
Monday, August 02, 2021

Butcher of Amritsar - General Reginald Dyer

Butcher of Amritsar - General Reginald Dyer

by Nigel Collett

Bloomsbury Publishing. London. 2007.

Publisher's description:

"On 13 April 1919, General Reginald Dyer marched a squad of Indian soldiers into the Jallianwala Bagh, a large enclosed public space in the holy city of Amritsar, and opened fire without warning on a crowd gathered to hear political speeches, leaving over 200 dead.

To some, Dyer was the saviour of India, responding decisively to threatened insurrection, but to many in India, including Gandhi and Nehru, his action proved the moral bankruptcy of the British Empire.

The bitter debate that followed the shootings, the worst atrocity perpetrated by the British in the twentieth century, almost brought down the Liberal Government and was a decisive turning point in India's march to independence.

"The Butcher of Amritsar" is a definitive account of the massacre set in the context of a biography of Reginald Dyer, a man whose attitudes reflected many of the views common in the Raj."


Wikipedia informs us (extracts only):

Dyer is infamous for the orders that he gave on 13 April 1919 in Amritsar. It was by his command that 50 troops, including 25 Gurkhas of 1/9 Gurkha Rifles (1st battalion, 9th Gurkha Rifles), 25 Pathans and Baluch and 59th Sindh Rifles, all armed with .303 Lee–Enfield rifles, opened fire on a non-violent gathering of unarmed civilians, men, women, elderlies and children, at the Jallianwalla Bagh, in what later came to be known as the Amritsar massacre.

The civilians had assembled at Jallianwala Bagh to participate in the annual Baisakhi celebrations which are both a religious and a cultural festival of the Punjabis. Coming from outside the city, they may have been unaware of the martial law that had been imposed.

The Bagh-space comprised 6 to 7 acres (2 to 3 ha) and was walled on all sides, except for five entrances. Four of the entrances were very narrow, admitting only a few people at a time. The fifth entrance was blocked by the armed soldiers, as well as by two armoured cars with machine guns. The vehicles were unable to pass through the entrance.

Upon entering the park, the general ordered the troops to shoot directly into the gathering. The shooting continued unabated for about 10 minutes, and the soldiers' supply of 1,650 rounds of ammunition was almost exhausted.

Dyer is reported to have, from time to time, "checked his fire and directed it upon places where the crowd was thickest", not because the crowd was slow to disperse, but because he "had made up his mind to punish them for having assembled there."

Some of the soldiers initially shot into the air, at which Dyer shouted: "Fire low. What have you been brought here for?"

Later, Dyer's own testimony revealed that the crowd was not given any warning to disperse and he was not remorseful for having ordered his troops to shoot.

The worst part of the whole thing was that the firing was directed towards the exit gates through which the people were running out. There were 3 or 4 small outlets in all and bullets were actually rained over the people at all these gates… and many got trampled under the feet of the rushing crowds and thus lost their lives… even those who lay flat on the ground were fired upon.

Image (Wikipedia) of narrow passage between tall walls which leads to the entrance of Jallianwala Bagh

The Hunter Commission report on the incident, published the following year by the Government of India, criticised both Dyer, and the Government of the Punjab for failing to compile a casualty count, so quoted a figure offered by the Sewa Samati (A Social Services Society) of 379 identified dead, comprising 337 men, 41 boys and a six-week old baby, with approximately 1,100 wounded, of which 192 were seriously injured.

However other estimates, from government civil servants in the city (commissioned by the Punjab Sub-committee of Indian National Congress), as well as counts from the Home Political, cite numbers of well over a thousand dead.

According to a Home Political Deposit report, the number was more than 1,000, with more than 1,200 wounded. Dr Smith, a British civil surgeon at Amritsar, estimated that there were over 1,800 casualties. In India, the deliberate infliction of these casualties earned Dyer the epithet of the "Butcher of Amritsar".


  1. QUOTE
    The Guardian
    Li Peng: former Chinese premier known as 'Butcher of Beijing' dies aged 90.
    Reuters in Beijing
    23 Jul 2019

    The former Chinese premier Li Peng, reviled by rights activists and many in the Chinese capital as the “Butcher of Beijing” for his role in the crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protests, has died, according to state media.

