
Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Malaysia Disaster named Muhyiddin


Congrats Muhyiddin – Angry Malay Voters Want To Teach The Government A Lesson At The 15th General Election

People who thought the now-collapsed Pakatan Harapan was a hopeless U-turn government are now kicking themselves really hard. And people who believed “Sleeping Beauty” Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was out of touch with reality on the ground are now having a second thought. Even former Prime Minister Najib Razak, the world’s biggest crook, is seen by some as a better leader than PM Muhyiddin.

The Perikatan Nasional government’s U-turn has reached such a remarkable level that even kindergarten kids are left wondering if the country has gone mad. Prime Minister Mahiaddin alias Muhyiddin is so out of touch with the people that he thought if he hides in his Palace, he could maintain his popularity, not realizing that an increasing number of Malays could not wait to punish him.

As the backdoor prime minister made a spectacular U-turn yesterday (10 May), declaring a nationwide MCO 3.0 lockdown, Malay traders were up in arms over last-minute orders to stop trading at Ramadan bazaars. Laughably, as recently as less than a month ago (15 April), Mr Muhyiddin told the business community that his government had no intention of imposing another nationwide MCO.

It was already bad that the premier was heckled and cursed by a Malay trader a couple of days ago during his visit to the Ramadan bazaar in Putrajaya – his own backyard, the Prime Minister Office complex. Now, more Malay traders have openly expressed not only their displeasure and anger, but also threatened to teach the regime a lesson in the next 15th General Election.

In a video clip, traders said they had been ordered by police in the morning (10am) to close their business, only to be told hours later in the afternoon (2pm) that they can continue with their business – claiming there was a misunderstanding. However, the traders had already packed all their goods and were ready to shut down, leading to frustration and anger over the flip-flop standard operating procedure (SOP).

Last Tuesday (4 May), despite initial denials over reports that a third round MCO (movement control order) will be declared, Senior Minister “turtle egg” Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced MCO 3.0 that involved only 6 out of 9 districts in the state of Selangor. The half-baked lockdown was supposed to kick off from May 6 to 17. Even then, the government was still struggling to prepare its SOP.

Grocery, convenience stores, dining premises and petrol stations were allowed to operate between 6am and midnight, even though dine-in is not allowed. Besides daily markets (night and morning markets) being allowed to operate between 6am and 2pm, Ramadan bazaars were also allowed to operate (Selangor state announced the next day that bazaars will be closed effective May 8).

But three days ago (Saturday, 8 May), Senior Minister cum Defence Minister Ismail Sabri said all Ramadan bazaars in states under the freshly declared MCO 3.0 (movement) must be shut down from Monday (10 May) onwards. However, two days earlier (May 6), Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa announced that bazaars will be allowed to operate even during the MCO lockdown.

Annuar Musa, under pressure because his boys had already accepted (and spent) rental payments for thousands of booths at Ramadan bazaar, said his decision was made after considering that there were only a few days left until the end of Ramadan. To make matters worse, the MCO 3.0 itself has been plagued by changes, U-turns, flip-flops and whatnot.

On 5 May, just one day after Minister Sabri announced the MCO 3.0, the lockdown was expanded to include the entire Kuala Lumpur and several districts in Johor, Perak and Terengganu. But the MCO for the capital city, effective from May 7 to 20, was just the beginning of more chaos in the already conflicting and confusing third lockdown.

Three days later (Saturday, 8 May), Mr Sabri announced MCO on some districts in Penang, Perak and Pahang. On the same day, the clueless minister still insisted that the government had no plans to impose a blanket nationwide MCO lockdown, but will adopt targeted lockdown based on the number of rising Coronavirus cases in certain areas and localities.

Yesterday (Monday, 10 May) evening, Prime Minister Muhyiddin suddenly announced the MCO 3.0 for the entire country, making Sabri looked like a fool. But even before the stunning announcement, which was a massive flip-flop, parents were already angry and mad in the morning. Kindergartens, pre-schools and day-care centres were like being hit with a nuclear missile.

Just an hour after dropping their children in the morning, parents were forced to fetch their kids home, thanks to a last-minute reversal in SOP by the government to close daycare centres and kindergartens at 10am. Prior, schools as well as kindergartens and daycare centres had been allowed to operate as usual even under the MCO lockdown.

PM Muhyiddin’s announcement of a nationwide MCO 3.0, however, saw yet another U-turn. Now, childcare centres, nurseries and kindergartens are allowed to operate to aid parents who are working. Hilariously, it was the Prime Minister himself, who chaired the National Security Council (NSC) meeting to close the kindergartens in the morning, only to reverse it in the evening.

