
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Israel continues to rob Palestinian land

NST Leader: Abraham Accord

A Palestinian activist attaches a sign to the Swiss flag, at the newly erected camp dubbed the United Nations camp where the flags of the countries that oppose illegal settlements will be raised, near the Israeli settlement of Ariel, west of the occupied-West Bank town of Salfit. -AFP PIC

The Abraham Accord, yet another attempt by the United States at hastening Zionist colonialism in Palestine, just turned one on Wednesday but is already a dead letter.

There are few reasons for this. But first a word on the diction of "Abraham". Duplicity is at work here. Historically, the Arabs and the Jews are cousins, being descendants of Prophet Abraham's two sons, Ismail and Isaac.

But this history is being distorted by the Zionists and their partners in crime, the American evangelists, to create a Greater Israel on Arab land. Sadly, some Arabs have fallen for this. Their final aim is to legitimise Zionist settler colonialism.

Not all Jews are cousins of the Arabs, and most certainly the European settler Jews are not. The invocation of Abraham isn't a Trumpian innovation, writes Joseph Massad in the Middle East Eye. He is right.

Other presidents have spun similar narratives. Here is what then US president Jimmy Carter said when hosting then Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and then Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin at the Camp David Accords: "Let us now lay aside war. Let us now reward all the children of Abraham who hunger for a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Let us now enjoy the adventure of becoming fully human, fully neighbours, even brothers and sisters." Forty-two years on, the children of Ismail are still hungering to become fully human.

Now, the first reason why the accord is as good as dead. Trump and his Zionist son-in-law Jared Kushner, the two initiators of the pact, no longer have the power of their office to push the pact through. As one Middle Eastern analyst points out, an accord that depends on individual leaders is like a mansion built on shifting desert sands. Here today, gone tomorrow.

The Trump-Kushner promise of four million jobs and US$1 trillion in economic activities for Arab countries that normalise relations with the Zionist regime remains just that, not only an unfulfilled promise but one that can't be fulfilled.

Finally, the Abraham Accord is a failure because the hoped for biggest catch — Saudi Arabia — continues to remain outside the accord. And the hope is it will remain outside it.

Meanwhile, Israel's murder and mayhem continue unhindered. Benjamin Netanyahu may be gone, but in his place is Naftali Bennett, whose hatred for Arabs is an open secret in the Middle East. Here is a man who says the creation of a Palestinian state is suicide for Israel.

Never mind that the creation of Israel is suicide for Palestine. Bennett's dream is to turn every square foot of Palestine into Israel. Upon being elected Israel's prime minister, Bennett was quoted by Reuters as saying: "The building momentum (of illegal settlements on Palestinian land) must not be stopped, not even for a second."

The US doesn't even have the pretence of being disturbed by such statements. Nay, it even encourages Zionist colonialism, caring very little about what international law says about settler colonialism. But here is the thing. Zionists have many enemies within the Jewish community.

Most Jews, the Orthodox Jews most certainly, have been waging a war against Zionist movements since it was conceived in the 19th century. To non-Zionist Jews, Palestine belongs to Palestinians, not the Jews. If only Arabs had half this enthusiasm to defend their homeland. As it turns out, it is one big if.


  1. Arabs occupy 99.5% of Middle East land. From Morocco in Western Sahara to Iraq in the East. Jews only ask for 0.5%, the size of Perak.

    But Arabs still want to wipe out the Jews; where will they live? Is this what Islam teaches? Bully Bully Bully.

    Prophet Ibrahim must be very sad.

    Nah, see the map:

    1. Another truly f*cked viewpoint!

      The Arabs r up in the throat of the Jews, lands grabbed r just one of the provoking factor.

      The biggest agitating culprit is the holier-than-thy attitude of the Zionists.

      In the same manner as in yr exhibited eugenic lies!

