
Thursday, November 24, 2022

What the future holds for Malaysia

What the future holds for Malaysia

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

By Arunasalam . P

Nov 23, 2022

Since the beginning of this year, rumours and speculations of when the general election will be held was circulating among the public.

As year end drew nearer, public anxiety grew and it could be felt everywhere, mainly triggered by demands from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s own party Umno and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s Perikatan Nasional (PN).to dissolve the parliament and hold snap polls.

Like his predecessors, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin, Ismail buckled under the pressure to dissolve parliament.

This despite pleas from the opposition Pakatan Harapan (PH) to complete full term till mid 2023.

Eventually, Ismail Sabri dissolved the parliament on Oct 10.

Since then, election fever got hotter and hotter.

Finally, the long awaited 15th General Election was held on Nov 19.

As many analysts forecasted no single party won a simple majority.

This created a climate of uncertainty.

All sorts of speculations and rumours spread like wildfire.

The two main rival coalitions Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Perikatan Nasional (PN) each claiming that they have the numbers to form the next government.

This further added to all sorts of speculations and gossips. The social media was at hyper speed churning out news and public opinions flooded the comments space. Rumour mills were spreading rumours and fake news.

PN was super fast as compared with PH to claim victory and announced that Muhyiddin is their PM candidate.

It appears that they were well prepared in advance with Statutory Declarations of MPs supporting Muhyiddin as PM.

Following this PH made claims that Anwar Ibrahim is their candidate for the PM post and it has the numbers to form the next government.

As the speculations became hotter, DYMM YDP Agong intervened and summoned the feuding parties for meetings. This matter is now in the hands of the Agong.

What is my take on the choice of next the government. It appears that DS Anwar Ibrahim would be the next Prime Minister and PH + coalition partners shall form the next government.

PH won 82 seats as compared to PN 73 seats, BN 30, GPS 22, GRS 6 and others 7.

So, this gives PH legitimacy and edge to form government with other coalition so as to cross the magic number 112 seats.

Both PH and PN are counting on GPS and GRS to form the next government.

GPS chief Abang Johari openly declared that both parties will support PN. Both these parties will implode and suffer infighting if they support PAS dominated PN.

I can’t fathom how on earth multi-racial racial GPS and GRS will embrace racial and the religious bigotry of PAS, which controlled PN.

Have they gone mad or what?

Their members and down line leaders will definitely disagree with Abang Johari and his minions.

PAS won the second highest number of seats, thus it will dominate PN government and control a lame duck Muhyiddin.

Besides this PN is a mono racial party and all MPs are Malays and this does not augur well for a multi-racial Malaysia.

PN will be doomed in a very short period…a party led by traitors, betrayers and racial and religious bigots and morons.

Now all eyes are on Umno dominated BN which won 30 seats, a far cry from its once dominant status in Malaysian politics.

BN is playing hide and seek like what it did after the collapse of PH government.

Frankly, BN should form the unity government with PH for the general good of beloved Malaysia. Hopefully they don’t join PN and destroy not only Malaysia but also BN.

Karma has no menu but one is served what he deserves goes the saying.

PN chief Muhyiddin was waving Statutory Declarations as did Anwar in the recent past.

Muhyiddin quickly forgot that SDs are not worth the paper it is printed.

The powers to appoint PM is in the hands of Agong under the Federal Constitution, which is the supreme law of the country.

Following the Perak Constitutional crisis case, it became standard norm that Agong is privileged to device his own strategy and mechanisms to appoint the prime minister.

The million dollars question is who will Agong appoint as Prime Minister. Two candidates have laid claim for the post – Anwar and Muhyiddin.

I firmly believe that Anwar should be the next PM given the following reasons

  • PH won the single most seats
  • Anwar has the required qualifications, public standing, experience and charisma to handle the job and govern Malaysia.
  • He was voted the outstanding Finance Minister during Mahathir era. A requirement urgently needed to improve the sliding economy and socio-economic situation.
  • He is well known internationally and this augurs well for foreign investment into Malaysia.
  • PH is a multi racial party and it will be the beacon of hope for strengthening racial unity, solidarity and patriotism in plural Malaysia.

Anwar, underwent miserable sufferings, pain , humiliation and imprisonments in his quest to make Malaysia a better country. Thus he should be given the opportunity to be PM.

Above all he is a genuine democrat and reformer. He will strengthen democracy and reform all relevant public institutions. Something that no earlier governments undertook.

All these credentials and many more makes him the best choice to be the next PM.

His challenger Muhyiddin stole power to self-installs himself as PM through the backdoor, thus earning the moniker as backdoor PM.

He betrayed not only PH but also PKR under which he won the Pagoh parliamentary seat.

If not for PH he could have been without a party and rotting away in the wilderness.

Just like Dr Mahathir, he cannot take pressure and did some unprecedented things like hiding from public, shy away from media and declared the unpopular and unwanted emergency rule under the pretext of eradicating Covid-19.

A coward who feared the ground swell against his illegal backdoor government.

Now, compare the above facts of the two candidates for PM, for sure your choice is as good as mine.

Anwar is PM 10 candidate par excellence.

Hopefully after the Rulers met tomorrow, our highly respected YDP Agong will announce that Anwar is the next PM and will duly appoint him on this Friday.

Arunasalam . P is a veteran trade unionist.


  1. our highly respected YDP Ah long ....wa kaka....took malaya football to abyss now Malu sial economy also same taraf like football status 140s ....Whoever has power is pointless.....its destiny cannot be reverse in 5, 10, 20, 30 years.....corruption is SYSTEMIC LLIKE RACISM....COLLAPSE MALU-SIAL THEN RESET TO 13 NEW NATION WITH DREAMS TO BE LIKE SINGAPORE IS STILL THE BEST OPTION.....KITA JAGA KITA MEANS LOOK AFTER YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR RACE AND ORANG ASLI....AVOID THE SUPREMACIST BIGOT RACE-RELIGION AT ALL COST!!

  2. I do believe Anwar will be appointed PM. It will reflect poorly on the royal institution to do otherwise.

    But beyond that, the rulers have to find a way to manage and control the bigotry promoted by PAS. It cannot be missed that PAS is already thinking the party need not listen to the rulers. Think the Don Obori event. Only PAS can commit derhaka against a Sultan and not be sanctioned.

    Even when Mahiaddin expressed his disagreement with the Agong's suggestion of a unity government, his (Mahiaddin's) arrogance and intransigence could be seen very clearly. Mahiaddin has been infected with the virus of PASeology; a very dangerous disease if not treated early.
