
Monday, May 10, 2021

Lust For Power – Home Minister Hamzah Grabbing Power In The Police Force


Lust For Power – Here’s Why PM Muhyiddin Must Sack Home Minister Hamzah For Grabbing Power In The Police Force

Prime Minister Muhyiddin, as usual, is keeping his elegant silence even after a week since the explosive scandal of Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin interfering with the promotion and transfer of senior police officers. The fact that it was the outgoing Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Hamid Bador who exposed the scandal speaks volumes about the power hungry government.

Interestingly, the top police chief’s bombshell came after the home minister admitted that it was his voice in the viral audio clip which had been spreading on social media, discussing matters relating to police transfers. As the former director of Special Branch, it’s hard to believe that Hamid Bador had no knowledge whatsoever (despite his denial) in regards to the audio clip.

Make no mistake. Mr Bador was himself an incompetent police chief, to put it mildly. During the two years as the country’s 12th Inspector-General of Police, he was practically sitting on his hands, having achieved next to nothing. He had issued numerous chest-thumping claims about knowing the whereabouts of fugitive Jho Low, but could not bring back the partner-in-crime of former PM Najib Razak.

The top police chief had also bragged that not only he knew the precise location of Indira Gandhi’s former husband, but was also in “communication” with him. Exactly why did the IGP has to sweet-talk, persuade and convince a Muslim convert who basically converted and kidnapped his 11-month daughter Prasana Diksa since 2009 is beyond comprehension.

As the country’s IGP, Hamid Bador should actually feel ashamed of himself for failing to enforce a 2016 Federal Court order to arrest Muhammad Ridhuan Abdullah (real name K. Pathmanathan before conversion) for failing to return the daughter to her mother. It was both puzzling and amusing when the police chief said he took the case seriously and wanted a “happy ending”.

It was only when a cartel within the police force tried to topple him did the IGP cried, whined and bitched about the dirty cops in the Royal Malaysia Police. Yet, he disagreed with a proposal to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the matter. He also complained about the culture of asking for money within the police force as if corruption has just started yesterday.

Just weeks before his retirement in May, he revealed that former police chiefs were still using police force to collect money or seek favours. Bador insisted he wanted to cleanse the force, but at the same time was reluctant to the formation of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), largely because the police wanted to maintain the corrupt practice.

Amusingly, after Hamid Bador’s complaints, former IGP Musa Hassan, known as the Mafia of Royal Malaysia Police, stepped forward and claimed that he too had tried but could not cleanse the corrupt police force before his contract ended. Some said Bador deserves a round of applause for having the guts in exposing not only the police force, but also the home minister.

However, one may also question whether Bador would have done the same thing had his contract extended. He only started exposing scandals, irregularities, corruptions, abuse of powers and whatnot after it was decided that his contract will not be renewed. Still, his revelation, especially against his boss Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin, has opened a Pandora box.

Hamzah, one of three traitors (the others being Azmin Ali and Muhyiddin Yassin) who had plotted and toppled the legitimate and democratically-elected multiracial government of Pakatan Harapan, has brought back the memory of lawyer V.K. Lingam. While Lingam was caught in a video clip brokering the appointment of top judges, Hamzah was caught in an audio clip orchestrating the appointment of senior police officers.

Prominent lawyer V.K. Lingam gained notoriety for his “correct, correct, correct” quote which appeared in a video clip showing him discussing the appointment of top judges “friendly” to Barisan Nasional government back in 2001. The despicable lawyer was best remembered for saying (and insulting) – “It looks like me, it sounds like me, but it’s not me” – when he was grilled in the RCI.

Heck, in what appeared to be an insult to the toothless royal commission, Lingam had even told the RCI that it was up to him to “pretend” to talk to whomever he wanted to. Therefore, it’s funny that Hamzah had not used a page from Lingam’s playbook, denying it was him in the audio clip even though the voice “sounds like him, but it cannot be him”.

The fact that Mr Hamzah did not even bother to beat around the bush suggests that the power-hungry home minister is indeed extremely powerful, so much so he believed he was untouchable and invincible. The just retired Hamid Bador exposed that the Home Ministry had forced the Special Branch to conduct special operations for its political purposes.

Hamid also claimed Hamzah had arranged his “boy” – a former senior Special Branch officer – to be made the director of the intelligence agency because the boy was a puppet to the home minister. But the burning question is – was PM Muhyiddin part of the scandal, knowing very well his lieutenant was appointing their boys to the top ranks within the police force on his behalf?

Curiously, Hamid Bador said he had raised the matter with both Prime Minister Muhyiddin and Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Zuki Ali. He said – “We have raised the matter with them, but he (Hamzah) still wants the power (to interfere). This is not good for the country”. Hamid also said Hamzah was angry when the premier agreed that Special Branch cannot be involved in political task.

Muhyiddin’s silence so far can only mean two things. First, the prime minister knew all along about Hamzah’s abuse of power because it was he who agreed in the first place to use the intelligence agency to do the dirty jobs of spying on the Opposition. But when the Special Branch angrily approached him, the drama queen premier pretended to disagree with his boy Hamzah (and Hamid foolishly swallow the hook, line and sinker).

Second, the prime minister was kept in the dark and had lost touch with the outside world. The country is being run by his two most trusted lieutenants – Home Minister Hamzah and gay Senior Minister Azmin Ali. But even if it’s true that Muhyiddin has become senile and no longer has interest in power, which is as good as believing Rosmah Masor is still a virgin, the ambitious Hamzah should have raised the red flag now.

Should not the prime minister sack Mr Hamzah, or at least demote or transfer him out of the powerful home ministry? If it was true that the man who control the police force wanted to use the intelligence agency for his own political purposes, would it not be dangerous to keep him as he could easily spy on his own boss – PM Mahiaddin? So why hasn’t Muhyiddin done anything to neutralize the threat?

It’s safe to axe the home minister because he has created enemies everywhere. He can’t go back to UMNO, let alone join the Opposition. Hence, the prime minister does not need to be afraid of losing his “majority” in the backdoor Perikatan Nasional government. Traitor Hamzah has nowhere to go. Regardless whether it is to prove his innocence or to remove a dangerous man, Muhyiddin must terminate Hamzah.

Hamzah claimed that he did nothing wrong, even after admitting that the voice in the viral audio clip was his. That could also mean two things. His bold statement could mean he is protected by the prime minister (because it was Muhyiddin’s own idea to pervert the police force). It could also mean he may already possess materials and resources to blackmail or topple the prime minister. Either way, Muhyiddin has to act.


  1. Home Affairs Minister is Very powerful.
    He didn't even bother to deny that was his voice. Its like "So What? "

  2. another donkey talk, or more precisely hippo talk? whats wrong police follow the party?
