
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Anwar sends letter of demand to Pendang MP

Anwar sends letter of demand to Pendang MP

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has sent a letter of demand to Pendang MP Awang Hashim over the latter’s remarks accusing the former of being more vindictive than Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In the letter dated today, Anwar demanded that Awang (photo above, left) retract his statements publicly, apologise without condition and promise not to repeat such defamatory allegations again.

“We have been instructed by our client (Anwar) to demand from you (Awang) as follows: the withdrawal of the defamatory words in the articles publicly, immediately and unequivocally and to retract all comments that are offensive and defamatory.

“An unconditional apology in the manner and form which will be approved by us as the legal counsel, to be published in newspapers and media of our counsel’s choice.

“And a written undertaking by you not to repeat any allegations or comments as in the defamatory words in the articles,” the letter from Anwar’s legal counsel SN Nair & Partners read.

Sankara N Nair

Anwar, through his lawyer, also demanded a substantive compensation cost from Awang for the damage caused to the prime minister’s reputation, as well as all legal costs arising from this matter.

“We await your response without any delay. If our client does not receive any satisfactory response within a period of three days from the date of the notice, our instructions are to start legal action against you,” the letter stated.

When contacted by Malaysiakini, Awang said he has yet to receive the letter and as such, declined to comment further.

On Feb 21, Awang reportedly accused Anwar of being more vindictive than the latter’s archnemesis Mahathir.

He was questioning the lack of prosecution on the littoral combat ship (LCS) scandal – a case that is linked to Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He brought this up to contrast with the corruption charges against Bersatu information chief Wan Saiful Wan Jan yesterday, calling it selective prosecution.

“If this is the start for the prime minister, he is the worst prime minister in Malaysia.

“Even Mahathir who was called cruel (zalim) was not like this. The prime minister’s vindictiveness is very strong and very vengeful,” said Awang, who is also a PAS central working committee member.

‘Untrue, burdensome’

In the letter of demand today, Sankara said his client stressed that the comments from Awang were untrue, burdensome, confusing and unreasonable and were of malicious intent.

It was also meant to denigrate Anwar in the eyes of the public at the national and international levels and expose the prime minister to the public’s hatred and insults.

The letter stated that Anwar had never interfered with the investigations of enforcement agencies in the country and as such, does not practise any selective prosecution as accused by Awang.

Anwar has also never instructed or interfered with the attorney-general’s jurisdiction to conduct any selective prosecution, the letter read.

1 comment:

  1. If Anwar wins, I hope this will not be another out of court settlement.

    Anwar should just sue the pants off Awang.
