
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Washington's desire to contain China "a strategic error"

Star Online:

Singaporean scholar says Washington's desire to contain China "a strategic error"

PARIS, April 25 (Xinhua): China is not an expansionist power and Washington's desire to contain China is a strategic error, Singaporean scholar Kishore Mahbubani (pic, below) has said.

In an interview with French daily Le Figaro in early April, Mahbubani, a distinguished fellow at the Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore, said that trying to contain China is a strategic error.

The United States "has launched a geopolitical competition against China without first developing a coherent strategy," he said.

"The Chinese are very careful and pragmatic, and very strategic in their thinking," the scholar said, noting, "The Americans put themselves in danger by assuming that it is impossible for them to lose since they have won all the competitions for 130 years."

The veteran diplomat and writer believed that the world is now witnessing a major geopolitical competition, not a Cold War.

He noted that China is one of America's premier trading partners. "And at the same time, China is more integrated with the rest of the world than the United States. It is the exact opposite of the Cold War."

"This is a classic geopolitical competition that occurs when the world's leading power gets scared and tries to contain the emerging power. This has been happening for 2,500 years, since the days of Athens and Sparta," Mahbubani said. "It has nothing to do with communism."

In his eyes, China will become more and more self-confident as it grows. But "It is not expansionist," he said.

"When the United States became a great power in the 1890s -- the equivalent situation of China today -- the first thing it did was declare war on other countries and seize territories like the Philippines from Spain," said Mahbubani.

"If Teddy Roosevelt (U.S. president from 1901 to 1909) were the ruler of China today, he would take all the islets controlled by Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei," he hypothesized.

"China has the military might to do this. But it didn't do this. It claims territories which, historically, have been under its control," he noted.


  1. Taiwan has NEVER been under CCP control.

    1. What did yr England tells u about renegade state?

      As fluid as water, old moneyed mfer?

  2. sporean r mostly two headed snake, can suck xi n biden ass the same time, definitely smarter than our xiaodi.

  3. The katak pact from that fart filled well as all out in chorus to cloak their heart out.

  4. "The Americans put themselves in danger by assuming that it is impossible for them to lose since they have won all the competitions for 130 years."

    Professor Kishore Mahbubani couldn't have put it any better. Whether allies or adversaries, the US will not tolerate any rising power it deems threatening and undermining its global influence.

    This short clip here by Cyrus Janssen, an American, have starkly shown the kind of unscrupulous mafia behaviour of the US :

    In the 1980s, American elites feared the rise of economic powerhouse Japan, but managed to contain its competitor because Japan was at root a vassal state, occupied by the US military.

    However, China's rise today is a different story altogether. With 1.4 billion people, the largest economy in the world ( by PPP measurement ) and an independent foreign policy, China's rise will lead to the beginning of a multi-polar world.

    Behind all this anti-China propaganda is deep-seated racism in Americans that cannot accept the Chinese as equals...all reflected in its relentless atrocity propaganda which brought to the surface the fear and loathing of the Yellow Peril.

    This " Yellow Peril syndrome " is deeper among the those in the US establishment, with the right-wing more blatant and brutal.

    Senator Lindsey Graham : " The Chinese aren't smarter. They CHEAT ".

    A US State Department official said : " It's the first time that we will have a great power competitor that is not Caucasian ".

    The US media and social media influencers, the likes of Kyle Bass, Gordon Chang, General Rob Spalding etc, spew insane anti-Chinese hatred every day to rile up the mob.

    The FBI Director took the cake and called China a " whole-of-society threat ".

    Daniel Dumbrill in his very compelling compilation here shows the extent this crazed strategy the US is now taking :

  5. Professor Richard Wolff discussed here the danger of posed by the Biden administration in its toxic rhetoric against Russia and China, and the reasons for these attacks :
