
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kedah's 4D kerfuffle enters Malacca banner war

Kedah's 4D kerfuffle enters Malacca banner war

MALACCA POLLS | Kedah's decision to stop renewing licences for number betting shops crept into the ongoing Malacca election banner war.

Numerous banners in Chinese have sprouted in Malacca town beside electioneering banners, prominently featuring the logos of three betting companies.

Two of the logos were incorporated into the message to represent Chinese words that are phonetically similar.

The horse logo was combined with another word to form "horse ticket" (betting slip) while the "Toto" logo is phonetically similar to the Chinese word for "many".

The message, decrypted for clarity, reads as follows: "For the sake of 4D, (you) must all vote".

Unlike regular electioneering banners, this banner on the number betting controversy does not carry the name of the printer or owner, as required by law.

The colours and motif do not signal a relationship to any of the three main coalitions participating in the election.

Kedah's decision to stop renewing business licences for number-betting outlets was made mid-way through the Malacca campaign. However, it has not featured prominently in election messaging.

However, a straw poll of voters on the topic has shown negative sentiments toward Kedah's policy and Perikatan Nasional, because Kedah is ruled by PN component party PAS.

A voter in Kampung Machap Baru, who wishes to be known only as Ah Boon, told Malaysiakini people who frequent his shop discuss the policy and have apprehensions about PAS.

"People don't like (the policy). They don't want PN because of PAS," he said.

Another voter, who wished to be known only as Tai, found PAS' messaging to be very repulsive.

"They keep saying 'no alcohol'. No '4D shop'. It's really 
extreme," he said.

A voter, who wishes to be known only as Nizam from Durian Tunggal, said he too did not like the policy because he believed that there were underlying political intentions.

"I am a Muslim. But I'm sorry (to say) that they (PAS) are using religion. They are worse than Umno. We are a multi-cultural society. How can they say: 'ban this, ban that'.

"It's extreme," he said.


  1. So many interesting "revelations" on the ongoing 1MDB case but Jibby is gallivanting in Melaka campaigning like nobody's business. Why is the Judge giving the accused (Jibby) so much leeway?

    Any 1MDB director who said ‘no’ to Najib would likely have to quit, ex-director tells court
    Thursday, 18 Nov 2021

    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 18 — Any directors of the government-owned 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) would probably have to give up their positions if they had said “no” to what the prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak wanted, the High Court heard today.

    Tan Sri Ismee Ismail, a former director in 1MDB, today appeared to suggest that 1MDB board members would not be able to disagree with Najib’s request.

    Ismee was testifying as the 13th prosecution witness in Najib’s trial involving money laundering and power abuse charges in relation to more than RM2 billion of funds misappropriated from 1MDB.

    Lead prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram today zoomed in on the 1MDB board’s September 26, 2009 meeting, where Low Taek Jho — popularly known as Jho Low and seen by Ismee as Najib’s adviser for 1MDB — was present and had handed over his handphone to 1MDB chairman Tan Sri Mohd Bakke Salleh.

    Yesterday, Ismee said Bakke had then informed everyone at the meeting that “PM call” and left to take the call, and that Bakke had returned several minutes later and informed the board that he had just spoke to Najib who wanted the board to speed up its decision on a proposed joint venture with PetroSaudi International Ltd (PSI).

    Despite having only been shown the proposal paper for the 1MDB-PSI joint venture idea just days earlier in a September 18, 2009 1MDB board meeting, the 1MDB directors had at the September 26 meeting agreed to approve the joint venture despite reservations and despite having wanted more studies to be carried out first, Ismee had said yesterday....

    1. wakakaka, how eagerly you accept the prosecution witness' statements as the truth

    2. My issue is why Jibby is not in court.

    3. Well, KT has time and again proven how eagerly he accepts Najib's statements as the truth.

    4. Even though so many of Najib's statements about 1MDB when he was PM have been proven to be blatant lies.

  2. As I say to PAS, "please continue to implement policies that negatively affect the other races. Perhaps, the next time, PAS should ban the burning of offerings to the dead on the excuse it will pollute the air".

    And starting with the Melaka election, the voters will send their message at the ballot to these idiots.

  3. how PN ally MCA tap dance away from 4D issue...."nothing to do with BN"... except MCA is in bed with PN
