
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Malaysia expresses concern over AUKUS deal


Malaysia expresses concern over AUKUS deal

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob received a call from his Australian counterpart about AUKUS. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 18 — Malaysia has expressed its concern that the security partnership involving Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, known as AUKUS, could potentially spark a nuclear arms race in the Indo-Pacific region.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), in a statement today, said this stand was conveyed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who had taken note of the matter.

At the same time, it was feared that the move would provoke other powers to also act aggressively in the region, especially in the South China Sea.

“As a member nation of Asean, Malaysia subscribes to the principle of maintaining Asean as a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN),” the statement said.

The PMO said Ismail Sabri had received a telephone call from Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday informing and explaining to Malaysia the AUKUS deal, which is aimed at helping Australia to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.

Ismail Sabri also stressed the importance of respecting and abiding by the existing stands of Malaysia on nuclear-powered submarines operating in the country’s waters, including under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) and the Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (SEANWFZ).

The two leaders, the statement said, also reached agreement on renewing their joint commitment to maintain international peace and security, especially in the Indo-Pacific region.

“The Malaysian Prime Minister urged all quarters to avoid any provocation and arms race in this region, apart from stressing the importance of respecting and abiding by existing stands and approaches.

“Malaysia and Australia agreed to strengthen cooperation and consultation in various aspects, including in the area of defence under the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership,” the PMO said. — Bernama


  1. 5000 yo Bully always Lecture and Pontificate, but they Bikin Tak Serupa Cakap.

    "We Don't Interfere with other countries, what they choose to do is none of our concern".

    Nobody objected to Bullyland building nuklear submarines or their base in Hainan Island, because it is their business and their territory.

    So did Oz say they will build their subs on Paracel Islands? Ha ha ha..

    As KT like to say.....STFU.

    Aukus: China denounces US-UK-Australia pact as irresponsible

    China has criticised a historic security pact between the US, UK and Australia, describing it as "extremely irresponsible" and "narrow-minded".

    The deal will see the US and UK give Australia the technology to build nuclear-powered submarines for the first time.

    It is being widely viewed as an effort to counter China's influence in the contested South China Sea.

    The region has been a flashpoint for years and tensions there remain high.

    Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the alliance risked "severely damaging regional peace... and intensifying the arms race".

    He criticised what he called "the obsolete Cold War... mentality" and warned the three countries were "hurting their own interests".

    Chinese state media carried similar editorials denouncing the pact, and one in the Global Times newspaper said Australia had now "turned itself into an adversary of China".

    The US is sharing its submarine technology for the first time in 60 years, having previously only shared it with the UK.

    It means Australia will be able to build nuclear-powered submarines that are faster and harder to detect than conventionally powered fleets. They can stay submerged for months and shoot missiles longer distances - although Australia says it has no intention of putting nuclear weapons on them.

    The new partnership, under the name Aukus, was announced in a joint virtual press conference between US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.

    1. Blurred mfer, u r truly f*cked in yr head.

      There is an international agreement known as Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons where yr uncle Sam, auntie pommie, the mad dingo etc etc have signed!

      Helping a country (Oz) to build nuclear submarine IS a violation of that treaty by Yankee & pommie.

      Mfer, siapa tu cakap tak serupa bikin?

      Or is it yr f*cked understatement of "Interfere with other countries"!

  2. EU should oso STFU, during the Cold War none of the European (NATO) countries "consulted" with Oz on how many nuklear missiles they should base in their countries and where the missiles should be pointed to in the USSR/Rusia.

    So why should Oz consult with them now about "Asian Cold War". Will NATO come to Oz Rescue if attacked?

    And didn't EU tell Britannia...."Get Lost, Up Yours, You're On Your Own" after Brexit?

    And does 500 yo Bully need EU permission to share technology with Oz? Didn't they share technology with NATO countries during the European Cold War? Now for Oz tak boleh share?

    As for Frenchie they have some reason to complain but first they need to apologize for all the nuklear bombs they exploded in the South Pacific from the 1960s till the 1990s, despite strong protests from ANZ.