    Li, who was 90, died on Monday in Beijing, Xinhua reported, more than three decades after his government authorised a bloody suppression of student-led pro-democracy protests in the early hours of 4 June 1989.

    His death comes as China grapples with a widening political crisis in Hong Kong, where protests over an extradition bill have presented Beijing with the most serious popular challenge to its governance since the Tiananmen demonstrations.

    Along with then-paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, Li was seen as an unapologetic hardliner responsible for ordering the assault that crushed weeks of demonstrations by protesters in central Beijing.

    His declaration of martial law over parts of the capital on national television in the weeks before tanks and troops swept the square of protesters made him one of the most prominent faces of a crackdown that continues to colour global perception of China’s Communist party leadership.

    The death toll given by officials days after the crackdown was about 300, most of them soldiers, with 23 students confirmed killed. China has never provided a full accounting of the violence, but rights groups and witnesses say the figure could run into the thousands. The topic is taboo in China.

    On Tuesday, Xinhua said that “under the strong support” of Deng, “Comrade Li Peng took a clear stand and together with most of the comrades of the political bureau of the central committee, took decisive measures to stop the unrest and pacify the counter-revolutionary riots.”

    He “stabilised the domestic situation, and played an important role in this major struggle concerning the future of the party and the country”, Xinhua added.

    Li remained premier until 1998, as China navigated its way through the international opprobrium and sanctions imposed by western countries after the violence.

    Born in Sichuan province in China’s south-west, Li was orphaned as a toddler when his father, Li Shuoxun, an early Communist party revolutionary, was killed by nationalist forces.

    He was raised in the corridors of power, the ward of the premier, Zhou Enlai, who along with Mao Zedong was among the leaders of China’s Communist party revolution. Li would become one of the country’s most powerful so-called princelings, or members of elite families that continue to wield influence.

    Two of Li’s three children – his eldest son, Li Xiaopeng, and daughter, Li Xiaolin – went to work as executives in the power industry, and became influential in leadership circles. Li Xiaopeng was appointed transport minister in 2016.

    A hydropower engineer by training, Li rose through the ranks as an energy official. He was a champion of the Three Gorges Dam project on the Yangtze river and in 1994 oversaw groundbreaking on the dam,which has also been one of China’s most expensive and controversial projects, submerging villages, displacing millions of peoples and disrupting ecosystems.

    The dam project became a lightning rod for what critics saw as China’s growth-at-all-costs economic model, going billions of dollars over budget and later linked to embezzlement and nepotism scandals, according to China’s national audit office.

    1. Another cesspool concentrate dug up by a blurred mfer from that fart filled well to propagate its pet hatred!

      LiPeng was contemptuously named "Butcher of Beijing" for the 4 June 1989 Tiananmen protests turned riots by most of the western press & anti-China instigators.

      The protests turned riots after ROUNDS of negotiations between the riot instigators & LiPeng, the then premier, w/o any successes.

      The failure was due to scores of unreasonable demands, vis-a-vis the prevailing sopo conditions of China, of the rioters wrt social reforms & national agendas.

      During the peaceful dispersed withdrawal of the protestors after the demanded square clearing date (406), a riot broke out in the early hour of the next morning when some vicious rioters attacked the unarmed PLA youth guards sent in to monitor the dispersion at the small remote corner of the SW sector of Tiananmen Square. Many young PLA were killed & hanged while the army trucks were burnt.

      There were many horrendous stories, based on unsubstantial 'eyewitnesses' accounts about what ACTUALLY happened in that early morning hour of 5thJun.

      But many recorded FACTS - mentioned in official & western media - happened during that time could throw some clear insights.

      Premier LiPeng went through many rounds of face to face negotiations with the protest organizers.

      If he was what the unapologetic hardliner made out to be, WHY should he do that? In the meetings many rude & unreasonable sopo demands were made by these self proclaimed student leaders. Yet he still swallowed his elderly pride to try pacify these unruly crowd!

      "His declaration of martial law over parts of the capital on national television in the weeks before tanks and troops swept the square of protesters made him one of the most prominent faces of a crackdown that continues to colour global perception of China’s Communist party leadership"

      This is the most commonly quoted fake news circulating throughout the demoNcratic press.

