
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Zakir Naik at his WORST again as before

Zakir Naik cautions Muslims against joining Christmas festivities, gets brickbats instead!

WHILE everyone is still reeling after devastating flood hit parts of Peninsula Malaysia, controversial Islamic preacher Dr Zakir Naik posted a word of caution for Muslims as Christians were celebrating Christmas.

In photo caption posted in his Facebook page, Zakir quoted a verse under a book called Majmoo Al Fataawa, where an Islamic cleric named Shaikh Ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah was said to have forbade Muslims from participating in non-Muslim festivals.

In the image, Zakir’s picture was superimposed in front of a Christmas tree. However, netizens were unimpressed with the preacher’s views and shot back at him.

User Jiang Chua said:

User Ariff Zaman echoed Chua’s sentiments, adding:

Netizen Aleysius Raymond Juda had a cheeky retort, showing a caption of Yang di-Pertuan Agong and his consort wishing Christians during Christmas Day.

Zakir is wanted by the Indian Government on money laundering charges. Despite several attempts in 2018 and 2019 by Indian authorities to get him to return, then Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had refused to repatriate the Islamic preacher.

On that note, user Fadlullah Wilmot chastised Zakir for his narrow interpretation of Islamic teachings when more qualified Islamic scholars had worked hard to bridge the divide between people of all faiths.

Did you help flood victims, Zakir?

Netizen Azizul Rahim had a sharp retort against Zakir, saying:

On related matters, Global Human Rights Federation president S Shashi Kumar told FocusM that Zakir had actually posted another message on Facebook, which he had swiftly removed earlier today following brickbats from the public.


The post published by Zakir Naik yesterday before being removed following uproar

“I don’t know how many of you had seen the posting by Zakir Naik on Christmas Eve. During these difficult times, where COVID-19 cases are rising and Malaysians are hit by floods, people came together to help each other regardless of race and religion.

“But Zakir has all the time in the world to post such nonsense during this tough time. Did he go down to the ground to help the flood victims? What a loser,” he remarked. – Dec 26, 2021.


  1. Almost all countries, Malaysia included, have laws providing for foreign nationals who have carried out undesirable activities to be deported, including non-citizen permanent residents.

    It is way past the time that this foreigner spreading his toxin in Malaysia gets sent back to whatever country that he holds his passport.

    1. Unfortunately, our kerajaan allah WILL NEVER send this religious bigot and trouble maker back to India or anywhere he wants.

      This religious idiot knows he is well protected and loves Malaysia deep deep.

      It is also because of fools like father and son, Lims who angkat bodek the old buffoon and had not uttered a whimper even when he (old buffoon) refused to send the religious bigot back to India.

      But make no mistake, this religious bigot will continue to pour oil to the fire of religious hatred.

      And we let him!!!