    French Nuklear technology is based on all the scientific data that was collected, today they have nuklear weapons (including submarine based missiles) and 50 reactors for power generation. But the radiation shit they left behind for ANZ to suffer.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      How many EU member countries have nuclear missiles based in their home ground?

      Besides UK & France having their own aging nuclear stockpikes, all others r having NONE stayed or built within their backyard. Not even yr uncle Sam is allowed to station his nuclear toys in all those vassalized bases all-over EU!

      "And does 500 yo Bully need EU permission to share technology with Oz?"

      The definite answer is YES -

      1) been a member of NATO & operating under that stupidious Article 5 — Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.

      2) as a signee of The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

      So can u STFU?

  3. In 1995 Frenchie conducted nuklear testing in Mururoa South Pacific to develop their own submarine based nuklear missiles. This was despite strong opposition from ANZ but Frenchie simply ignored them. After so many nuklear bombs they collected all the data and built their submarine missiles....

    The battle continues, 50 years after first test at Mururoa
    4 July 2016
    Jamie Tahana, Journalist

    On July 2, 1966 the calm of French Polynesia's Mururoa atoll was shattered by an explosion of unbelievable force. Within a second, the azure tropical sky flashed bright orange, and was ruptured by a towering radioactive cloud that mushroomed into the atmosphere; the placid lagoon was stirred into a tempestuous cauldron, while the coconut trees on the white sand islets were bent by the sheer force of the nuclear explosion.

    "It's beautiful," said President Charles de Gaulle at the sight of the first of France's 193 nuclear tests in the South Pacific. But for French Polynesia and many of its people, the fallout from decades of nuclear weapons testing is still being dealt with 50 years after the first test.

    The explosion from a French nuclear test at Mururoa in French Polynesia. France conducted 193 tests between 1966 and 1996.The explosion from a French nuclear test at Mururoa in French Polynesia. France conducted 193 tests between 1966 and 1996....

    ...A moratorium was eventually placed on nuclear testing, but that was lifted by president Jacques Chirac in 1995 so France could try out a new warhead for submarines, a decision that was deplored by Australia, New Zealand, Japan, other Pacific countries, and many of France's European allies. In French Polynesia, the decision angered many Tahitians, and riots in the capital, Papeete, caused millions of dollars worth of damage and saw the airport terminal burned down. Mr Chirac ended nuclear testing in the Pacific in 1996.

    In 1995, the announcement by France that it would resume nuclear testing in French Polynesia sparked the Tahiti riots. They caused millions of dollars worth of damage. In 1995, the announcement by France that it would resume nuclear testing in French Polynesia sparked the Tahiti riots. They caused millions of dollars worth of damage...

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Talk about nuclear testings in Polynesia by the France!

      Blurred mfer, what's yr fart about similar nuclear testings on Marshall Islands by USofA?

      Tongue tied?

      BTW, France has stopped all nuclear testings in Polynesia since Jan 1996.

      Meanwhile yr uncle Sam is still dumping nuclear toxic wastes around Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands!

    2. Marshall Islands testing was between 1946-1958. Completed LONG before NPT first came into force in 1970.

  4. Not The First Time Ambassadors Get Recalled Over Nuklear Issues.

    24 June 1995

    Australia recalled its ambassador Friday in its strongest response yet to France's decision to resume nuclear weapons tests in French Polynesia. A growing number of countries are demanding that newly elected President Jacques Chirac cancel the eight tests underneath Mururoa Atoll beginning in September. The Australian government, under pressure to step up its opposition to France's controversial decision, also announced it would ban visits by French naval ships and aircraft.

