
Sunday, August 29, 2021

Taliban thanks PAS for well wishes

EXCLUSIVE: Taliban thanks PAS for well wishes, calls human rights accusations ‘propaganda’

Leadership calls on M’sian govt to strengthen ‘fraternal bonds’

Taliban spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi says that harsh punishments such as amputations and stoning are reserved for criminals in the most extreme cases, with the intention to deter crime. – @FabianEberhard Twitter pic, August 29, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR – The Taliban has welcomed PAS' congratulatory gesture and its coming to the defence of the Islamist organisation, which recently reassumed power over Afghanistan.

The movement’s leadership also called on the Malaysian government to strengthen “fraternal bonds” by helping Afghanistan under its new rule to rise after years of conflict.

In exclusive comments to The Vibes, Taliban spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi said that prior to this, he was not aware of any felicitations from PAS leaders.

“I personally am not aware of any message by members of PAS, but we welcome and thank all for showing solidarity with the people of Afghanistan in this time of transition,” Qahar said.

Claiming that reports and concerns about the Taliban’s human rights track record are merely propaganda, he said Malaysians should not harbour reservations towards the newly formed Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

“We would like to assure all people of Malaysia and the world that they should not have any reservations about the Islamic Emirate,” he said in his response to The Vibes.

“There has been vitriolic propaganda against us for far too long which has given an impression that we are involved in human rights violations, all of which are nothing more than fabrications,” he added.

Qahar, also a member of the Taliban’s Cultural Commission, appeared in front of the global media for the first time as a translator during the Taliban’s press conference chaired by leader Zabihullah Mujahid on August 24, following the takeover of Kabul.

He gained global visibility for the Taliban after an Al Jazeera interview with journalist Charlotte Bellis was uploaded to social media on August 23.

On August 15, the media had reported that Taliban fighters had not only secured nearly all of Afghanistan but also surrounded the capital Kabul.

American forces merely maintained a presence at Kabul International Airport, helping Afghan and western evacuees flee the country.

A few days after the Taliban’s takeover, Mohd Khalil Abdul Hadi, chairman of PAS’ International Affairs and External Relations Committee, posted a congratulatory message to the group on Twitter, only to delete it two hours later.

Khalil is the son of PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

On August 25, Hadi himself defended the Taliban against criticisms, stating that the organisation has now changed, and urged Malaysians not to fall for western media “propaganda”.

Towards supremacy of Islamic law

On ties between Putrajaya and Afghanistan’s “future administration’, Qahar expressed hope that it will be cordial, as the war-torn nation will need all the help it can get to rebuild itself.

“Both nations have a lot to offer one another and it would be in the interest and beneficial for both countries to strengthen our fraternal bonds,” he explained.

Asked about the Taliban’s approach to governance as well as its style of imposing law and order, in view of its strict religious bent, Qahar stressed there are differences between Afghanistan and Malaysia.

Commenting on Malaysia practising a hybrid system of civil and shariah laws, he said Afghanistan aims to have Islamic law as paramount.

“The difference between Malaysia and Afghanistan is that our country is 99.7% Muslim,” he said.

“Our people have rejected all forms of political systems and have given unparalleled sacrifices for the supremacy of Islamic law.

“We fought against the British empire, the Soviet Union and the United States-led occupiers for this exact cause,” Qahar said.

While general discussions concerning the application of shariah law focus on hardline punishments, he reasoned that such discussions are misleading as shariah principles cover other aspects as well.

“Shariah is an entire way of life that protects the lives, wealth, and dignity of people, that advances economic and scientific development, ends usury and other forms of societal injustices, encourages diplomatic and people-to-people dialogue, and promotes international peace and prosperity,” he added.

