
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Ronnie Liu: Ordinary members treated like cannon fodder by DAP elites


Ronnie Liu: Ordinary members treated like cannon fodder by DAP elites

DAP's Sungai Pelek assemblyperson Ronnie Liu has escalated his war of words with the party's leadership, saying that ordinary members are being treated like cannon fodder by a group of elites who rose in the party after the breakthrough general election in 2008.

In a direct rebuttal of party veteran Lim Kit Siang's statement that the "party needed to be safeguarded against external forces which are trying to split and destroy it", Liu (above) denied that the problem was from outside.

"I don't think external forces are trying to split DAP. The grassroots members are tired of being treated as cannon fodder.

"It's not external forces that want to split DAP - it is DAP's feudalistic leadership of creating an elite class of cronies that precipitated the great divide in the party," he said in a Facebook post.

Liu claimed that when the party was in the opposition, DAP was in the zenith of unity but that things changed after the 2008 elections when it suddenly formed several state governments including a dominant role in Penang.

"The esprit de corps was good, and camaraderie was strong because we fought as one - against the tyranny of the majority suppressing the minority and taking away the little rights we had.

"The grassroots were in the forefront facing tear gas, water cannons, hard police batons, arrests and lockups.

"After the years of sacrifices and sufferings, we tasted partial victory in 2008. We then became part of the government in Selangor, Penang and briefly in Perak," he recalled.

Liu's recollection of DAP unity in the past appeared to gloss over numerous acrimonious departures from the party of elected officials such as Yap Pian Hon, Fan Yew Teng, Lee Lam Thye, Kua Kia Soong, Wee Choo Keong, Yeap Ghim Guan and Hu Sepang.

He focussed instead on the rise of a new generation of leaders.

"2008 saw the rise of the elitists who have not endured the tears, sweat, blood and sufferings of the grassroots but enjoyed the fruits of the labour of the grassroots.

"This simmering of discontent was further accentuated and brought to boil by the feudalistic powers-that-be, encircled by a kitchen cabinet advising the Great Leader pulling the strings of power after GE14.

"To the anguish of the grassroots, elitists grabbed important government positions sidelining long time leaders," claimed Liu.

He complained that party chairperson Tan Kok Wai was "ridiculed" with a non-ministerial position as Special Envoy to China.

"Grassroots were aghast that Sarawak DAP chief (Chong Chieng Jen) was given a deputy minister while other junior members were made full ministers," said Liu, in a possible reference to the rapid rise of Yeo Bee Yin.

"This is totally disrespectful of the political hierarchy of DAP.

DAP must go back to its raison d’ĂȘtre of the party and re-examine the core values which made it so successful and strong in the yonder years.

"Our slogan for change (Ubah) was successful in the last three general elections, so why are DAP leaders fearful of change in the coming DAP national elections?" he asked.

Earlier this month, DAP heavyweights Tony Pua and Hannah Yeoh blasted Liu for a speech in which he said the party should not belittle or degrade itself just to gain Malay support.

Liu was reported as saying that DAP, while multiracial in nature, should not "dilute its Chineseness" just to gain Malay support.

Damansara MP Pua said that Liu is the "Chinese chauvinist the party doesn't need" in a no holds barred response.


  1. Makes it Sound like a Komunis party.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Katak dwelling in that fart filled well NEVER heard of similar hierarchy in their beloved demoNcratic countries!

      Thus all the good in the world r committed by their demoNcratic masters while the communists r the scapegoat of all their bad feelings!

  2. Since 10 years ago the party has moved on, younger leaders have emerged and established themselves. In their 30s, 40s and a few in their 50s. So Ronnie who is in his 60s, now wants the party to gostan and UBAH balik to old timers? Even Guanee at 60 will be stepping down as Sec Gen.
