
Saturday, September 03, 2022

Blame Not Non-Bumis for Corruption Like You Did Devils and Women For Your Sins: An unsolicited advice for PAS

Hadi Awang. Photo credit FMT

By Mihar Dias
(C) Copyright August 2022

Ever since time immemorial, male chauvinists have blamed women for their own weaknesses. They say women tempted them instead of blaming their own inability to control their own urges.

They keep repeating that it was a woman, Eve that caused Adam to be banished to Earth. After all, wasn't Eve the one lured by the devil who tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit?

In more recent times they say it is women who dressed inappropriately that drives men to commit sexual crimes. To them, it has become a woman's responsibility to keep men in line.

But then again doesn't the Koran tell them that men ought to lower their gaze?

In the context of conduct and attire, the Holy Quran states: “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (avoiding its concentration on a person’s body, or a certain part of it) and to be mindful of their chastity; in this, they will be more considerate for their own well-being and purity, and surely God is fully aware of all that they do” (24: 30-31).

The Hadi-type from PAS must be reminded, as I too rightly ought to remind myself, that Allah (SWT) has warned us as men to be mindful of our conduct so do not blame external factors for our own weaknesses and shortcomings.

Now Ustaz Hadi Awang, another type of Malay-Islamic politician, is blaming non-Malays as being the root cause of corruption in the country. I beg to differ.

If PAS is still in the dark about corruption, allow me to remind them that it is a two-way street and it does not differentiate the parties by their race.

The giver and receiver could be from any racial background. It doesn't have to be just non-Bumiputera.

It could be anybody who falls into temptation because power corrupts and once you reach the position of our jailed former PM absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Even PAS office bearers too, as we are made to understand have been tempted by corruption.

However, some in your ranks do strongly adhere to Islamic teachings and do look away avoiding falling prey to temptation.

Anyway, every ethnic group is liable to fall prey to this menace. If Hadi must know it's greed, not race which is at the root of all corruption!

Greed is colour blind and so is corruption.

Let's not bring ethnicity into the conversation.

It might lead to unnecessary rifts or even serious conflicts between various multiracial groups in this country that have existed harmoniously for so long until insensitive politicians come on the scene to divide and rule us.

Let's wipe out corruption holistically now, by starting within PAS itself and be guided among others, perhaps by surah 24: 30-31 which calls on man to be more considerate for their own well-being and purity!

Mihar Dias is a content creator under the Newswav Creator programme, where you get to express yourself, be a citizen journalist, and at the same time monetize your content & reach millions of users on Newswav.

1 comment:

  1. Please people, Hadi knows that corruption knows no race or religion. Hadi is just doing what Hadi does best - blame everything on the nons simply because he knows he can get away with it.

    And we read of the stupid people in the PAS supporters wing who try to rationalise Hadi's words.

    He is the worst together with mahathir who think the nons are there to serve the ketuanans.

    Dont forget these two keeping harping about protecting the malay race and malay religion.

    Both subscribe to the notion that the Chinese and Indians are pendatangs foisted on the malays by the dastardly British.
