
Friday, March 25, 2022

Pi mampoi lu lebai hard-up cradle snatchers

Loh challenges kids’ conversion, says ex-hubby legally unfit

Loh Siew Hong wants an order of certiorari to quash the registration of conversion dated July 7, 2020 issued by the Perlis Registrar of Mualaf.

KUALA LUMPUR: A single mother, who last month obtained custody of her three minor children from the Perlis religious authorities, is now seeking a declaration that her ex-husband was legally unfit to convert them to Islam.

Loh Siew Hong is also asking for a declaration that a provision in the Perlis state enactment that allows for a parent to unilaterally convert minor children is unconstitutional.

She also wants a declaration that her twin daughters aged, 13, and son, aged 10, are of the Hindu faith.

In her judicial review application, filed by Messrs Srimurugan & Co at the High Court registry here this afternoon, Loh said as minors they were legally incapable to embrace Islam without her consent.

She has named the Registrar of Mualaf, the Religious and Malay Customs Council of Perlis, state mufti Asri Zainul Abidin and the state government as respondents.

Loh also wants an order of certiorari to quash the registration of conversion dated July 7, 2020 issued by the registrar.

She also wants any official registration that her children had embraced Islam to be removed from the records of the authorities.

The names of the children can no longer be identified due to a gag order issued by the High Court here last week against the publication of the names and photos of Loh’s children.

This includes the Muslim names the children took following their conversion with the consent of their biological father in 2020.

On Feb 21, High Court judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah granted Loh’s habeas corpus application to regain custody of her three children from preacher Nazirah Nanthakumari Abdullah.

Loh contended that she had obtained a civil court order giving her custody, care and control of her three children.

Loh claimed she came to know that her children were placed under Nazirah’s care and alleged that Nazirah refused to let her meet them.

Her latest suit came about after the council, on March 10, via an email, informed her lawyers that the children were converted to Islam last year.

Loh will be represented by a team of three lawyers – A Srimurugan, Shamsher Singh Thind and J Gunamalar.

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