Interestingly, under the latest nationwide MCO 3.0 from May 12 to June 7, Muhyiddin justified that the decision made during a special conference of the NSC was based on data and science – increasing number of infections and the threat of new Covid-19 variants. He talked as if science was invented last week and data were just collected yesterday.

Exactly how could there be 3 to 4 revisions to the MCO 3.0 within a week of the lockdown being introduced, not to mention dozens of flip-flops in between, is beyond comprehension. The PM blamed the virus variants and lack of compliance to SOP, conveniently ignored his regime’s half-baked policies, double standards in enforcements, clueless leadership and lust for power.

But wasn’t Ismail Sabri involved in the NSC meetings all along? The 8 members of the NSC comprise Chairperson Muhyiddin, Home Minister Hamzah, Defense Minister Ismail Sabri, Communications and Multimedia Minister Saifuddin Abdullah, International Trade & Industry Minister Azmin Ali, Chief Secretary Mohd Zuki Ali, Chief of Defense Affendi Buang and Inspector General of Police.

Was there even an NSC meeting in the first place? Otherwise, how was it possible that Ismail Sabri hadn’t a clue about the plan for a nationwide MCO 3.0? While people had anticipated U-turns from the backdoor government, they never expected flip-flops at this grand scale. The prime minister appears to be sleeping on the job while his clueless ministers do and say whatever they like.

Muhyiddin’s lame excuse to start yet another half-baked lockdown appears to be an admission that the State of Emergency is useless against the virus. The MCO 3.0, like the previous MCO 2.0, is nothing but an excuse to justify the current emergency rule and to continue suspending the Parliament so that the illegitimate regime can continue to cling to power (and plunder national coffer).

More importantly, the country’s chief executive had failed to propose any new strategy to differentiate MCO 3.0 from MCO 2.0. With the emergence of the ferocious B.1.351 South African variant, the B.1.1.7 U.K. variant, and the B.1.617.1 double-mutation variant from India this time, what are the chances that half-baked MCO 3.0 will succeed when the previous MCO 2.0 had failed?

The majority of the Malay community actually understood the need for yet another lockdown, despite their increasing doubt and scepticism. What they cannot and refuse to accept are the double standards and flip-flops practised by the backdoor government. As described by the Malay in the video clip, this government spins and twists better than the Bangladesh.


  1. That is the outcome when we accept low standards of accountability. Worse, we allow for politicians to say and do whatever seems to fancy them, thus the confusing signals the rakyat are receiving.

    We say Singapore is boring but at least their Multi Task Force gives out consistent directives. Nobody talks over the next person.

    We must admire that they speak in a single voice and therefore, you do not see the confusion that we see in Malaysia. Nor do you see flip flops that is so common in Malaysia.

    Why can't our "leaders" at least take the cue from Singapore?

  2. All is well....out in the interior, where the crucial votes to keep PN on power lies, support for the Melayu Gomen is still solid.

    The rants coming from the Urban chattering classes are mostly DAP or PKR voters anyway.

  3. Badawi and Jibby would have been better than Mahiaddin handling the pandemic?

    Toonsie would be best....

    His solution will be to arrest and lock up all who oppose him, blame the pandemic on the Jews and peg the number of positive cases at 500 per day. Problem solved....heh heh heh....

  4. cannot name wuhanvirus but can call uk variant, sa variant n indias? who a joker, like msia pn n chairman moo, most useless govt n pm.

    1. 犬养mfer, r u trying to play with yr 南魔萬 England?

      What's yr f*cked 'wuhanvirus' vis-a-via all the tagged variants?

      Do u actually read anything into the etymological definition of variants as compared with the WHO definition if virus nomenclature?

      Joker for u?

      A more correct name tag is evil minded sore loser out to blackgoating its meme-ed loath!

    2. There, there...don't trouble your otak-kosong over such you stick to whining, cursing and randomly spew out inane, fictitious 'facts'.

    3. original from wuhan, mutated in uk sa india, that is what etymological is abt which everyone can understand, dun confuse us la with twisted logic.

    4. Like to u originated in bolihland, mutated in Formosa & turned loathsome katak everywhere u farted.

      That's etymology as defined under yr fart filled well, no?

    5. yes u got it! definitely more clear than saying i am from 513, study in 228 n kick 64 murderer ass right?

    6. Wakakakakakakaka…

      U know 64 incident?

      Ooop… the distorted one!

      Here is a China version:

      Know what's Stockholm syndrome?

      Guess not!

      Mfer, gets ready to go 'kick 64 murderer ass'?

      Not those who u have been indoctrinated!

      Those same mfers as in the person of - Wang Dan, Wu'erkaixi, Chai Ling, Shen Tong, Liu Gang, Feng Congde, Li Lu, Wang Youcai etc etc.

      But would u?