  2. Arabs so keen to kick out Jews for Muslim Palestinians but offer no help to their fellow Muslim Kurds get their homeland stolen by Iraq, Turkey.

    1. I can see why you've been considered as quite idiotic, wakakaka. Iraqis and Turks are nearly 100% Muslims whilst there are lots of Christians amongst the Kurds lah, dumbo, wakakaka again

    2. Whether the Kurds are mono-religious is a side matter.

      The hypocrisy of the Arab and Turkey governments is exposed kaw-kaw.
      The Kurds have been punished just for speaking their language.

    3. This blurred mfer, only know how to do c&p from headline reading!

      Anything else r rxclysive accessories to its f*cked mind.

    4. Monster, elaborate a bit more on Iraqi-Turkish hypocrisy - what? how?

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      Remember how I requested u NOT to ban this blurred mfer's rampaging c&p farts?

      I laid a trap for this know-nothing syiok-sendiri dickhead to continue its parade of stupidity for ALL to see!

      It works! Perfect to the nth!

      The funniest part IS it doesn't seem to know & persistently going on about its f*cked displays!

    6. There are more Christian Palestinians than Christian Kurds, but Arabs fight only for Palestinian homeland but not Kurdish homeland. Ever wonder why?

      Another History Lesson:
      Most Kurds are Sunni Muslims who adhere to the Shafiʽi school, while a significant minority adhere to the Hanafi school. Moreover, many Shafi'i Kurds adhere to either one of the two Sufi orders Naqshbandi and Qadiriyya.

      Beside Sunni Islam, Alevism and Shia Islam also have millions of Kurdish followers. Other religions with significant Kurdish adherents are Yarsanism and Yazidism.

      In recent years, a growing number of Kurds have converted to Zoroastrianism.
      Kurdish Religions
      The most widely practiced Kurdish religion is Islam. According to a 2011 study conducted by the Pew Research Center, nearly all (98%) Kurds in Iraq identified as Sunni Muslim, while the other 2% identified as Shiite Muslims. The study noted that a small minority identified as neither Sunni nor Shiite. These Kurds prescribe to a number of religions, including a small percent who practice Christianity and Judaism, and speak Aramaic, the language that many scholars belive to have been spoken by Jesus Christ. Other religions in Kurdistan include Judaism, Babaism, Yezidism, and Yazdanism, which includes sects such as Yarsanism, and Alevism

  3. Here is the answer to the question. Why Muslims fight for Palestinian but not Kurdish homeland.

    Why does the global Muslim ummah stay silent about Kurdistan while they agitate for Palestine? The reason is simple. In Palestine’s case, the rival side is Israel, a Jewish entity that is considered hostile by the Muslim world. But in Kurdistan, it is a Muslim versus Muslim conundrum. The global Muslim silence over Kurdistan and agitation over Palestine have a single root: religious tribalism. This fact alarmingly pollutes the altruist shades of their support to the Palestinian cause.

    1. Blurred mfering tong sampah DO u unruly understand "religious tribalism"?

      If so, what's yr fart?

      If not, then do more of yr c&p farts from those unreliable (mis)info sources to earn more laughs!

      Ooop… DON'T forget to check WHY Russia is fighting Ukraine even those they share the same Eastern Orthodox Christianity!

    2. Rusia's fight with Ukraine has nothing to do with religion. They fight becos Rusia want Crimea (which they annexed in 2014, like Bully annexed Tibet in 1950).

      Controlling Crimea gives Rusia port access (Sevastopol) to the warm Black Sea and henceforth the even warmer Mediterranean. No need to go via the freezing Baltic or Artic Sea.

      And some joker want Rusia to mediate Israel-Palestine ha ha ha....Rusia is the biggest Annexer Of All, they sapu-ed all the minor Soviet States after the World Wars, fortunately the USSR broke up in 1989, they even tried to control Afghanistan but got kicked out.

