
Saturday, May 08, 2021

DAP-Umno tie-up: Party elitists drinking from a poisoned chalice

Focus Malaysia:

DAP-Umno tie-up: Party elitists drinking from a poisoned chalice

By Tee Boon Hock

AFTER the fall of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) Government, the DAP elites seem to be clueless and lifeless. Hopefully, they will find out one day that there is life after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Elitist leaders must have felt:

“I know I am but summer to your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year”, when Mahathir was frolicking with the likes of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali of the “Sheraton Move.”

Recently, DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke said that there is a possibility that the party may work with Umno post 15th General Election, if there is no clear winner.

So that’s it. Having failed to get Mahathir’s love, they are now suffering a rebound by stooping so low to woo Umno? DAP has always been the arch nemesis of Umno. Why is this happening?

DAP has always been a party of integrity and righteousness. However, during the 22-months of holding Putrajaya, our elitists forming the “Minister Cluster” have changed. Having tasted the honey of 3Ps- power, position and perks of office- our elitists have failed us.

And now, these elitists are prepared to sell their soul just for the sake of gaining Federal power. I wish to remind these elitists the wise words of our beloved late Karpal Singh- “In politics there is no permanent friends or permanent enemies, but only permanent principles”.

Defending his argument, Loke said that that a stable Government is needed and the constant political infighting is unhealthy for the nation.

Wow indeed! What a noble and altruistic reasoning, or rather a simplistic excuse to get back to taste the wonderful honey of 3Ps again.

I wish to remind Loke that the grassroots have fought tooth and nail, with blood, sweat and tears to battle Umno since our inception. We cannot compromise our values of integrity, honesty and loyalty to our allies so that elitists can enjoy their 3Ps.

Remember the raison d’têr of DAP:

  • Be the voice of the voiceless
  • Defend the marginalised irrespective of colour, creed or class
  • Build a nation where every citizen has an equal opportunity, as enshrined under Article 8 of the Federal Constitution

Remember not to drink from the poison chalice, with your fatal embrace of Umno. – May 7, 2021.


  1. Ah Tee masih Dengki “elitists” ke?

  2. According to the DAP old guard,
    the raison d’têr of DAP is, if I heard them right, to defend a certain sort of Chinese-ness ?

    1. Even if this were true, is there anything wrong?

      Look at the malay parties - always ranting and raving about protecting the malay race and religion. Never was it mentioned to protect ALL Malaysians
