
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Two RTM editors issued show-cause letters for labelling Hamas ‘militant’


Two RTM editors issued show-cause letters for labelling Hamas ‘militant’

RTM ran an apology on its news bulletins twice yesterday over the issue.

PETALING JAYA: Two RTM news editors were today issued with show-cause letters after a Mandarin news segment recently referred to the Hamas group as “militant” in its reporting of the latest flare-up in the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Communications and multimedia minister Saifuddin Abdullah said he ordered for an immediate investigation into the matter, with a relook into the SOPs of the RTM newsroom so that such error does not happen again.

“RTM is aware of the current situation and is firmly behind the sovereignty and freedom of Palestine, as per the stand taken by Malaysians,” he said in a statement posted on Facebook.

Saifuddin said an open apology over the matter was read twice during the 1pm and 7pm bulletins yesterday.

The newsreader was heard saying: “The Hamas militant group in Gaza launched several rockets towards Jerusalem and south of Israel. This caused the Israeli army to launch aerial strikes on the strongholds of Hamas in the north of Gaza.”

The video of the 25-second news segment has gone viral on Facebook, earning the condemnation of Ismaweb and others.


kt notes:

While I have supported the Palestine cause for years, I find this censorship attempt to whitewash a 'militant' group like Hamas as being 'non-militant' plain stupefyingly imbecilic.

There's nothing wrong in saying Hamas is 'militant' in much the same way as most Middle-Eastern, some Western rightwing groups and pro animal NGOs are too.

According to Wikipedia, 'militant' means vigorously active, combative and/or aggressive, especially in support of a cause, as in "militant reformers". There is a wide range of behaviour in 'militant' groups, ranging from the KKK, Jewish Defence League, Australian/American whale 'lovers' or some Penang dog-loving organisations etc, wakakaka. 

Thus, being 'militant' doesn't automatically nor necessarily mean the particular group is terroristic.

But eff English 101 when Malaysian politics is involved.


  1. thats the problem when one is badly influenced by the western propagandist. hamas is actually the people liberal army that misinterpreted as radical n militant by western news outlet.

    1. Hamas are the Palestinian Peoples Liberation Army

    2. correct - Peoples Liberation Army aims to liberate its own people, wakakaka

  2. There are NO Good Guys in the Arab Israeli conflict.

    As far as I'm concerned, Hamas IS a militant terrorist organisation.

  3. Palestinians fighting for homeland OK. Uighurs fighting for homeland bagaimana....?

    1. What f*cking homeland r u farting about?

      Yr backyard somewhere under that fart filled well!

    2. If the oppression is being carried out by the CCP, the CCP fanboys will scream it's all lies, lies, lies.

      The Uyghurs are all happy, singing and dancing away...conveniently leaving out that those singing and dancing are Uyghur elite loyal CCP party members and their families, like the empty-headed Dilraba.

    3. Do u keep those outside that singing and dancing Uyghur elite loyal CCP party members and their families within yr watch?

      Or u just feed on the propagandas propagated by yr western demoNcratic press!

      Fanboys r everywhere. Including those who r screaming truths, bloody truths & fabricated truths dickheads upon reading those trashy farts!

  4. "The Hamas militant group in Gaza launched several rockets towards Jerusalem and south of Israel. This caused the Israeli army to launch aerial strikes on the strongholds of Hamas in the north of Gaza.”

    The news account was a rare piece in Malaysian media that truthfully laid out the sequence of events.

    I suppose the Malaysian Government cannot handle the truth.

    1. you conveniently left out the real cause of the issue, that of the Israelis forcefully robbing Palestine land in East Jerusalem

    2. It was the Hamas rockets that started the cycle of use of Deadly Force.

      Those aren't Hari Raya toy rockets.

      Deadly Force, of course, begets a response of Deadly Force.
      Israel is not a pleasant country , and it lives in an unpleasant neighbourhood.

      Israel necessarily behaves in a crude, unpleasant manner.

    3. of course we know that, in your own words, 'Israel is not a pleasant country' It recently forcefully evicted many Palestinians from their lawful residences in East Jerusalem as part of the Jewish State's intention to make Jerusalem a wholly Jewish city. This has been the root cause of the current conflict. Israel does so with impunity knowing its religious slave the USA has and will curtail any major Arab (Egyptian, Saudi) attempts to help the Palestinians

  5. "For the last few days, Israel has been bombing the heck out of Gaza, just like Israel has done so a few times in the recent past. Missiles and fighter jets have been blowing up schools, apartment complexes, hospitals, and media centers. Gaza, of course, has no air force, missile defense systems, or military. Gaza is an open air prison, where every aspect of people’s lives is controlled by Israel.

    The new conflict started when Israel started evicting Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem and also attacked Muslims praying inside one of the holiest sites — Al Aqsa mosque — (during the holy month of Ramadan) with grenades and rubber bullets.