    3. Bullshit. Crimea belongs to Russia since 1783, but under the USSR the province was INTERNALLY transferred to Ukrainian hands for the purpose of commonality in produce, etc, but it was still Russian property - jangan tembak lah

    4. Same Bullshit Back to You Too ha ha ha….

      Russia formally recognized Crimea as part of Ukraine in 1994, AFTER the breakup of Soviet states in 1991. Then in 2014 Rusia can simply gostan their mind and annex? No wonder Rusia got kicked out of G8, now become G7.

      With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Crimea became part of the newly independent Ukraine and its status was upgraded to Autonomous Republic. Independence was supported by a referendum in all regions of Ukrainian SSR, including Crimea. 54% of the Crimean voters supported independence with a 60% turnout (in Sevastopol 57% supported independence). The percentage of the total Crimean electorate that had voted for Ukrainian independence in the referendum was 37%. In 1994, the legal status of Crimea as part of Ukraine was backed up by Russia, who pledged to uphold the territorial integrity of Ukraine in a memorandum signed in 1994, also signed by the US and UK.

    5. In fact Ukraine built the ship that was to become Bullyland’s Liaoning aircraft carrier back in 1985, when Ukraine was under the Soviets. It was to be based from Crimea as part of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. The size and sneaky classification of the ship was such that it was allowed to pass through the narrow channel leading to the Mediterranean Sea. But after Rusia formally GAVE UP Ukraine (including Crimea) in 1994, Rusia had to “share” their Black Sea Fleet with Ukraine (joint command). The ship became surplus and was sold to Bullyland in 1998 via mysterious middlemen.

      Now after the 2014 annexation of Crimea, Rusia Rampas Balik Full Control of the Black Sea Fleet and kicked out all the Ukrainian commanders and sailors.

      Originally laid down in 1985 for the Soviet Navy as the Kuznetsov-class aircraft cruiser Riga, she was launched on 4 December 1988 and renamed Varyag in 1990. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, construction was halted and the ship was put up for sale by Ukraine. The stripped hulk was purchased in 1998 and towed to the Dalian naval shipyard in northeast China.

      The Kuznetsov-class ships were originally designated by the Soviet Navy as "heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser". In addition to aircraft, the ships were designed to carry P-700 Granit anti-ship cruise missiles that also form the main armament of the Kirov-class battlecruisers. This multirole capability allowed the ships to avoid classification as aircraft carriers, thus allowing them to pass through the Turkish Straits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Under the Montreux Convention, aircraft carriers larger than 15,000 tons are not permitted to pass through the Straits, but there is no displacement limit on other types of capital ship from Black Sea powers.

    6. Blurred mfer, using our f*cked reasoning on "Why does the global Muslim ummah stay silent about Kurdistan while they agitate for Palestine?" - purely on Muslim ummah ground (religion, right?) then yr equally f*cked argument of "Rusia's fight with Ukraine has nothing to do with religion" wouldn't stand on itself!

      Kurdistan encompasses land & sovereignty issue of multiple nations currently 'owing' the lands that the Kurdish want to claim for nationhood! A replica copy of the creation of the Jewish state of Israel!

      Any parties that put a f*cking hand there WOULD rightly creating a warring mess that absolutely NOBODY of sane mind would want to get involved.

      Neither would yr uncle Sam of demoNcratic world policeman fame wants to get involved. Besides, who r the Kurdish to the Yankee vis-a-vis the Zionist Jews?

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      So simple a f*cked his-story of Crimea vis-a-vis Ukraine/Russia!

      More so from an unreliable & mostly fraudulent info of one wikipedia!

      BTW, would u ever quoted Russian wikipedia if there is a Cyrillic version of the Crimea story?

      Don't read Cyrillic isn't an excuse. Just say u r bloodily selective lah!

  4. Today, 30-45 million Kurds live in Turkey (11.4 million out of 73 million population, or 16%), Iraq (17%), Iran (8%) and Syria (9%), in a "country of dash-lines" ha ha ha)" they call Kurdistan.

