
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Nancy Pelosi what a beautiful sight to behold


Last US military plane out of Kabul


  1. No more 500 yo Bully as Peacekeeper so now Civil War will escalate.

    31st August 2021

    Fighting resumes around Afghanistan's Panjshir valley, a pocket of Taliban resistance

    From CNN's Nilly Kohzad, Saleem Mehsud and Nathan Hodge

    Fighting has restarted around the Panjshir valley, the last major pocket of resistance against Taliban rule in Afghanistan, according to both National Resistance Front and Taliban commanders.

    Communication with the mountainous region has been sporadic, but a commander fighting against the Taliban told CNN that forces fighting the militant group had managed to repel a Taliban assault.

    "In the Khawak Pass area that connects to Panjshir, heavy fighting is going on," the commander said. "We didn’t have internet until just now. The resistance forces are in Puli Hisar and clashes continue. The Taliban have hundreds of casualties.”

    CNN was not immediately able to verify claims of casualties or gauge the scale of the fighting. In a video message on Monday, Maulvi Abdul Khaliq Fateh, a Taliban commander on the front line, dismissed earlier reports of fighting, saying they hoped for a negotiated solution. Later in the day, a Taliban source confirmed a resumption in fighting.

    “There was a gentlemen's agreement that no side would attack but they tried to attack and enter Panjshir yesterday from the south and north," said Ali Nazary, spokesperson for the anti-Taliban National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF). "Fortunately, the NRF's forces repelled the attacks and set a few of their armored vehicles on fire. The Taliban forces that came from Gulbahar retreated to Charikar city.”

    The main Taliban spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment

  2. Let's see if the "new" Telly-ban will welcome MSF, not like when they kicked them out in 1998.

    Afghanistan’s health care system could collapse due to lack of support, MSF says
    From Hannah Ritchie

    Afghanistan’s health care system is at risk of collapsing as foreign donors stop providing aid following the Taliban takeover, according to the international medical humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also knows as Doctors Without Borders.

    “The old health system in Afghanistan was supported from the outside — foreign aid, mainly, the World Bank, the EU, and some of the donors. And as you may know, the World Bank, but also the IMF and some others, froze the funds for Afghanistan, and one of the great risks for the health system here is basically to collapse because of lack of support," country representative Filipe Ribeiro warned on Monday.

    "The overall health system in Afghanistan is understaffed, under-equipped and underfunded, for years. And the great risk is that this underfunding will continue over time,” he added.

    MSF is one of the largest medical aid agencies in Afghanistan and has vowed that its teams across the country “will stay put” following the Taliban’s takeover.

    During Taliban rule in Afghanistan from 1996-2001, MSF had a fraught relationship with the group and was eventually expelled from the country in 1998.

    The Taliban claims it welcomes foreign donors and has vowed to protect the rights of international aid staff who wish to remain in the country. It's not yet known if they will follow through on this pledge.

  3. Let's see how many women will be in the new Telly-ban gomen. If not enough then we can send our ex-Menteri Telly-ban to teach them about Women-Power" ha ha ha...

    Pakistan foreign minister expects a new government will be announced in Afghanistan in a few days
    From Sophia Saifi in Islamabad

    Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi says he expects to see a new government announced in Afghanistan in a few days.

    “The statements from the Taliban that we have seen is that they will announce the government once the withdrawal has been completed. Yesterday, the formal announcement was made. In the next few days, we can expect the announcement of a government,” he said at a presser in Islamabad on Tuesday.

  4. More Lecturing and Pontificating, even as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, but don't want to lift a chopstick to help secure safe passage.

    "Engage with the Telly-ban...?" Ha ha ha please go ahead and show us how it should be done. Maybe Modern Mao should make a visit to Kabul.

    Chinese envoy to UN blames "hasty" withdrawal of troops for chaos in Afghanistan

    From CNN's Senior UN Correspondent Richard Roth and Artemis Moshtaghian

    China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Geng Shuang, said the “hasty and disorderly withdrawal of foreign troops” caused the recent chaos in Afghanistan.

