
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thomas doesn’t want his ‘wrongdoings’ aired in court, says Najib

Thomas doesn’t want his ‘wrongdoings’ aired in court, says Najib

Najib Razak claims Tommy Thomas had prejudged his cases before making a decision to charge him, and also interfered in the investigations.

KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime minister Najib Razak claims that Tommy Thomas’ move to strike out his 1MDB malicious prosecution lawsuit is an attempt to prevent the “wrongdoings” of the former attorney-general from being aired in court.

He said Thomas stated that the Federal Constitution principles of “all persons are equal before the law and entitled to equal protection of the law” did not apply to himself as far as the prosecutions against him (Najib) were concerned.

“Am I not afforded equal protection as other Malaysians?

“The facts I rely upon are contained in my affidavit and will be aired in court,” he said in a short statement to object to Thomas’ striking out bid.

In moving the High Court to strike out Najib’s civil action, Thomas said in November last year that the former prime minister’s lawsuit against him and the government, alleging misfeasance in public office over the 1MDB-related charges, was filed for “political reasons”.

He added that it was “for use in the campaign leading up to the Melaka elections and the next general election”.

“The four criminal cases against Najib are still pending in the High Court and Najib remains an accused person,” Thomas said.

He also said Najib’s lawsuit had no cause of action as his claim was vague and without particulars.

Najib had filed the suit against Thomas and the government, claiming that the 1MDB-related charges against him were “part of a long-planned, premeditated exercise”.

He also claimed that Thomas had prejudged his cases before making a decision to charge him, and also interfered in the investigations.

Najib is seeking RM1.94 million in damages.

He alleged that Thomas, who was attorney-general from June 4, 2018 to Feb 28, 2020, carried out his duties “in line with the plans” of the then Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

Thomas was appointed after PH won the 14th general election and formed the government, with Dr Mahathir Mohamad assuming the post of prime minister for a second time.

The government — which is named as co-defendant — and Thomas seek to strike out Najib’s suit on the grounds that it is frivolous, vexatious and an abuse of the court process.


  1. There is nothing malicious about the prosecution of Najib.
    It is backed by solid evidence that has been derived from investigations in 3 continents.

    We must not forget the crimes committed by Malaysian Official 1.

  2. Say what you like, we must give credit to Najib for being able to freely move like an innocent man and seemingly being seen more favourably by the rakyat.

    The SRC case and his conviction seems forgotten and that he stands accused in the 1MDB case looks unimportant.

    I find that he seems able to not only say the right things but say about the right things too. And these do influence the rakyat.

  3. All it shows is Najib is an excellent hypocrite.
