
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

S. Korean students shave heads to protest Japan’s Fukushima water plan


S. Korean students shave heads to protest Japan’s Fukushima water plan

University students have their heads shaved during a protest in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul today. (AP pic)

SEOUL: More than 30 South Korean college students shaved their heads in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on Tuesday to protest Japan’s decision to release water from its crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea.

Police periodically dispersed crowds, who chanted and held placards, but did not stop the event from taking place, though there is an anti-pandemic ban on gatherings larger than 10 people.

The protesters who were shaved were draped in protective sheets emblazoned with messages condemning the Japanese plan and calling for it to be ditched.

One read: “The Japanese government should immediately cancel the plan to release the contaminated water.”

Japan’s government said last week it will release more than 1 million tonnes of treated water from the Fukushima site in stages starting in about two years.

Seoul has strongly rebuked the decision, with the foreign ministry summoning the Japanese ambassador and President Moon Jae-in ordering officials to explore petitioning an international court.

US climate envoy John Kerry on Sunday said he believed Japan had made the decision in a transparent manner and would continue to follow due procedures.

What's the eff-ing use of being transparent when releasing contaminated water into the sea? The Japs should drink all of it!

John Kerry, for your politicised biased words, eat my poo


  1. Lynas punya waste bagaimana? Sudah ok selepas Sheraton Shake? Tak payah hantar balik ke Sydney? No more issue?

  2. bully one n japs always do bad thing in a transparent manners unlike that nazi ccp n communist pn, everything is thru backdoor, the former kill protestor while the latter make use of draconian law, this south korean student is lucky they live in democracy korea, else they either die crushed by 6.4 tank or die under detention like our doesnt mattet indian.

  3. There is no love lost between Koreans and their former brutal colonial master Japan.

    Even today, it often only takes minor incidents to fan the flames up again.

  4. Wakakakakakaka…

    "bully one n japs always do bad thing in a transparent manners"

    Lies after lies!

    It u learnt from Kerry about doing bad thing in a transparent manners.

    犬养mfer, go read ≪Poisoning the Pacific: The US Military's Secret Dumping of Plutonium, Chemical Weapons, and Agent Orange≫ by Jon Mitchell

    Don't u get tired with yr repeated staled farts about 64?

    Or in that fart filled well, stale fart is still fart with no shelf life!


    By the way, CCP is the undisputed world's Champion generator of plastic pollution.


    1. "undisputed world's Champion generator of plastic pollution"

      U just read a piece of trashy report w/o further verification!

      BTW, do u know the differences amongst total plastic waste generation & waste management, recycling or incineration.

      After importing nearly half of the planet's plastic recyclables for three decades, China barred the import of most residential recyclables in 2017.

      Meanwhile, all those western developed nations' plastic wasted r been exported all-over the third world nations.

      Daily per capita plastic waste across the highest countries – Kuwait, Guyana, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, the United States – is more than ten times higher than across many countries such as India, Tanzania, Mozambique and Bangladesh.

      "High-income countries, including most of Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea have very effective waste management infrastructure and systems; this means discarded plastic waste (even that which is not recycled or incinerated) is stored in secure, closed landfills. Across such countries almost no plastic waste is considered inadequately managed. Note this does not mean there is no plastic at risk of entering the natural environment"

      Effective plastic waste management in these advanced countries meaning expirting all those collected waste to third world countries. The ACTUAL recycled of plastics r minute activities bcoz of tie environmental controls.

      Thus exporting those wastes r the fastest, cheapest & easiest solution in their effective waste management. No more dirty & unhealthy sights until those lowly countries refuse to accept any of those trashes!

      These 'downstrean' recycling processes over in these third world coubtries usually causing more harmful local environmental destructions.

      Mfer, uses yr petrified neurons for once before u fart lah.
