
Saturday, February 25, 2023

‘Not rational’ for China to negotiate outcome of Ukraine war


‘Not rational’ for China to negotiate outcome of Ukraine war

US president Joe Biden says China’s peace plan looks likely to only benefit Russia.

US president Joe Biden said nothing in the peace plan indicated that it would be beneficial to all sides. (AP pic)

WASHINGTON: US president Joe Biden told ABC News in an interview on Friday that the idea China would be negotiating the outcome of the Ukraine war was not rational, following the release of Beijing’s peace plan for the conflict.

“(Russian president Vladimir) Putin’s applauding it, so how could it be any good?” Biden told ABC News on the one year anniversary of the war.

“I’ve seen nothing in the plan that would indicate that there is something that would be beneficial to anyone other than Russia, if the Chinese plan were followed.”

“The idea that China is going to be negotiating the outcome of a war that’s a totally unjust war for Ukraine is just not rational.”

China’s plan urges both sides to agree to a gradual de-escalation and warns against the use of nuclear weapons.

The plan, set out in a foreign ministry paper, was largely a reiteration of China’s line since Russia launched what it calls its “special military operation” on Feb 24 last year.

Biden also repeated comments that he would not be sending F-16s to Ukraine for now, saying Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky did not need the fighter jets for the moment.

“He doesn’t need F-16s now,” Biden said. “I am ruling it out for now.”


kt comments:

Wankee Man must be worried China may bring peace to Ukraine, and stop the war which the Wankees wants, provokes and abets in its continuation so it can grow rich by supplying Ukraine and European nations with weapons, oil and other material, even unto endless deaths for Ukrainians and Russians.


  1. Continuous war also causes rising energy cost and hence increase business cost or reduce profit margin in Europe and as a result cause businesses to flee Europe which currently mainly fleeing to US and China. In other words economy downturn in Europe and improve economy in US (and China). Europe now can't buy gas from Russia and is paying 4 times the previous cost for supply of gas from US (The reason why US is the prime suspect for blasting the Nord Stream because US is the biggest beneficiary of the sabotage. Secondly when Russia asked for the investigation result to be disclosed Sweden couldn't implicate Russia and can only keep quiet not saying anything).

  2. A true peace plan works only if it can be fair to both sides.
    China is a Putin its a Bullshit peace plan, intended to cement Russian hegemony.

    Who is the one prolonging and pouring fuel into the fire ?
    Which country is the one which is firing hypersonic missiles into Ukraine ?

    1. Mfer, cab u reread/redress yr fart?

      Yes, one hand can't clap. But why only targeting the twisted fact of China is a Putin ally?

      Why don't u fart about yr uncle Sam is the master puppeteer of the Ukraine war?

      AGAIN, Who is the one prolonging and pouring fuel into the fire ?

      Right from yr idol's founding, wars have been beneficially to the economy of USofA.

      The same game is been repeated ad nauseam - selling weaponry HW & financing waring nations at the early stages of both WW I & II. Then at the later stages moving in for monetary kills by supporting the side that the Yankee Doodle can control & manipulate.

      Which country is the one which is firing hypersonic missiles into Ukraine ISN'T the cause of that humanitarianism lopsided war.

      Yankee's initiation of the constant agitations of a frustrated Putin is the true cause!

      But do u care?

    2. Who is the one prolonging and pouring fuel into the fire ?

      It's US and NATO lah, isn't it, stupid! If US and NATO do not supply financial and weapons to Ukraine, wouldn't the war would have been ended "moons" ago by Russia running over Kyiv and capturing the drama queen Volodymyr Zelensky!

      When that happen, US could have all the right reason to have a direct face to face war/fight with Russia like they did to Iraq instead of using Ukraine as a proxy if only they have the "guli" from the beginning!

    3. Knn listen to yourselves, bloody armchair critics. I live next door to these countries at war. The Ukrainians refugee flood is so sad to see. Rich businesses men and women who worked their whole lives building a nestegg- buy land farmers, property owners -for old age - ALL GONE, You think atmosphere work- banks are open for business?

      These refugees 90% Women and children, very few males. They come here set their families with Foster families and at least half of the women have returned to Ukraine to fight!!!! Behind the the lines support, hospital Nurses, etc foodpreps & munitions supplying to the front. Many also either join the fighting or are medics etc.
      My son is a paramedic in Scandinavia and he just returned from an aid convoy from Norway, bringing ambulances, Trucksloads of winterwear, blankets, gen-sets etc.
      Not for the soldiers but for the people in the cities.

    4. Why cry buckets only for Ukrainians ? what about the 1.4 million Iraqis killed when the US invaded the country on fake premise of WMD ? 37 million Muslims from Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen were displaced and many died trying to find refuge in other countries. Why no tears for these Muslims ? Ohh...I get it. They are not white and Christians.

    5. Blurred f*ck, what happened to the same happenstances occurring in Russia with the Donbass region & many a Russian speaking Ukrainian refugees?

      Learn to read between the lines from BOTH sides then use yr neurons for adaptive thinking - just for this score!

  3. The Biggest Terrorist of the World is hell bent for the war to continue to the last Ukrainian ! Remember a few months into the Ukraine conflict, the US is urging for China to "end the war in Ukraine" hahaha...we all know what that means...the US meant that China should sanction Russia, refuse to buy Russian energy, and to send weapons to Zelensky. China knows too well what will happen when Russia is destroyed....the US and NATO will come after China ! ( and in fact, all those nonsensical provocations about Xinjiang and Taiwan is a preparation to start a war to attack China ). So the US is prolonging the war and pouring fuel into the Ukraine fire. Also why stop when most of the money wind up into these politicians pockets and the MIC shares shoot up to stratosphere.

    The US is actually in deep shit and it is a struggle to even pay the annual interest on its 200 billion debt. Read Kris Kanthan's Why the US needs to destroy Russia and China :

  4. Oh shit...looks like the US attempt at Bretton Wood 3 is biting the dust, hahaha

  5. China peace plan- Today I support you- Next week you support me when I sailing and swallow Taiwan. Kowtim :)

    1. Obviously too much sweet-tooth sugar have addled your brain cells, if diabetes don't get you first :)) At the very least, know some history before showing off your ignorance. Why should Taiwan be 'swallowed' when most on the island indicated that they prefer the status quo. And China is not falling prey to the US warmongers who are hoping China will attack Taiwan, which by the way, is part of China.

      China's peace plan is a far sight much more stately and comprehensive to bring an end to the conflict in Ukraine and to warn the US, especially, to stop its bullying and rapacious greed in such an unscrupulous manner.
