
Monday, February 28, 2022

War in Ukraine: Battle reaches the outskirts of Kyiv

War in Ukraine: Battle reaches the outskirts of Kyiv

THE Russian and Ukrainian governments yesterday signalled an openness to negotiations even as authorities in Kyiv urged citizens to help defend the capital from advancing Russian forces in the worst European security crisis in decades.

Ukraine and Russia will consult in coming hours on a time and place for talks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s spokesman Sergii Nykyforov said on social media, offering the first glimmer of hope for diplomacy since the invasion began.

The Kremlin said earlier it offered to meet in the Belarusian capital Minsk after Ukraine expressed a willingness to discuss declaring itself a neutral country, but that Ukraine had proposed Warsaw as the venue. That, according to Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov, resulted in a “pause” in contacts.

“Ukraine was and remains ready to talk about a ceasefire and peace,” Nykyforov said in a post on Facebook. “We agreed to the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation.”

But US State Department spokesman Ned Price said Russia’s offer was an attempt to conduct diplomacy “at the barrel of a gun”, and that President Vladimir Putin’s military must stop bombing Ukraine if it was serious about negotiations.

The diplomatic overtures stood in stark contrast to events unfolding on the ground and Putin’s harsh rhetoric against Ukrainian leaders, including a call for a coup by the country’s military.

Kyiv residents were told by the defence ministry to make petrol bombs to repel the invaders, and on Friday evening witnesses reported hearing artillery rounds and intense gunfire from the western part of the city.

Zelenskiy filmed himself with aides on the streets of the capital, vowing to defend Ukraine’s independence.

Some families cowered in shelters after Kyiv was pounded on Thursday night by Russian missiles. Others tried desperately to get on packed trains headed west, some of the hundreds of thousands who have left their homes to find safety, according to the United Nations’ aid chief.

After weeks of warnings from Western leaders, Putin unleashed a three-pronged invasion of Ukraine from the north, east and south on Thursday, in an attack that threatened to upend Europe’s post-Cold War order.

“I once again appeal to the military personnel of the armed forces of Ukraine: do not allow neo-Nazis and (Ukrainian radical nationalists) to use your children, wives and elders as human shields,” Putin said at a televised meeting with Russia’s Security Council on Friday. “Take power into your own hands.”

Putin has cited the need to “de-Nazi-fy” Ukraine’s leadership as one of his main reasons for invasion, accusing it of genocide against Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine. Kyiv and its Western allies dismiss the accusations as baseless propaganda.

The US imposed sanctions on Putin, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, defense minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of general staff Valery Gerasimov. The European Union and Britain earlier froze any assets Putin and Lavrov held in their territory. Canada took similar steps.

However, the steady ramping-up of economic restrictions has not deterred Putin.

Moscow said on Friday it had captured the Hostomel airfield northwest of the capital – a potential staging post for an assault on Kyiv that has been fought over since Russian paratroopers landed there in the first hours of the war. This could not be confirmed and Ukrainian authorities reported heavy fighting there.


  1. The Russian Army has been on the outskirts of Kiev for three days, but they haven't been able to breakthrough.

    #StandWithUkraine is the highest volume hashtag in the world right now.

    "Saint Javelin"...wakaka..the image of Mary Magdeline holding a Javeline missile launcher has become the symbol of Ukrainian freedom and resistance.

    The Javelins rip open Russian Main Battle Tanks like sardine cans.

    Kill more Russian invaders !

  2. Brave and lethal though the Ukrainian forces resistance to the Russian invasion is, ultimately it will fail. It may take weeks , it may take months, but the Russian Army will take Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities.

    There is a growing debate in Washington - do we do a "Charlie Wilson" on the Russians in Ukraine ? Look up "Charlie Wilson" in Search engines, and you will know the background.

    Russian occupying invaders and their Quislings could end up seeing a Stinger under every tree, a Javelin behind every bush, and Ukraine has millions of trees and bushes.

    The last time the Wankees tried it , it succeeded brilliantly, but it didn't end well,

    Hence the debate in Washington.....

  3. A question.

    Why the large number of the Russian forces r not moving in quickly to overrun those targeted Ukraine locations.

    Ain't the western presses have been splashing those hundreds of thousands Russian armies stationed at the borders.

    Either those Russian armies r roaming chickens or Putin has a different aim.

    If Putin wants to play rough&tough as claimed by the western propagandas, Ukraine would havr been swamped by the 'invading' Russian bears by now!

    The meagre defending ability of the Ukrainian forces is no match to Russian fire power & number, despite what the western propagandas keep upstaging the heroic 'fighting' spirit of the scattered Ukrainian militia!

    Putin has mentioned multiple times for the armed Ukrainians to lay down their weapons & go home. He has NO intention to kill Ukrainians, who share tye same Slav bloodlines. Thus the limited hip-hop helicopter attacking forces & blowing up of Ukrainian military installations. Putin intends for limited Ukrainian civilian/military casualties!

    The limited Russian military assaults within Ukrainian soil & Putin's willingness to talk DOESN'T imply that the Russian armies r facing strong resistances & the Putin administration is worried about the ongoing & strengthening sanctions imposed on Russia gas the western presses want the world to believe.

    If the sporadic resistances persist in targeted Ukraine locations, Putin might want to unleash the eagered Chechen armies onto Ukraine.

    Judging from the long blood feuds of the Chechen vis-a-vis the nationalist Ukraine, the killing field WOULD once again been displayed in the European soil.

    The formation of the Ukraine foreign legionaries in fighting for Ukraine is interpreted by the Russian as a NATO masqueraded military force fighting in Ukraine.

    This is the Redline Putin has warned the US/NATO such that if NATO is getting involved then Putin would have NO hesitation to use nuclear armory!

    Putin ONLY wants a compromise in the form of the final settlement aka the Cuban crisis - SU remoted the Cuban missile installation, the US removed his Turkey missile installation.

    Braise for a possible WWIII if neither engaging warring parties CARES about the future of humanity!

  4. Russia has a small hard core of a highly trained and superbly equipped army.
    Emphasis on the word "small" .

    The rest of the Russian Army consists of minimally trained conscripts armed with near obsolete Soviet era equipment.

    The small highly trained cadre will not be able to defeat Ukraine on its own, especially as the fighting drags into days , weeks or even months, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces is still standing, stlll fighting.

    The other much larger numbers of the Russian Army have a much more evenly matched fight when they take on the Ukrainian Army.
    The ambushed Russian convoys, the burnt out Russian( tanks and dead Russian soldiers that Ukrainian troops are sharing on-line are mostly from this not-particularly-competent Russian conscript army.
    No doubt the CIA is giving the Ukrainians all the intelligence one where to hit the vulnerable Russian supply chain.
    Armchair generals talk about strategy and weapons, real generals worry about ...diesel and ammunition. Tanks are just sardine cans when they run out of diesel.

    The longer Ukraine stands fighting, the nastier things get for Putin.
    If this becomes another Pansjir valley for Putin, he won't survive.

    When things get hairy, even Winnie the Pooh won't be able to rescue Putin.

  5. Wakakakakaka…

    "small" !!!

    Wow… wow… so game-fully in parading yr know-nothingness!

    There are other elite units, such as the paratroopers' 45th Guards Independent Reconnaissance Regiment and the Federal Security Service's Al'fa antiterrorist teams, the Spetsnaz remains the primary elite military unit in Russia. At present, there are as many as 17,000 active Spetsnaz!


    Why would Winnie the Pooh - the UK original, be able to rescue Ukraine with its fart. It's in disarrayed & drunk with the partygate!