      The martial law over parts of the Beijing on national television happened ONLY after the 5thJun, not before! Otherwise, the protestors WOULDN'T be able to gather there, given the ability of the crowd control mannerism of the state!

      Similarly, the most notoriously & often showing of the tank man incident happened after the the withdrawal of the PLA. Those tanks were leaving the Tiananmen Square - not entering as claimed in many major western reports.

      Contrary to the HEARINGS of heavy gun fighting during that 4thJune night, the Spanish diplomat, who stayed around the Tiananmen Square, claimed to hear only sporadic gun sounds.

      Furthermore from Wikileak:

      Many of the popular & ongoing myths, showing in recent YouTube & reconstructed death toll r been dispelled!

      Three Gorges Dam project on the Yangtze river championed by LiPeng has been criticized many a time by demoNcratic press.

      Often time quoting costs, submerging villages, displacing millions of peoples and disrupting ecosystems.

      Yet they r all forgetting to tell how much electricity been generated not only supplying to the industrial & commercial sectors BUT also to every corner of the households in remote villages of China! This is a people curing effort that none of the developed nations - US, UK, EU - could claim in achieving so!

      A welcome & yet unexpected environmental inpect of the Three Gorges Dam is the greening of the NorthWestern frontier - Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia of China.

      These provinces used to be hyper-arid due to the high attitude effect of the Himalaya range in blocking the moist wind coming from the West. With the presence of huge retaining lake formed by the Three Gorges Dam, the evaporation generated has increased the moisture content of the surrounding circulating winds. Thus improving the agriculture & livability of the arid lands!

    2. Good effort to try to unbrainwash these impressionable naive simpletons. When we quote Chinese media they would dismiss it with "ptui! Chinese propaganda" When we quote the Washington Post, CBS NEWS, BBC NEWS, NY TIMES, REUTERS and WIKILEAKS (re : Tiananmen Square) they have no rebuttal, I repeat, NO REBUTTAL, they are UNABLE TO REBUT, so they just keep quiet and dismissed these by ignoring them pretending they don't exist. Instead they readily accept a 20 years later revision by BBC, a notorious China hatemonger. They have no pride but western worshippers!!! Wakakakaka


    The Tiananmen Papers: The Chinese Leadership's Decision to Use Force Against Their Own People - In Their Own Words

    Paperback English

    By (author) Andrew Nathan, By (author) Perry Link
    Edited by Liang Zhang

    THE TIANANMEN PAPERS, which contains documents unearthed from the guarded core of the Chinese Politburo, is the most important book on China published in decades. It reveals the highest-level processes of decision-making during the tumultuous events surrounding the terrible massacre in Tiananmen Square on 4 June 1989.

    Drawn from about 2,000 documents, THE TIANANMEN PAPERS have been compiled and edited as part of an extraordinary collaboration between America's most prominent China scholars and a handful of Chinese people who have risked their lives to obtain them.

    The Chinese pro-democracy demonstrations in 1989 were the longest lasting and most influential in the world. THE TIANANMEN PAPERS exposes the desperate conflict during the period among a few strong leaders, whose personalities emerge with unprecedented vividness. Its revelations of the most important event in modern Chinese history will have a profound impact not only in China, but in every country in the world that deals with China.

    1. Blurred mfer counterchecks with


      Indeed, blur mfer, THE TIANANMEN PAPERS exposes the desperate & unprecedented vividness of this paper in using unfortunate incident with conjectural & fabricated stories to frame the modern development of China!

  3. That is a 102-years old event, I doubt a very brutal act.

    For a much more recent action, and very much relevant to Today's world look up "Butcher of Tibet".

    1. same as Batang Kali, My Lai, Bagram, Jap occupation of Malaya, Aby Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay - we never ever forget

    2. Of course, of course, except for Chinese Communist Party Fanboys, Tiananmen never happened.

      Yeah, the gunfire was just a fireworks celebration in Beijing on June 4, 1989.

    3. All u demoNcratic CPC/China/Chinese bashers dig deeper into the cesspool in that fart filled well to find yr fills!

      There r many - irregardless of their authenticities.

      Eat yr heart out!