    While the U.S., U.K. and other Western sensationally describe China’s re-education camps as “genocide” and write thousands of tear-jerking articles, the Western attitude shifts completely when it comes to Palestine. U.S. politicians, who cannot stop crying about Muslims in China, suddenly flip 180 degrees. The rationale here is that these Israeli attacks are “self defense.” And the media describes these bombings as “clashes.” No mainstream media would show the victims of these barbarous attacks:

    Has China ever bombed Xinjiang? No. Even though Uyghur separatists and terrorists have carried out hundreds of terrorist attacks over the last three decades, China’s policy has been focused on law enforcement, rehabilitation, compassion, poverty alleviation, and economic development.

    On the other hand, the bombing of Gaza will not be portrayed as genocide or even a war crime. As Caitlin Johnstone puts it, what’s happening in Gaza is “an assault on an open-air concentration camp by a brutal apartheid regime.” The Western establishment’s extraordinary hypocrisy, cynicism, and double-standards are despicable.

    The U.S. funds Uyghur separatists, organizes dozens of “human rights” groups, sponsors fake researchers like Adrian Zenz, helps separatists emigrate to Western countries, and glorifies them on all the media.

    If China bombed Muslims, the victims — especially heart-wrenching photos of wounded and dead children — will be on the front pages of all American and British news organizations. Islamophobic Republicans will turn on the outrage machine and fake sanctimony. Then, women who just lost their children will be on CNN, BBC and every other channel. The entire social media will be screaming “China is Nazi.”

    U.S. propaganda outlets like Radio Free Asia even cry about relocation of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. However, the truth is that China has spent billions of Yuan on moving Uyghurs stuck in extreme poverty and mud houses in remote villages to modern, furnished, new homes. For free. And then the Chinese government helps these Uyghurs find jobs through multitude of creative and targeted poverty alleviation programs — for example, building greenhouses, giving them lambs and camels, or providing modern tractors and drones for cotton farming.

    The U.S. took East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) off the terrorist group few months ago, but cheer the bombing of Hamas, the Gaza-based militant group.

    [The above are extracts of this article Palestinian V. Uyghurs -Naked Western Hypocrisy : ]

    1. The Chinese Comminist Party paid a completely unknown Gwailow YouTuber, with 20 views, to claim that the CIA funded Xinjiang violence.
      Then CCP used China 10-cent army to promote that completely evidence-empty Video worldwide.

      Fortunately, I'm completely aware of the Chinese Communist Party Black Ops, because I knew about that video when it had 20 views !

    2. instead of doing a batang kali the my lai way, the british force a relocation of chinese into a new village surrounded by barbed wire to stop them from escaping, we can therefore conclude that british is as a humane as ccp.

    3. So u have watched that YouTube by a completely unknown Gwailow YouTuber when it had only 20 views!

      Did u save that YouTube to support yr later day farts?

      "completely evidence-empty Video worldwide"

      R a plenty in the YouTube & especially western press when it concerned CCP/China/Chinese!

      Havt u watched those from BBC? CNN? Especially when they r been singularly compiled & supported by one adrian zens!

      Of course lah for a well dwelling katak of know-nothing, the only good news r news coming out from that fart filled well. Every other source r just Chinese Communist Party Black Op!

      Mfer, u deserve to be in yr current stage of rant. Stay on course. Don't ever deviate.

    4. 犬养mfer is trying to twist its hp6 history of Chinese new village formation by the colonial pommie with the evolution of MCP!


      Probably that's where it cultivated its pet loath of communism & ampu-ing of the capitalism!

    5. no, our history is trying to cultivate us to acknowledge our appreciation to the british for reeducated our elder generation in a barbed wire camp, the british never bomb us like what israel n ccp did.

      i follow ah jerk logic, i no talk capitalism, a topic u know very little.

    6. Of course lah, I would want to know yr kind of capitalism as defined under that fart filled well with monopolistic marketing economy.

      See, how twisted is that educational flair under that fart filled well where mfers like u r been taught to "acknowledge our appreciation to the british for reeducated our elder generation in a barbed wire camp, the british never bomb us like what israel n ccp did"!

      That's yr kind of katak logic needed from Formosa - just like how those 台毒 dickheads all were been related/rededicated by their beloved Nippon colonist masters & drown deeply under the Stockholm syndrome!


    Just a friendly reminder to Ktemoc that he could be prosecuted under Australian law if he provides financial or other tangible contributions to Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation under Australian Law.

    It is a long standing bipartisan status in Australia, under both Liberal and Labour Governments.

    Even Leftie Kevin Rudd maintained the Hamas status.

    Humanitarian contributions to Palestinians through legal channels, is of course allowed.
