
Saturday, July 30, 2022

DAP’s musical chairs for the Malays

Another post from my "old" matey, Helen Ang who BTW hates both DAP and kaytee, wakakaka, but don't allow that to stop you from reading her masterpiece (obtained from The Mole)

DAP’s musical chairs for the Malays

Written by Syndicated News


July 28, 2022

“Human personalities must not be seen in pure black and white but in different shades of grey,” declared Lim Kit Siang in his July 18 media statement.

And we know that DAP strictly instructs its voter base on which tone – among the 50 shades of grey – any particular human personality is to be perceived.

“Every person is capable of change for the better, added Kit Siang in the same statement.

And we know too that DAP told its Chinese grassroots that Mahathir was “a changed man” and that he had indeed ubah for the better.

DAP lied.

In his follow-up statement three days later on July 21, Kit Siang said “there are Malaysians who cannot differentiate right from wrong and seem to regard corruption and the 1MDB scandal as something honourable”.

We know that DAP has arrogated itself the supreme arbiter of right and wrong in Malaysia, and 95 percent of the Chinese endorse the party’s moral judgment on rightness and wrongness.

According to Kit Siang, the ‘Malu Apa Bossku’ campaign is “promoting the immoral concept that political leaders need not have moral standards of honesty, probity, and accountability”.

In other words, Kit Siang is here implying that Najib is immoral, dishonest, corrupt and not being held accountable for his actions. Elsewhere Kit Siang has labeled Najib a “kleptocrat”.

Yet regardless, Kit Siang has repeatedly said he is willing to work with Najib.

So how, actually?

DAP views Malay leaders like musical chairs — can work with PAS, can work with KuLi (S46), can work with Anwar, can work with Mahathir, can work with Muhyiddin, can work with Shafie, can work with Najib, can work with Mahathir again …

This super flexibility of the evangelist party is practically Orwellian. DAP lurches from a bad-good-bad, all-in-one Malay leader to another like scenes from the dystopian novel 1984.

In the DAP game of musical chairs, one day PAS is a ‘friend’ and the next day the Islamist party and its president are mortal enemies; one day Mahathir is Gandalf the Grey and the next day he is Saruman the White.

DAP is always ‘changing’ — prepared to work with just anybody. The revolving door party has no fixed moral compass pointing true north.

But of course DAP will persuade the Chinese that it is only doing its dizzying u-turns “for the good of the country” and to Save Malaysia Baru Terbaru.

In fact, DAP can flip its political allegiance of the moment as easily as Pak Ramli flips a burger.

Case in point: DAP views Najib as a kleptocrat but was nonetheless willing to work with him in the run-up to GE14 (referring to Kit Siang’s 2016 offer) if such a cooperation could get DAP to Putrajaya in order for the evangelical party to Save Malaysia.

DAP still vehemently maintains that Najib is a kleptocrat but the party is nonetheless willing to work with the Umno-Najib faction post GE15 (referring to Kit Siang’s recent 2022 offer, and the ‘Morning After’ strategy indicated below by Anthony Loke) if such a cooperation could return DAP to Putrajaya in order for the evangelical party to Save Malaysia once more but with a caveat (only on Kit Siang’s condition that Najib first condemns “the 1MDB scandal”).

Yup, DAP will do anything to Save Malaysia.

The evangelical party has said a lot of damming things previously about Mahathir but DAP was nonetheless willing to work with the old man in 2018 because DAP needed a ‘horse’ to ride to Putrajaya in order for them to Save Malaysia together from Najib.

‘Bersih’ means DAP putting Mahathir through the laundry to cleanse him and remove past dirty stains.

Chinese in Malaysia are really colour-blind sheeple. Hence they need DAP to tell them whether to treat such-and-such current Malay leader as a white knight, a blackguard or someone fluctuating in the grey zone.

For earlier general elections, DAP chose to whiten Anwar’s reputation — telling the party’s Chinese base that Saudara Anwar is quite ubah-ed from the firebrand Islamist of his Abim days.

Then for the 2018 general election, DAP took on the formidable task of whitening Mahathir’s reputation among the Chinese community.

The talented DAP possesses a remarkable ability to gradient colour any object or subject so that its obedient party followers will behold the successfully rehabilitated Malay politician as someone yang sudah diBersih-sucikan.

Whereas DAP made Anwar and Mahathir look whiter and whiter in Chinese eyes, DAP at the same time made PAS look blacker and blacker in the same Chinese eyes.

When PAS was in Pakatan Rakyat in the late 2000s, the party appeared in the lightest shade of tinkling silver grey to the Chinese. At that time c.2008 and the 12th general election, DAP was working with PAS to Save Malaysia.

When Pakatan Rakyat morphed into Pakatan Harapan in the early 2010s, PAS assumed a darker shade of smoky grey in Chinese eyes. At that time c.2013 and the 13th general election, DAP was working with PAS to super Save Malaysia but having some years of troubled relationship behind both parties.

And after 2015 when PAS was kicked out of the opposition coalition, the Islamist party assumed a charcoal grey hue among 95 percent of Chinese lookers on.

Hence Kit Siang’s recent reminder that human personalities must be seen in different shades of grey or seen as white if DAP so dictates.

c.2018 and the 14th general election, DAP decided it did not need PAS any more to Save Malaysia as they’d already got Mahathir who suddenly became the Chinese’s shining knight on a flying horse.

DAP had helped the nonagenarian’s change of colour to white making PM2.0 as clean and pure as driven snow.

PAS on the other hand is now being viewed as black by the DAP and Dapsters.

So, for the coming polls, DAP is warning the Chinese that PAS poses a threat to our supposed secularism.

But this ostensible fear of PAS’s Islamic state does not seem to dampen the enthusiasm of DAP’s colourful non-Muslim women for wearing tudung.


  1. Helen Ang does not understand the critical difference between working together on policies in the National Interest as opposed to working together allied politically.

    That is crucial in a democracy.

    DAP was always willing to work together with UMNO and BN on policies that the DAP sees as in the National Interest.
    DAP has never been interested to work in a political alliance with BN.

    When BN first 2/3 majority in Parliament after May 8, 2008, Karpal Singh correctly pointed out that a government does not need 2/3 majority to govern.
    If BN had a proposal for a Constitutional amendment which was in the National Interest, DAP would be prepared to examine it properly and support it if it made sense.

    BN absolutely does not understand or accept that. As a result, the number of Constitutional amendments in Malaysia has dropped to Zero since 2008, because BN takes the absolutist position - My Way or its the Highway. That's the Authoritarian Government mentality of Barisan National, namely UMNO.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      What a find!

      "the critical difference between working together on policies in the National Interest as opposed to working together allied politically.

      That is crucial in a democracy."

      Mfer, reads back the original text of the Greek democracy doctrine!

    2. Maklum lah...the understanding of Democracy by Tiongkok and it's lackeys is totally F*cked Up

    3. Wakakaka…

      "totally F*cked Up"


      From a known-nothing dickhead when he himself admitted as in "Maklum lah".

  2. I believe Helen Ang is entitled to her views of the DAP. However, I fail to understand her obsession with calling the DAP an evangelical party.

    Did the DAP go round trying to Christianise anybody? It seems she has fallen in with the narrative that the DAP is an evangelical party. She let her hate for DAP to colour her views.

    What a pity because I stand with her criticism about the "elasticity" of the DAP's values.

    Certainly, I advocate LKS and son to retire so that the DAP can start anew.
