr Mahathir and Super Moron never sent any Legal Notice to anyone for saying things they did not like to hear.

Super Moron never sent me a Legal Notice for calling him a Super Moron. I once called him a 'sewel' and it was even reported in the Malay press. Instead he did reply me through his cyber troopers. Here is one example:

He could have used all the power and might of his position to come after me but he did not. He did not because he should not. Period. He could have really turned out to be someone else. I hope he will ponder things well while in prison. It is never too late to make amends.

To conclude the Reformasi guys are just bullshitting everyone. Just over 100 days in power and you can already see their fangs. But those fangs are not new.

By Syed Akbar Ali at February 26, 2023

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