
Monday, January 31, 2022

Huawei takes Sweden to court following 5G ban

Huawei takes Sweden to court following 5G ban

The move by Stockholm has significantly harmed the company’s investment in the country, notes the firm

Following the UK in mid-2020, Sweden became the second country in Europe and the first in the European Union to explicitly ban network operators from using Huawei equipment in the buildup of the infrastructure needed to run its 5G network. – AFP pic, January 31, 2022

STOCKHOLM – Huawei said yesterday it has initiated arbitration proceedings against Sweden under the World Bank Group after the Nordic country banned the Chinese tech giant from rolling out its 5G products.

“The Swedish authorities’ decision to discriminate against Huawei and exclude it from the 5G roll-out has significantly harmed Huawei’s investment in Sweden, in breach of Sweden’s international obligations,” the Chinese company said in a statement to AFP.

The company had therefore “initiated arbitration proceedings” under the World Bank Group’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes “against the Kingdom of Sweden following a number of measures taken by the Swedish authorities targeting directly Huawei’s investments in Sweden and excluding Huawei from the roll-out of 5G network products and services in the country”, Huawei added.

Huawei did not specify what damages it was seeking, but according to public broadcaster SVT, the initial sum sought was 5.2 billion Swedish kroner (RM2.3 billion), but it could end up being much higher.

Following the UK in mid-2020, Sweden became the second country in Europe and the first in the European Union to explicitly ban network operators from using Huawei equipment in the buildup of the infrastructure needed to run its 5G network.

Sweden also ordered Huawei to remove already installed equipment by January 1, 2025.

After an appeal from Huawei a Swedish court confirmed the decision by Sweden’s Post and Telecom Authority in June 2021.

The decision strained relations between Sweden and China, with Beijing at the time warning that PTS’ decision could have “consequences” for the Scandinavian country’s companies in China, prompting Swedish telecom giant and Huawei competitor Ericsson to fear retaliation. – AFP, January 31, 2022


  1. Wakakaka..
    Sweden, a "DemoNcratic" Country has Rule of Law, with an independent judiciary. Huawei has a good opportunity to have their case heard fairly and impartially by Sweden's Court system.

    Not so if the tables are turned, for a foreign company which may have been unfairly treated by the People's Republic of China, has ZERO chance of getting justice in China vi's the Communist Government.

    1. isn't Ericsson operating in China whilst Huawei has been banned by Sweden???

    2. Wakakakaka…

      The devil is allowing the enemy to thrive in its territory. Meanwhile the demoNcratic operator is scared shit to allow it's devil to roam its field!

      An argument that's long been ignored by these mfering spurious liberals!


      China's non-independent judicial system.
      You have to be either dumb or a CCP accolyte to believe the People's Republic of China has proper Rule of Law, and an independent judiciary.

    4. Similarly, u have to be either dumb or a demoNcratic accolyte to believe that the 'liberal' West have proper Rule of Law, and an independent judiciary!

      Go search Julian Assange. Edward Snowdon about the abuse of individual rights!

      Ooop… don't forget that famous vial of white washing powder used as a tool of invasion!

      Better still, go & see for YRSELF - seeing is believing - before u r farting using 2nd handed fabricated info!

      But would u?

    5. White arse licker Monster obviously doesn't understand ( or pura pura tak faham ) a word in that article by KJ Noh recently posted here, so meticulously spelled out the the blatant lawlessness in that land of the unfree and unbrave - Ameri~KKK~a !

      Maybe this little short video will stir something in his monstrous heart stuffed full of white shit propaganda lies :

      What Is A CIA Black Site ?

      AmeriKKKan indepedent judiciary ? Watch and don't puke.

    6. Wakakaka....CCP Arse lickers have no talking points other than Hentam United States habis-habis without logic..

      USA is not even a distant party in this dispute.

      Sweden is not a close USA ally, not a member of NATO, not a member of any intelligence sharing alliance with USA, not even a close trading partner of USA.
      Sweden only loosely coordinates with NATO on defence matters because of its geographical proximity to the threat from Russia. China is not even in the picture, defence-wise.

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      So u r game to prove yr know-nothingness about Scandinavian geopolitics!

      Right! Sweden only loosely coordinates with NATO on defence matters. So too Denmark.

      & what has Denmark done to please her Yankee Doodle taiko in helping to eavesdropping on the EU & UK govt officers & relaying those Info's to USofA?

      What's in the pact of Scandinavian abang-adikism?

      WHY only enact a ban after the Yankee gave a shout? Those Swedes have NO mind of their own!

      Ooop… Sweden is playing taiko-ish to protect Ericsson in 5G rollout in her home ground. & yet China is literally open to allow all&sundry to compete in China turf!

      Who's who in yr mfering definition of free competition?