    Kurds are the forgotten refugees of the world, without a homeland. But Muslims all over the world close their eyes to their plight.

    Even the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) side with the Turks and Iraqis who oppress and side-line the Kurds.

    And those who blindly sapot the Palestinian cause but are ignorant about the Kurdish one have been manipulated and TIPU-ed Kaw Kaw like Gullible Guppies.

    The Palestinian cause is nothing but a racist and religious one, focussing on the elimination of the Jewish State of Israel and Judaism from all Middle East. Israel ask for only 0.5% of all Middle East land, rocks and sand with no oil or water, the Arabs can keep 99.5% and all the oil. That oso cannot. Want to RAMPAS the 0.5%

    The Anglo Saxons have Britannia, Australia etc, the Chinese have China, the Yindians have Yindia, the Yapanese have Yapan, the Turks have Turkey, the Arabs have 99.5% of the Middle East, the Persians have Iran, the Malays have Malay-sia etc etc etc.

    What would the Jews have if not Israel? If Israel gets wiped out where will the Jews go to?

    1. So in yr f*cked understandings of world geopolitics, just create another battle ground so the Kurdish could have their own Kurdistan?

      On who's backyard?

      Israel is an abomination created out of the spurious bleeding-heartish fart of the WASP nations, & forcing it down the throats of the Arab nations.

      The biblical origin of the Jewish state is just the convenient excuse to flush out a racial problem that the WASPs were not readily to accept within their societal folds.

      Size, religion diversity, race r just yr easy picks of mixed bag of f*cked logics.

      U shout bullies/bullying here & there, yet deep down u r just a clueless mfer, gung-ho-lly to fart with lies, twisted-truths & outwardly fabrications as to brighten up yr boring daily routines!

  5. Actually that would be a good question to ask.

    If the Jews must pack up and leave Israel and the land is given to the Palestinians then where would the Jews go to and call home?

    Anyone care to answer?

    1. Poland, Russia, Ukraine, where they came from

    2. Go back to where they came from… the same logik for Malaysian Chinese and Yindians? The Ketuanan Bumiputra line… that KT always hentam Toonsie about….now KT same same as Toonsie….. slide down slippery slope...ha ha ha……

    3. We must create a home in our world for everyone, especially the minorities. Rohingyas, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Aborigines, Native Indians etc etc.

      There are only 15 million Jews worldwide, only 0.2% of global population. By comparison there are nearly 2 BILLION Muslims. Why do they want to wipe out this tiny population?

      Poor Jews will have no home if not for Israel.

      Living in most other countries, over thousands of years they were persecuted, culminating in the Holocaust.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      For a start, USofA can house all of the Israeli (the muslim Arabs, too) currently living in that tiny troubled stripe of land.

      Or get the Oz to absorb all those Jews from Israel!

      Both have enough empty land masses for that tiny population of Israel. The number of Israeli could add more vibrancy to a society with their business creativeness.

      Better still, forever cure that bleeding-heartish guilt of the WASPs about that overhanding Jewish genocide under Nazis Germany!

    5. Another blurred fart of illogicality, created out from a sicked mind!

      "Go back to where they came from… the same logik for Malaysian Chinese and Yindians? The Ketuanan Bumiputra line…"

      Israel was ARTIFICIALLY created by yr auntie pommie basing on the Zionist claim of biblical origin. So the originality of the ancient Jewish state built on a faith source is truly pathetically to say the least.

      Chinese m'sian & Indian m'sian were the result of FREE movement of human to seek where opportunities lie! It's a common & natural phenomenon of human migration - then, when the border of nationality wasn't well established & now, when the state birders r well confirmed!

      If u buy the f*ck of the ketuanan freak, say so. Don't twist it into yr f*cked argument.

      Go shout to the ketuanan freaks to go back to where they come from too.

      Pariah aneh!