With regards to harsh punishments such as amputations and stoning, Qahar said these are reserved for criminals in the most extreme cases, with the intention to deter crime. – The Vibes, August 29, 2021


  1. KT like to give "ulangkaji" on why Afghas HATE Tanks-intruders, but how about ulangkaji on why Afghans LOVE Telly-ban? Ayam sure all these recent incidents below are "western propaganda", because Pak Haji said "Telly-ban has changed", Malay-sia must help them legislate Fake News Law punishable by chopping off kelapa ha ha ha...So when will Malay-sia formally recognize Telly-ban Gomen? Before or After 5000 yo Bullyland? We Must Invite them to Putrajaya for Photo-Op.
    Go On, Just Do it.

    2021 Taliban offensive

    During the first half of 2021, Taliban forces were responsible for killing 699 civilians according to United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) or 917 according to the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC). The Taliban were responsible for "the vast majority" of the destruction and looting of private homes and civilian infrastructure during May and June, according to UNAMA. The US and other countries started to pull out remaining troops in early 2021.

    On 12 May 2021, Sohail Pardis, who had worked for 16 months as a translator for United States armed forces in Afghanistan, was beheaded by the Taliban after being taken outside of his car.

    On 16 June, in Dawlat Abad, 22 unarmed Afghan Special Forces commandos were executed while attempting to surrender to Taliban forces. A video of the event circulated widely and was broadcast by CNN. Samira Hamidi of Amnesty International described the event as "the cold-blooded murder of surrendering soldiers – a war crime". She called for the event to be investigated as part of the International Criminal Court investigation in Afghanistan.

    In July 2021 in Kandahar, Taliban forces extrajudicially executed critics and people thought to have been members of province-level governments and their relatives. Patricia Gossman of HRW stated that the "Taliban commanders with oversight over such atrocities are also responsible for war crimes". She described the executions as "demonstrat[ing] the willingness of Taliban commanders to violently crush even the tamest criticism or objection".[8][12] Estimates of the number of civilians arbitrarily detained in the Taliban mid-July takeover of Spin Boldak range from 380[13] to 900, with the number arbitrarily executed ranging from 40[14] to 100.

    In early July 2021 in Malestan District, Taliban forces killed civilians, looted private properties, set them on fire, and destroyed and looted shops. During 4–6 July 2021 in Mundarakht in Malestan District, the Taliban extrajudicially executed nine Hazaras. Hazaras have previously been persecuted by the Taliban. Three were tortured by Taliban security forces prior to their executions: Wahed Qaraman's legs and arms were broken, his hair was pulled out and he was beaten in the face; Jaffar Rahimi was severely beaten and strangled to death with his scarf; Sayed Abdul Hakim was beaten, had his arms tied and his legs shot before he was shot in the chest. Three were executed at a Taliban checkpoint and the other three were executed in Mundarakht.

    On 15 July 2021, photojournalist Danish Siddiqui was killed in Spin Boldak, either in crossfire between Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and the Taliban or by execution after being captured by the Taliban. His body was mutilated, leaving his face unrecognisable and tyre marks on his face and chest.

    On 22 July 2021, a popular comedian, Nazar Mohammad, known as "Khasha Zwan", was executed by the Taliban in Kandahar Province.

  2. Fake News Ayam Sure. Taliban has changed. Pak Hadi Said So. People Must Believe Him.

    Afghanistan: Taliban carrying out door-to-door manhunt, report says
    20 August 2021

    The Taliban have stepped up their search for people who worked for Nato forces or the previous Afghan government, a report has warned.

    It said the militants have been going door-to-door to find targets and threaten their family members.

    The hardline Islamist group has tried to reassure Afghans since seizing power in a lightning offensive, promising there would be "no revenge".

    But there are growing fears of a gap between what they say and what they do.

    The warning the group were targeting "collaborators" came in a confidential document by the RHIPTO Norwegian Center for Global Analyses, which provides intelligence to the UN.

    "There are a high number of individuals that are currently being targeted by the Taliban and the threat is crystal clear," Christian Nellemann, who heads the group behind the report, told the BBC.

    "It is in writing that, unless they give themselves in, the Taliban will arrest and prosecute, interrogate and punish family members on behalf of those individuals."