    France recalls ambassador to Australia

    PARIS, Aug. 1, 1995 -- France Tuesday recalled its ambassador to Australia to protest 'discriminatory measures' taken because of Paris' decision to resume nuclear testing in the South Pacific. The government charged that Australia, 'for political reasons,' barred the French company Dassault Aviation from bidding for a $377 million defense contract to replace Australian training aircraft. A Foreign Ministry statement also alleged that French warships 'are suffering major delays in Australian ports' and that mail deliveries to the French Embassy in Canberra have been blocked since July 14. It further accused Australian authorities of twice deliberately withholding the French diplomatic bag from the embassy, 'contrary to the Vienna convention.' As a result of these 'discriminatory measures,' France recalled its ambassador 'for consultations,' the statement said. It said Australian Ambassador Alan Brown had also been summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Paris to receive a protest. Brown recently returned to Paris after being recalled by Canberra two months ago to protest France's decision to resume nuclear tests in the South Pacific.

    1. Wakakakakakam

      In 1995, Australia recalled its ambassador in its strongest response yet to France's decision to resume nuclear weapons tests in French Polynesia.

      How come Oz didn't release even a fart when US done the nuclear tests on bikini atoll?

      How come Oz keeps to itself w/o a fart when US continuously dumping nuclear waste around Kwajalein Atoll?

      Dog wouldn't bark against its master, right?

    2. Marshall islands testing was completed long before NPT came into effect in 1970. Marshall is part of USA and is closer to highly populated Hawaii than Australia.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Marshall Islands were made part of the United Nations Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands under jurisdiction of the United States in 1947.

      Blurred mfer, the natives of many of a Micronesia want independence & yet yr uncle Sam pertinaciously refused till this days!

      Yr uncle Sam used those atolls as nuclear testing grounds. Now many r still radioactively toxic & unsuitable for the natives to return! Many othets r still been used as missile (nuclear) testing grounds as in the The U.S. Army's Reagan Test Site (RTS), located approximately 2,300 miles west southwest of Hawaii on Kwajalein Atoll. Many other isolated atolls r also been used to store nuclear toxic/industrial wastes shipped from US mainland.

      Nuclear fallouts DON'T count distance! So proximity isn't an excuse. Especially there r displaced natives!

      Ain't they human to deserve a protesting voice from Oz, which r the guarding dog in that part of the world?

      Blurred mfer, let me suggest u to "brighten up" yr daily bored routine by exploring the despicable lives of the Marshallese natives living on the Ebeye Island. These Marshallese r ferried daily to serve those US personnel on the Reagan Test Site.

      The living conditions on Ever island r worst than the current downtown Detroit while those residences on the Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll is a replica of Beverly Hill!

  5. Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) is essentially dead.

    The People's Republic of China claims the entire South China Sea as its sovereign territory.

    So Zopfan is essentially Bullshit now.

    1. Where did u read "The People's Republic of China claims the entire South China Sea as its sovereign territory"?

      From yr fart filled well, no?

  6. Malaysians could well have ended up saluting the Red Flag or speaking Bahasa Indonesia, if not for Aussie troops putting their lives on the line during the Emergency and the Konfrontasi.

    The Race and Religion Supremacists, and the China fanboys may have forgotten that moral debt, but I haven't.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "Aussie troops putting their lives on the line during the Emergency and the Konfrontasi"


      How many mati katak during the Emergency and the Konfrontasi?

      U have not read about how the pommie/dingo soldiers behaved during the Japanese occupation of Malaya!

    2. I have certainly read about the many Koreans massacred by China's People's Liberation Army.

      It's one of the reasons South Korea remains firmly a Yankee ally.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Don't just say with yr f*cking lie!

      Where's the beef in "many Koreans massacred by China's People's Liberation Army"?

      Ooop… during the Korean war!

      But what about those millions of Chinese voluntary personnel killed in that war?

      No… no… no… yr fart filled well his-story NEVER mentions any such casualties!

  7. To the now 2-gang member of the WhiteCock Sucker Club, namely TongSampah and Monstrosity, best to heed this quote by Abraham Lincoln :

    "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt"

    But it is very doubtful these fools would heed the good advice by Abraham Lincoln. Well, be prepared to have all doubts of willful stupidity of this 2-gang Ignoramus removed by our indubitable CK ! Haha
