
Thursday, December 02, 2021

Why AAB was wrongfully undermined when he was PM

AAB, who suffered from Apnoea, was wrongly and unjustifiably mocked, sneered at and condemned by Mahathir as 'Sleepy Head' and various other insulting appellation. It was a sad story of sheer cruel and evil Atuk-victimisation of AAB who didn't obey him (the Atuk).

Lung Foundation Australia explains:

People who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) reduce or stop their breathing for short periods while sleeping. This can happen many times during the night. These breathing stoppages interrupt sleep which results in poor sleep quality with excessive sleepiness during the day.

Because these events occur during sleep, a person suffering from OSA is usually unaware of them and is often the last one to know what is happening.

In deep sleep, the muscles of the throat relax and this may reduce the space at the back of the tongue, through which air must pass to reach the lungs. Normally this doesn’t cause any problems with breathing. In OSA, however, complete relaxation of the throat muscles may cause blockage of the upper airway so that breathing stops temporarily. Such an episode is called an apnoea. During an apnoea, people with OSA make constant efforts to breathe through their obstructed airway. With no passage of air into the lungs, the blood oxygen level begins to fall. This signals the brain to rouse the person from deep relaxed sleep so that the muscle tone returns, the upper airway reopens and breathing begins again.

Unfortunately, when a person with OSA falls back into deep sleep, the muscles again relax and the cycle repeats itself again and again overnight. In OSA, the apnoeas can last for ten or more seconds and the cycle of apnoeas and broken sleep is repeated hundreds of times per night in severe cases. Most sufferers are unaware of their disrupted sleep but awaken unrefreshed, feeling tired and needing more sleep.

Mind, not that AAB had been lily-white but at least he was not a megalomaniac, but alas, he was hounded to kingdom come by Mahathir.

After reading the late Rehman Rashid's last published book 'Peninsula', we learnt Mahathir selected AAB as his successor because he thought Pak lah would NOT release Anwar Ibrahim.

Yes, that Evil Old Man selected AAB as his successor on the ridiculous basis that he believed (erroneously) Pak Lah would NOT release Anwar Ibrahim from prison, such was his hatred for DSAI. You cloud virtually visualise toxic venom dripping from his jowls and fangs.

Straits Times:

Malay unity move a bid to block Anwar Ibrahim from becoming PM: Sources

KUALA LUMPUR - Recent calls for Malay parties from both sides of the aisle to unite and defend the majority community's rights are part of a plot to thwart veteran leader Anwar Ibrahim from becoming Malaysia's next prime minister, several sources have told The Straits Times.

Datuk Seri Anwar heads Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), the largest party in the four-member Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition. The other members of the ruling coalition are the largely Chinese Democratic Action Party (DAP), Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) and moderate Islamic party Parti Amanah Negara (PAN).

Mr Anwar is meant to take over the reins from Tun Dr Mahathir before the next general election, due by 2023, under a succession plan agreed by PH last year.

But sources say a plan has been hatched to block his path.

The calls for Malay parties to unite have come from opposition party Umno, which has formed a pact with Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS), but Umno's invitation has only been extended to PPBM, and a group of MPs from PKR not aligned to Mr Anwar.

Traces of the plan surfaced on Tuesday (Oct 15) when PH issued a statement denouncing Umno MP Hishammuddin Hussein for trying to mastermind a Malay unity government by courting PPBM and PKR, and excluding DAP and PAN from the administration. Datuk Seri Hishammuddin denied the claim.

But sources in both the government and opposition say former defence minister Hishammuddin is just a scapegoat for the move, which has been coordinated by Malay lawmakers from both sides.

A key marker of the plan was the Malay Dignity Congress on Oct 6.

ST understands that former minister Hamzah Zainuddin got the ball rolling on the congress, together with several other MPs who, like him, had defected to PPBM from Umno last year.

About 10,000 people, mostly students from the four government-controlled universities who organised the congress, were in attendance to see Dr Mahathir and several ministers including PKR deputy president Azmin Ali stand shoulder-to-shoulder with top Malay opposition figures including PAS president Hadi Awang and Umno secretary general Annuar Musa.

Noticeably absent from the event was Mr Anwar, despite his Malay-led PKR forming the largest party in Parliament with 50 seats.

But when Pak Lah released Anwar, Mahathir was absolutely furious. That must have been the last straw for him to decide to oust AAB from the PM position. He used the crooked bridge and various other issues to wallop AAB because he couldn't well have said he wanted AAB to go because AAB released Anwar.

Such has been the Wickedness of the Old Man that he deposed AAB through his evil machinations in UMNO, all because Pak Lah did the decent things like releasing Anwar from wrongful imprisonment and also apologising to Tun Abas Saleh for his even more wrongful sacking.


  1. AAB undermined himself when, instead of committing to reforms that people were hungry for after long years of Mahathir, AAB continued to be hew to UMNO's Race Supremacist line.

    The 2008 tsunami resulted.

    UMNO never learnt the lesson
    2018 resulted.

    UMNO STILL has not learnt the lesson, especially after the speed and ease with which it brought down the Harapan Goverment.

  2. The good thing is that the irrelevant old idiot is not for long on mother earth.
