
Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Huge convoy of Russian armour advancing on Ukraine's capital Kyiv


Huge convoy of Russian armour advancing on Ukraine's capital Kyiv

Posted at 11:2311:23

Russian convoy 'stretches up to 40 miles'

Satellite imagery company Maxar Technology says that earlier reports indicating the column of Russian armour advancing on Kyiv is 17 miles (27km) long are inaccurate.

The convoy actually stretches about 40 miles, according to Maxar.

The company added that new images also show ground troops and attack helicopters in southern Belarus, less than 20 miles from the Ukraine border.


  1. Big Russian Bully invading a weak neighbor Ukraine.
    The Leftie hypocrites like Palani Ramasamy and Chandra Muzaffar are saying Russia has a Right to invade its neighbour. ...podah...

    Anyway ...Ukraine will likely fall in the next few days or weeks...then the Resistance begins.
    A lot of Russian soldiers will never see Mother Russia again.

    The Ruble yesterday dropped by 30%, the Russian Central bank has lost access to its US Dollar, Euro, Pound and Yen foreign reserves.

    Watch Russia go bankrupt in the next few months....and don't come and cry about Russian hardship in the Cold Russian winter. ....the solution is SOOO simple...get out of Ukraine.

    1. Mfer, u better pray hard that those promised anti tank rockets, from those NATO nations, can reach Ukraine in time for the defensive use.

      But judging from the fact that the eastern Ukraine air space has been under Russia airforce coverage, any fast movement of heavy artilleries would be through land.

      Ukraine land areas east of Dnieper river would be in Russian hands soon.

      Russia might have lost the leverages of those banned foreign currencies, but there r other means as past failed sanctions have been proven ineffective. Many countries play open supports of US-backed sanctions. But indirectly bypassing those restrictions to sustain the social economic needs of the country.

      But a very cold winter for Europe, fast rising inflation in US & world wheat shortages would crumple many nations food supply. These would be the real & biting Russia retaliations!

    2. Ukraine people don't deserve to be at war, however the Ukraine is allowing itself to become a puppet of the USA. Who hasn't listened for decades. I'm surprised Putin hasn't directed nukes at every single member state of NATO. By their own logic, a single member state under attack is an attack on every other member. NATO is threatening Russias borders. So Russia after decades of complaining about this should just nuke them all. He's been patient enough. Don't be a puppet and expect puppet treatment. Comedian obviously should have studied history not law, Gorbachev was promised no encroachment of NATO he should have known not to mess with that one. And the USA withdrew from a specific treaty. Nukes were needed to end ww2, looks like USA only wants to respond to nukes to reduce it's attitude. My whole life this hasn't been sorted. Just nuke the USA, the mwjority of the rest of the world will totally understand it

    3. The World we will be seeing regarding this war in Ukraine is entirely the Western World and their media.

      Look at the coverage on the Ukraine crisis. A huge major Disinformation Campaign against Russia is mounted. However, when contrary viewpoints and accusations of abuse with indisputable evidence emerged, then some of their media will have no choice but to also report in order to " be viewed as being balanced" but as always, such reports will be concluded with a justification for the perpetrators.

      The Western media and the associated social network platforms are blatantly censoring EVERYTHING that doesn't suit their narrative.

      For instance - A US Nuclear Submarine was only 156 km off the Coast of Odessa, which was one of the reasons why Putin went on a Nuclear Deterrent. WAS THIS REPORTED or MENTIONED ANYWHERE ? It was mentioned in a single small paragraph on a French website and then one hour later, it was REMOVED.

    4. To get the US to keep its words or to honour any agreement/treaty signed is like the proverbial scorpion who just simply couldn't resist biting the frog even if its own life is at stake. It's the nature of the beast. Look what happened when the whole NATO thing started during Gorbachev's rule...he was openly stabbed in the back by the US and he retired from power in bitter regret.

      There was a critical tussle after the fall of the Berlin Wall...whether a reunified Germany would be aligned with the US+NATO, or with the Soviet Union+the Warsaw Pact. Or Neither.

      In 1990, US leaders made an offer to the Soviets....then Secretary of State, James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation on Germany, the US could make an "iron-clad guarantee" that NATO would not expand "one inch eastward". President Gorbachev finally acceded to this deal, on the basis that the US would limit NATO's expansion.

      But as internal memos and notes revealed, US policy makers soon realized that ruling out NATO's expansion might not be in the best interests of the United States. The upshot to this matter was that Bush and his advisors had decided to " leave the door open", talking about how the US will sought to  have " a new inclusive Europe". Therefore, it is not surprising that Russia was incensed when Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Baltic states and others were ushered into NATO membership starting in the mid 1990s.

      Boris Yelstin, Dmitry Medvedev and Gorbachev himself protested, both publicly and through private channels, that US leaders had violated the non-expansion arrangement. Through it all, the West, as expected, vigorously protested that no such deal was ever struck.

      In hindsight, Europe's stability critically depends on the West's willingness to reassure Russia about NATO's limit. Ukraine's crisis today is brought about by the US overweening need for dominance and the collapse of the Soviet Union emboldened it. Do not blame Putin. He was spurned every which way by the US and his patience had run out. The US-led NATO had crossed the Russian red line. This war is exactly what the US wanted. 

    5. Good luck to Putin's cronies using Fax and Telext to compete in the year 2022...

      Ruble fell again.... soon it will be "Rubble" ....wakakaka..

  2. Ganyang those USA puppets in Ukraine. Off with their heads. Long live Russia!

    Just nuke the USA, yellow stone will do, the whole of the world will understand why


    Sanctions threaten Russia with banking collapse and drastic drop in living standards, undermining Putin’s power.

    Putin can have his Syiok-Sendiri victory over Kyiv, but Russia faces economic collapse.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Keep to parading yr know-nothingness. Otherwise, u would have NOTHING to say!

      Argentina has seen her Peso collapses under multiple waves of US manipulations. Has Argentina collapses under that economic threat?

      Ditto Venezuela economy.

      Oooop… u can keep to yr Syiok-Sendiri victory over Russia faces economic collapse. It's very real in yr wet dream!

  5. The last time in the 13th Century Moskva was the underling of Beijing , at the time called Kambalu , the seat of the Yuan Dynasty, and the Rus were the slaves of the Golden Horde.

    Today, Putin has again steered Rus towards complete dependency on Beijing.

    The smart move would have been to steer his nation between China and the West, gaining from good relations with both.

    But Putin chose his crazed path of action to rape his neighbour Ukraine.
    Even traditionally Russia-friendly Germany cannot tahan, and has agreed to the toughest sanctions applied on any country in modern history.

    This is going to make the sanctions Iraq under Saddam Hussein faced look like a picnic.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "The last time in the 13th Century Moskva was the underling of Beijing , at the time called Kambalu , the seat of the Yuan Dynasty, and the Rus were the slaves of the Golden Horde."

      What a f*cked his-story!

      When the Mongol horsemen roamed the European Steppes, the Slavs were just tribal outfits with NO modern nationhood configurations.

      It was only under the political concept of the Grandprince of Kiyv that the Slav nationalities started to ferment.


      "traditionally Russia-friendly German"!!??

      Wow… wow…

      Another piece of fabricated history from yr fart filled well.

      Celtic, Latin, Germanic are all part of the same "western" half. Slavic is part of the "Eastern" half along with the Indo-Iranian languages.

      In short these East & West Europeans were blood enemies since stone age!

  6. Ah just nuke US, Israel and be done with it.. After that closed all gas and supplies to Europe.. See who collapses 1st.. 😂