    He warned that anyone on the Taliban's blacklist was in severe danger, and that there could be mass executions.

  3. Beware More Fake News. Ayam Sure Telly-ban Sapot Vaccination.
    By: Ranjit Devraj

    [NEW DELHI] Given the Taliban’s hostility to vaccinations, WHO and medical experts fear a rapid and uncontrolled spread of COVID-19 in Afghanistan will await the formation of a new government led by the ‘Islamic Scholars’.

    The WHO recorded 152,411 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 7,047 deaths in Afghanistan between 3 January and 19 August. On 15 August, the Taliban took over the Afghan capital of Kabul, signifying the collapse of the government of President Ashraf Ghani.

    “As the situation in Afghanistan continues to deteriorate rapidly, WHO is extremely concerned over the unfolding safety and humanitarian needs in the country, including risk of disease outbreaks and rise in COVID-19 transmission,” said a 17 August WHO update.

    “Disruptions at [the] airport are delaying urgently needed essential health supplies. Crowding at health facilities and IDP (internally displaced people) camps, due to rising conflict in the country will limit implementation of infection prevention protocols, increasing the risk of COVID-19 transmission and outbreaks of other diseases,” WHO said in the update.

    According to WHO, the country of 40 million people had administered a total of 1,872,268 vaccine doses by 14 August. At least 70 per cent of the population needs to be vaccinated to effectively curb the COVID-19 virus, according to epidemiologists.

    In areas where people have fled to seek safety and shelter, including Kabul and other large cities, field reports indicated that there are increasing cases of diarrhoea, malnutrition, high blood pressure, COVID-19-like symptoms and reproductive health complications, said WHO.

    “If the vaccination process is stopped, COVID-19 will be difficult to control in Afghanistan,” says Musa Joya, a lecturer in medical physics at the Kabul University of Medical Sciences but currently pursuing a doctorate at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

    “If the vaccination process is stopped, COVID-19 will be difficult to control in Afghanistan”

    “The people do not trust the medical system and avoid going to hospitals, and the country’s medical system is not able to provide oxygen and other medications which need to be imported,” Joya says. “Besides, most Afghans do not believe in coronavirus mortality prevention by vaccination. They expose themselves to the virus and leave the rest to providence.

    “These two factors of no vaccination and no self-protection will surely result in disaster,” says Joya.

    Carl Latkin, vice chair, Department of Health, Behavior and Society at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Maryland, US, says he is pessimistic about Afghanistan’s medical ability to handle the COVID-19 pandemic, given the need for medical expertise, money and supply chains.

    “COVID-19 can spread quickly and add more pain and misery to a highly volatile and distressing situation,” says Latkin. “The current chaos will likely lead to the most vulnerable having few resources to prevent and treat COVID-19.”

    “However, one unintended consequence of people staying home due to fear of the Taliban might be great social distancing and hence reducing the spread of COVID-19,” Latkin adds.

    Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, says it is certain that the deteriorating conditions in Afghanistan will directly impact the ability to get COVID-19 vaccines into the population.

    “There have been concerns in the past regarding the fact that the Taliban has opposed polio vaccination and indeed Afghanistan is one area where wild polio virus still circulates,” Adalja says.

    Taliban-imposed bans on vaccination have been blamed by the National Emergency Action Plan (NEAP) for the failure to eradicate polio in Afghanistan. The country remains among the last refuges of the wild poliovirus. In 2020, 56 cases of the disease caused by the wild poliovirus were reported in Afghanistan.

    1. Blurred mfer, indeed u seek high & low for fake news to justify yr farts!

      First & foremost u have forgotten currently Afghanistan is a war zone with battles raging amongst the various warlords, foreign powers & victimized civilians.

      Second these wars under the Yankee allies have been going on for close to 20yrs!

      Blurred mfer, many of the current Taliban & warlords were hardwired to bloody killings since they were born. & many of them have had very bad experiences with their oppressors, coming within & or without Afghanistan. No thanks to the foreign invaders u so proclaimed ceremonially as the peace & security provider of Afghanistan!

