
Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Why the Eff-ing Double Standards, Europe and US?



  1. Not double standards for Europe to care a lot more about what is happening right at Europe's doorstep.

    As for USA, they have stood as the ultimate guarantor of Western Europe's security for 77 years.

    World War 1 and World War 2 grew out of Europe's conflicts. Twice in the 20th Century USA has had to bail out Europe with rivers of their blood and treasure after the whole house was on fire. That was how NATO was born.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Bloody mfering fart!

      Not double standards for Russia to care a lot more about what is happening right at Russia's doorstep!


      Russia has NO right to worry about his future under an enlarged NATO encirclement.

      During both WW US has always mined the sopo-economic advantages out from Europe!

      "ultimate guarantor of Western Europe's security for 77 years"

      "Twice in the 20th Century USA has had to bail out Europe with rivers of their blood and treasure after the whole house was on fire"

      R that what u have been told/learned in yr fscked WW his-story?

      How about in both WW the Yanks had been milking blood monies from selling the military HW to the warring European parties. Then when the recovering of the European war loans was jeopardised, the Yank had to getting involved with the parties that owned him the largest war loans in national bonds!


      Do u know the Yank played out pommie So that he could replaced the dominant positions of the UK, all-over the world, in military mights & $ position?

      Bet, u have never even touched those topics in yr bored daily readings of farts!

      Wakakakaka… 3X

      NATO was formed to further cement the ultimate taiko position of US in European soil. At the same time to establish a waring frontline far far away from Yankee soil if a possible real war happened between SU/Russia & the Yank!

  2. I am awe-struck by the courage of the Ukranians, outgunned and surrounded, fighting for their freedom and independence , in the face of invading Russian tanks , ballistic missiles and cluster Bombs.

    This is like The Alamo, Imphal
    Like Bukit Chandu, like Bukit Kepong,

    These Hypocrites and Putin admirers complaining about double-standards can go fly kites.

    1. Indeed u r "awe-struck by the courage of the Ukranians, outgunned and surrounded, fighting for their freedom and independence , in the face of invading Russian tanks , ballistic missiles and cluster Bombs".

      Bcoz u r ONLY indulging in western media propagandas!

      Same shits as in yr quoted "The Alamo, Imphal
      Like Bukit Chandu, like Bukit Kepong"!!!

      Do let yr kite flying high high in yr wet dream, mfer.