    “Withdrawal is not the end of responsibility but the beginning of reflection and correction,” Shuang said Monday during an address to the UN Security Council.

    China and Russia both abstained from voting Monday on a Security Council resolution to create a "safe passage" zone for people seeking to leave Afghanistan from Kabul airport after the US withdrawal from the country. The other 13 members of the Security Council all voted in favor of the proposal.

    Shuang said China did not feel it was necessary for the Security Council to urgently pass the “safe passage” resolution.

    Without directly mentioning the United States, Shuang said China hopes “relevant countries” change what he called “the wrong practice of imposing their own wills on the others” and refrain from imposing sanctions on Afghanistan.

    Given Afghanistan’s current state, Shuang said the international community should actively engage with the Taliban and provide them with guidance. The ambassador added he hopes the Taliban will fulfill their commitment in completely cutting ties with all terrorist organizations.

    1. Blurred mfer, the engagings r happened right in front of yr f*cking face even if u refused to see!

      But then, what's blurred, especially a selective one!

  5. It's an unarmed C-17 carrying out a humanitarian evacuation mission.

    If Afghanistan under Talibam reverts to being an international terrorist launch pad , it won't be unarmed planes coming back.

    1. C17 is a military transport plane. It's NEVER armed!

      Its movement during military operation is ALWAYS escorted by other air powers - black hawk helicopters or fighter jets.

      What a blurry fart!

      Whose the international terrorist?

      Besides, it's unprotected in the withdrawal movements bcoz the Taliban allow the flights with humanistic considerations!

  6. Malay-sia and Telly-ban now share the same Merdeka Day, Aug 31...ha ha ha.

    1. New version of Sudirman song..

      Talibam 31..Bulan 8 , 21...

  7. There is an ATM machine located just outside 5000 yo Bullyland Embassy in Kabul. But strangely it dispenses dollars, not Yuan...ha ha ha...

    Desperate crowds still waiting for money

    .....huge queues have been forming outside shuttered banks, ATMs and money transfer services in Afghanistan.

    When the Taliban seized power earlier this month, Afghanistan's internal banking system froze up.

    The country's economy was already extremely fragile and heavily dependent on aid. In response to the Taliban takeover, Western countries halted foreign aid shipments.

    International transfer companies also suspended their services, effectively cutting off the supply of family money from abroad.

    Concerns have been raised about the state of Afghanistan's economy, with the value of the national currency falling sharply and food prices rising.

    With no access to money, people are becoming increasingly desperate.

    One Twitter user told transfer service Western Union that family members were in need of money for food and there was no other way to send it.

    "We understand the urgent need people in Afghanistan have to receive funds, and we are committed to resuming operations for our customers as conditions permit," the company responded.

    1. Lies after lies!

      Whose bank?

      Yuan isn't traded internationally liken to yr favour US$!

      The Afghans need fund & foreign aids.

      Go get it demoNcratic idols NOT to blockage any such efforts SHOULD be yr current fart!

  8. Telly-ban's new DaGe....ha ha ha...

    China, our ‘great neighbour’, will help Afghanistan forge peace: Taliban

    Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen tells This Week in Asia that China can play a ‘constructive and positive’ role in reconstruction and economic development

    He says the group will honour its pledge not to give terrorists a safe haven and claims there are ‘no issues’ in women having access to education or work
    Amy Chew
    30 Aug, 2021

    The Taliban hopes to work with China to forge peace in Afghanistan and will make good on its pledge to keep the country from being a staging ground for terrorists, its spokesman Suhail Shaheen has told This Week in Asia.

    “We are ready to exchange views with China on how to forge ahead in terms of boosting our mutual relations, establishing peace in the region, and its assistance in the reconstruction of Afghanistan,” said Suhail.

    Suhail’s comments on Monday came on the eve of the August 31 deadline for US forces to leave Afghanistan after 20 years and just days after an Islamic State suicide bombing killed at least 92 people, including 13 US military personnel.

    1. Sensible call to a valuable partner who r willing to help economically, not military liken to yr uncle Sam!

      This r early days, blurred c&p mfer.

      Eat yr heart out!