      In short, the hatred bred within the Afghan people has a long memory. & it's not easy to rewrite those pages all over as new!

      There will continue be bad blood settings & overconfident zealotries happened UNTIL this transitional situation is been firmly set in order.

      Now that there r signs that the current bunch of Taliban have a very different administrative ideas of how to govern the land they just won. Give them a chance to perform & fulfill their dream/words.

      Instead u r pouring bloods to dispute that idea using that long-held western impression about the old theocratic Taliban as the shining badge to judge them!

      Blurred mfer, keep digging. There won't be any less of these atrocious stories for u to broadcast & propagate in the media from the fart filled well!

      U do need a brain swapped to achieve that "ulangkaji" on HOW the Afghas can govern themselves!

  4. Telly-ban has Changed....Really...?

    Female journalist flees Afghanistan following groundbreaking TV interview with Taliban spokesman
    By Brian Stelter, CNN Business
    August 30, 2021

    This journalist exemplifies Afghanistan's 'brain drain'

    Arghand, a female anchor at TOLO, an Afghan news network, interviewed a senior Taliban representative on the air. The interview garnered headlines around the world. Two days later, Arghand did it again, interviewing Malala Yousafzai, the activist who survived a Taliban assassination attempt, in what TOLO described as the first time Yousafzai had ever been interviewed on Afghan TV. Arghand was blazing a trail, but her work has been put on hold. She decided to leave Afghanistan, citing the dangers that so many journalists and ordinary Afghans are facing.

    Arghand corresponded with CNN Business via WhatsApp and recounted the
    experience of the past two weeks. Ultimately, she said, "I left the country because, like millions of people, I fear the Taliban."

    Saad Mohseni, the owner of TOLO, said Arghand's case is emblematic of the situation in Afghanistan.

    "Almost all our well known reporters and journalists have left," Mohseni said on CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday. "We have been working like crazy to replace them with new people."

    "We have the twin challenge of getting people out [because they feel unsafe] and keeping the operation going," he added.

    Arghand is 24 years old. She told CNN that she decided to become a journalist in ninth grade after one of her teachers let her come to the front of the room and read the news "like I was the anchor on TV," she said. Arghand studied journalism at Kabul University for four years. She worked at several news agencies and radio stations for short periods of time, then joined TOLONews as a presenter earlier this year.
    "I worked there for one month and 20 days, then the Taliban came," she recalled. Her August 17 interview with the Taliban was "the first time in Afghanistan's history that a Taliban representative appeared live in a TV studio sitting across from a female presenter," Mohseni said in a column for the Washington Post, asserting that the Taliban was trying to "present a moderate face to the world."

    Arghand said the interview was difficult, "but I did it for Afghan women."

    "I told myself, 'One of us must start ... If we stay in our houses or don't go to our offices, they will say the ladies don't want to work,' but I said to myself, 'Start working,'" Arghand said. "And I said to the Taliban member, 'We want our rights. We want to work. We want — we must —be in society. This is our right."

    With each passing day came new accounts of Taliban intimidation targeting the news media. Two days after interviewing Yousafzai, Arghand reached out to the activist for help. On Tuesday, she boarded a Qatari Air Force evacuation flight along with several family members.

    She said she hopes to return: "If the Taliban do what they said -- what they promised -- and the situation becomes better, and I know I am safe and there is no threat for me, I will go back to my country and I will work for my country. For my people."

    1. Wakakakaka…

      She said she hopes to return: "If the Taliban do what they said -- what they promised -- and the situation becomes better, and I know I am safe and there is no threat for me, I will go back to my country and I will work for my country. For my people."

      Building a war-torn country from ground up needs people with guts & fire in the belly - a lot. Not just rhetoric of fart!

      Especially so in the initial phase where heads&tails have not been defined in the faces of possible islandization with torrents of sopo blockages.

      Good riddance - If u can't help then don't be a problem - for those who have no hope in the future of Afghanistan under the new Taliban!
