
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Continuous eff-ups in the US' foreign forays from Bush to Biden

Headline from FocusMalaysia:

From Bush to Biden: One war, four US presidents on Afghanistan

Apart from borrowing above FocusMalaysia's headlines, I don't propose to follow its narrative but rather, blog myself on what and how I have seen the sorry affair of yet another arrogant reckless US invasion and occupation of a foreign sovereign nation just to depose that nation's leader (usually by assassination or execution) who the US didn't find useful anymore to its interests (usually a leader with whom the US had collaborated earlier), as the Yanks had done previously in Iraq (Saddam Hussein), Vietnam (Ngo Dinh Diem), Panama (Manuel Noriega).

The US invasion of Afghanistan, as with the invasion of Iraq, was initiated by a Republican President, its withdrawal from Afghanistan announced by another Republican President, but alas for poor old Joe, the final shameful retreat implemented by a Democrat.

In other words poor Joe has to bear the blame, shame and post-withdrawal burden of the fiasco a la the 1975 Vietnam cabut-ing.

But having said that, you know, I believe Joe bit the bullet and did the right thing - the kay-poh-cnee-ness in Afghanistan was an unfortunate reckless step into a mire, an insatiable voracious whirlpool sucking up America's money, human and material resources that have eff-ed up the US financial and socio-political assets for 20 years.

Even with an unnecessary and unjustified NATO involvement, no doubt at US insistent and political bullying plus apprehension at the increasing Islamist aggression in Europe, the Western powers still couldn't turn Afghanistan into a Westernised model of Middle-East democracy - the Brits and Russians had no success earlier. Let the Afghans be what they want to be, have been and will always be.

Much as the humongous shame may be for Joe and America, the withdrawal will save the US a lot of money and further grief. At least Joe recognises the stark truth and the reality the USA is no longer Invincible Rome, and to forget its futile dream of a Pax Americana, as the Poms had long forgotten, quietly and quickly, its Pax Britannica.

We can only hope the US will reflect on its foolish worldwide intervention, intrusions and invasions thus far and cease & desist from re-attempting its bullying with today's China.

Yes, we can only hope - the rest remains with the USA.


  1. Resisting China's intention to be the Hegemon in East Asia is completely necessary, and not bullying.
    It is China which is attempting to be a big overbearing Bully over the South East and East Asian countries.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      As been repeated continuously in yr nightmare!

  2. Yes, all leaders must be held accountable for their mistakes, bullying the weak and lives lost under their rule.

    4 US presidents presided over the loss of 200,000 Afghan and US lives.
    Terrible? Yes but....

    But as far as lives lost are concerned nothing beats Original Mao, whose Great Leap Forward cost 40 million lives, of his own people mind you, mostly poor helpless and weak donkey slappers and turnip pullers.
    But everything was hushed up, even re-written via the Cultural Revolution, which eliminated all critics. Today, Original Mao's giant picture is Hung Up in Tiananmen Square, to be worshipped by all.

    That's equivalent to wiping out the ENTIRE POPULATION of Afghanistan, even if most of them are goat herders and poppy farmers. But we worship that ONE man responsible for the deaths of 40 million, wear his badge with pride. Very Aneh.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Still game on regurgitation proven lies enlisted in a proven unreliable media source!

      Blurred mfer must have running out of c&p material to uplift its boring daily routine!

    2. Lets consider the years and the decades before that :

      The opium wars
      - first the British poisoned China by dumping opium into China as "goods". When the Chinese resisted they used guns and powder to force the Chinese into submission and compelled the Chinese to "pay" them for the British "gangsterism"

      The Eight-Nation Alliance
      - The eight-nation alliance was a multinational military coalition that invaded northern China in 1900 was shear aggressiveness and imperialism of the west. China was looted and rob blind.

      China was left destitute.

      Mao's Great Leap Forward
      With all the aforesaid events including the WW2, the subsequent unfortunate consequence of a famine occurred. As a result millions perished during Mao's Great Leap Forward policy.

      Did the west ever step in to help? Never. It was left to the overseas Chinese e.g. from Malaysia to send whatever they could spare back to the mainland but the amount was of such inconsequential, they were just like a drop in the ocean. In the end it was still left to the Chinese to fend for themselves.

      Whatever the numbers, whether 40 million or 4 million. Mao's was partly accountable but the West cannot run away with their responsibility for the setting up of the situation that led to the death to these people because of the West evil criminal aggressiveness.

    3. The REAL McCoy as been spelled out by the CIA! › docs