    4. Yaloh, the gunfire (?) in Beijing on June 4, 1989 was as much a firework as the Oklahoma Tulsa race massacre of May 31 and June 1, 1921.

      Happy, old moneyed mfer?

    5. Oh yes, a very much relevant to Today's world …….. in the last 40 years :

      US lied in the UN Security Council that Iraq has WMD and went on to pulverise and bombed the hell out of Iraq which has still not fully recover today.

      US unashamedly as a self-proclaimed human rights defender, launched devastating attacks in Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and aiding, instigating and abetting different rival factions for the breaking up of nations in the middle-east because :

      1. To safeguard its own selfish interest of the flow of oil
      2. Making tons of blood money from the supply and sales of weapons to all the warring factions
      3. Displacing millions of innocent citizens as grim refugees

      At present, America’s legacy in the Middle East is one of widespread environmental destruction, militarism, and alliances with oppressive regimes.

      Comparing, China has not wage any war against anybody, has not meddle with other country “political and democratic policy” unlike the US falsely smearing Xinjiang has forced labours and genocide.

      China has not hinder other nations development unlike the US suppresses foreign rival companies to maintain tech hegemony :

      US is doing its best to stop Huawei technology advancement by falsely accusing Huawei has security threat which of course until today, 3 years later still remain only as an evil allegation. US also despicably instructed its errant boy Canada to illegally detain Huawei executive trying to repeat its dirty trick hoping to break Huawei just like it did to France’s company Alstom :

      US in its mafia like action wickedly robbed and sanctioned Japanese company Toshiba

      For your ignorance, please be informed that in the old Tibet, the normal citizens were all serving as serfs, in other word slaves to the one noble group headed by the Dalai Lama. Under the Chinese government, these serfs are now living as equitable human being with a peace and happiness. Go on, be fair to yourself unless you want to remain an obstinate ignoramus, watch this :

    6. Imperialist China in Tibet sounds like a replayed tape recording of all Imperialist Colonial masters of centuries past.....

      "They were just uneducated, barbaric savages before we took over"
      "We brought civilisation, order , religion ( in this case, Communism) , education, medicine , peace to these dark savages."

      Clap, Clap, Clap Bravo to Imperial China.

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      Indeed a replay of a broken record from those western colonists when giving excuses to justify their god given rights to bring 'modern' developments & civility to the conquered natives!

      As a myrmidon of the drmoNcrstic west, all u need to bash CPC/China/Chinese is to rephrase yr idols with 'Imperial China' to use that old chant!

      Mfer, u WOULD never understand what's that hateful 农奴 system that fed the elite lama & enslaved the Tibetan peasants to generations of poverty!

      Clap, Clap, Clap Bravo to CPC China to totally demolish that inhumane & hereditary system built with religious zombieicism in Tibet.

    8. Wakakakaka, sound like sour grapes, wakakakaka. Thanks.

  4. Very Brutal and Zalim this Kwailow murder 200 Yindians.

    Now consider this man below. Imagine they hang a giant picture of him in Tiananmen Square and worship him like a God.

    What is 200 compared to millions, by the murderers own admission.

    Land Reform Movement (China)

    The Land Reform Movement, also known by the Chinese abbreviation Tǔgǎi (土改), was a campaign by the Communist Party leader Mao Zedong during the late phase of the Chinese Civil War and the early People's Republic of China. The campaign involved mass killings of landlords by tenants and land redistribution to the peasantry. The estimated number of casualties of the movement ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions. In terms of the communist party's evaluation Zhou Enlai estimated 830,000 had been killed and Mao Zedong estimated as many as 2 to 3 million were killed.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      U must learn a page of critical fart from those Formosa 水炮 to quote "Land Reform Movement (China)"!


      "In terms of the communist party's evaluation Zhou Enlai estimated 830,000 had been killed and Mao Zedong estimated as many as 2 to 3 million were killed"

      Blurred mfer, u r 10x or maybe 100x short with those f*cked numerics. Again, those Formosa 水炮 have been increasingly aggregated those numbers all-over these yrs!

      Ooop… u can get yr worshipping after butchering all those shadows in yr wet dream! Ooop… did u watch inception, the movie? U sure can pick up some hint to improve yr farting skill.

  5. I confess I butchered millions of my own people. Now put my picture up and Worship Me.
