
Saturday, March 05, 2022

Zelensky railed against NATO for failing to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine


'All the people who die will die because of you'
Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images

More now from President Zelensky's address to the Ukrainian people on Friday evening.

Reportedly speaking from his office in Kyiv, Zelensky condemned Nato leaders' refusal on Friday to establish a no-fly-zone over his country.

Zelensky said: "All the people who die, starting today, will also die because of you. Because of your weakness, because of your disconnection."

He continued: "The Nato summit took place today. A weak summit. A confused summit. A summit that shows that not everyone considers the fight for freedom for Europe the number one goal.

"All the intelligence agencies of the Nato countries are well aware of the enemy's plans. They confirmed that Russia wants to continue the offensive.

"Nato has deliberately decided not to close the skies over Ukraine. Nato countries created a narrative that closing the skies over Ukraine would provoke Russia's direct aggression against Nato.

“This is the self-hypnosis of those who are weak, insecure inside, despite the fact they possess weapons many times stronger than we have."

Zelensky later addressed large protests taking place across Europe, telling demonstrators: "If Ukraine does not survive, the whole of Europe will not survive.

"If Ukraine falls, the whole of Europe will fall."


  1. Nobody wants to start World War III, which is what happens if Russian forces directly battle NATO forces.

    Ukraine needs to hang on, with their heroic courage, and NATO supplied missiles.

    Time is not on Russia's side in this invasion.

    Russia's highly competent professional armed forces is surprisingly small , and cannot sustain a long combat.
    The rest of the huge Russian armed forces is a poorly trained Soviet-era conscript army, which doesn't even know why the Fuck they are in Ukraine.

    Every morning the Ruble sinks another 10% - the magic of negative compound interest will destroy Russia's economy.

    There will be no Winnie The Pooh cavalry coming to rescue Putin.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      "Russia's highly competent professional armed forces is surprisingly small , and cannot sustain a long combat"

      Still game in parading yr know-nothing about the Russian army!

      No need to repeat. Go Google yrself for a read.

      Mfer, u don't seem to understand that the current low of the Rouble is the works of the wall street hedge fund vultures! There r many forward contracts in shorting the Rouble. If the Ukraine crisis prolongs, there will be bloodbaths amongst all these shorts! & these vultures would have their feather stripped clean if they don't force sell those shorts!

      Russia has maintained enough reserve to defense the Rouble. Besides, thanks no SWIFT blocking of Russian banks' which have dealings in oil/LNG, there r still many $ flowing in to top up that Russian reserve.

      The country earned about $63B from international oil and gas sales in the 3Q of 2021, the last period for which Bank of Russia figures are available.

      Yr uncle Sam is the biggest buyer of Russian oil & with Germany his largest LNG market!

      The US buys Russian oil in part to feed refineries that need different grades of crude with a higher sulfur content to make fuel at top capacities.


      "Every morning the Ruble sinks another 10% - the magic of negative compound interest will destroy Russia's economy"

      Know-nothing in FX mechanism too!

      BTW, while u r cursing the sustaining power of Russian economy, DONT forget to keep yr eyes on Djia & Nasdaq indices. The crash is coming.

  2. The Leftie Socialist Agenda,any of whom either endorse or acquiesce in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine is taking several obvious paths

    a) Demonise the Ukraine government and Ukrainian people. Labelling the Ukrainian Army as Nazis, when the reality is Ukraine has one of the largest remaining Jewish populations in Europe.

    b) Demonise NATO as the primary cause of the War, when NATO does not have a single combat soldier or aircraft in Ukraine.

    c) Divide Ukraine from the countries supporting it.

    d) Divide the International community, which has been overwhelmingly sympathetic to Ukraine.

    There must be really bizzare internal workings in a mindset that blames a war on non-combatant countries while the country that is the "Military operation" invading army gets excused and endorsed as being "forced to invade"

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Know-nothing farts on parade AGAIN.

      a) country with large Jewish population CAN'T be Nazis!

      Wow… before Hitler Nazified Germany, Germany had one of the largest remaining Jewish populations in Europe too.

      What give u that diarrhea?

      Mfer, check the atrocities of Azov Battalion of Ukraine. If it isn't a far right Nazis outfit then u r indeed a mfering saint!

      b) NATO is a military confederation setups to fight old SU & now Russia.

      The eastward expansion of NATO to encircle Russia is INDEED the real cause of the Ukraine crisis!

      Moreover, NATO & US have both promised not to recruit ex Warsaw pact nations into its fold & thus complete the encirclement of the Russia western & southern borders. These ex Warsaw nations r supposed to be neutral buffers between old NATO (1997) & Russia after the dissolution of SU!

      Mfer, does NATO needs combat soldier or aircraft in Ukraine to provoke Russia while breaking it's promise?

      c) wow… mfer u have it wrong again.

      The crisis has divided Russia from its traditional countries supporting it.

      d) before the crisis, the international communities r actually very critical to the Ukrainian nationalists atrocities in Donbass.

      Only a blurred & Nazis sympathiser would side with what Ukrainian nationalists have done in Donbass!


      "blames a war on non-combatant countries while the country that is the "Military operation" invading army gets excused and endorsed as being "forced to invade""

      Ain't u DIRECTLY looking at US for all his wars all-over the world since his foundation 250yr ago?

      Or u DON'T see!

  3. Ukraine, under the leadership of a former comedian, chose to be a chess piece in the US/NATO's geopolitical confrontation against Russia, has successfully " elevated " itself from a chess piece to a chessboard, wa ka ka ka

    After being led up a garden path, and now thrown to the wolf, Zelensky has only himself to blame, he cares only for himself and his family with the bribes and mansions given to him ( all stashed and situated outside of Ukraine ). Totally irresponsible to forbid Ukrainian males aged 16 - 60 to leave and are expected to take up arms when most wouldn't have fired a single shot in their lives.

    Shouts and rails as much as he would like, but the US had already gotten what it wanted when it engineered this crisis months ago. Nord Stream 2 is now completely dead as the Biden administration had wanted all along :

    The US also managed to get EU to up their military-budget spending and this is such sweet music to the US Military Industrial Complex and more money into the US politicians'

    Putin said his military operation is right on target and he had said again and again he has no quarrels with the Ukraine civilians and had no wish for massacres of the innocents the likes in Iraq and the Middle East as perpetrated by the US.

    Looks like Zelensky would have to resign and run off to Miami to enjoy his stash. However, he is making a last attempt..word now is that he is asking for a private meeting with Putin.

  4. This comedian turned lousai president is full of evil intent!

    No fly zone over Ukraine!

    With what?

    What he didn't mentioned is the deploying of the NATO airpower, fighter planes & surface to air missiles, to close the air space above Ukraine!

    Indirectly getting NATO to involve military into Russo-Ukrainian conflict - a pure violation of the NATO's declared non-intervention.

    His Orphic evil of expanding the crisis into WWIII when Russia airforce has not inflicted any heavy damages to the Ukrainians. Especially too, when Putin has clearly indicated his intention of deploying nuclear arsenal SHOULD NATO is getting involved directly.
