
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Police only check "certain" audio recordings, but not "some" others


Anwar: Why no probe into alleged recording of PM, home minister?

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim has questioned why circulated audio recordings which allegedly contained the voices of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin were not investigated by the police.

He called the inaction double standards as the audio recording said to contain the conversation between him and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, which does not contain criminal elements, were investigated.

Anwar raised the question after giving a statement to the police at their headquarters at Bukit Aman on the matter. He was accompanied by lawyers Sankara Nair and Ramkarpal Singh.

“In my statement, I mentioned a viral audio recording allegedly showing Muhyiddin talking about the scheme of things, bribes, GLC appointment and so on.

“Has there been any investigation?

“The latest is the circulation of audio allegedly featuring the voice of Hamzah Zainuddin on promoting ‘our men’ to top police positions,” he said in a media conference today.

Likewise, Anwar asked if there was an investigation into the matter as Hamzah had denied interference in the transfer of senior police officers.

Anwar also asked why the audio clip allegedly featuring his voice was turned into a political issue when it was not related to problems pertaining to the economy, politics, and abuse of power by the government.

The police today quizzed Anwar for around one and a half hours.

Ramkarpal said the police investigated the audio recording under Section 505(b) of the penal code which deals with statements related to public mischief.

“It’s important to know that he was called as a witness," said Ramkarpal.

Both Anwar and Zahid denied the voices heard in the conversation were theirs.

Zahid said he was a victim of a political scheme to weaken Umno while Anwar blamed the government, adding it was an attempt to stir up conflict among Umno leaders.

While saying that they would file a police report on the circulated audio recording, to date, no report has been lodged by both parties.

When asked if Zahid, too, would be summoned to Bukit Aman, Anwar said he had no knowledge about it.

“Unless there’s another phone conversation being circulated,” he quipped.

Following multiple police reports on the matter, the police had opened their investigation and would send the audio recording to the forensics lab to determine its authenticity.


  1. Of course there will be investigation only on selected recordings.

    This is after all Malaysia, Truly Asia

  2. I take strong issue with yr one-liner statement of "This is after all Malaysia, Truly Asia"!

    Every time when u mentioned about something bad in bolihland u attached that gimmicky phrase from tourism Malaysia.

    But yr intended connotation with that statement is entirely different from the tourist board's intended good heritages accumulated from the various Asian race.

    U grudgingly use that statement to blackgoating all Asian heritages vis-a-vis those contemptuous behaviours u have quoted!

    What make u so mightily 'righteousness' about u yrself?

    Yr pommie education? Yr family upbringing?

    In actuality, u r just one mfering hippo swimming in the cesspool of that fart filled well!

    1. Btw, those incapable of intelligent discourse resort to name calling.

    2. Sue u?


      I'm not here to tell u anything BUT to enlighten other readers!

      Who the f*ck r u to use yr spurious legal right to intimate others?

      Direct name calling is much much honor than circuitous ad hominem fart. Don't u think so?

      & there is NO intelligence involved in yr discourse of inconsequential. Remember that!

    3. i thot truly asia here simply have the same implications of something like ccp is a true democracy, or ccpland is truly a socialist state?

    4. Wakakakakakaka…

      Another one of those Creative destruction concepts that katak used to twist their lies!

      BTW, Creative destruction, sometimes known as Schumpeter's gale, is a concept in economics which since the 1950s is the most readily identified with the Austrian-born economist Joseph Schumpeter who derived it from the work of Karl Marx and popularized it as a theory of economic innovation and the business cycle.

      But when it reaches the mind of know-nothing is becomes destructive creation of the no trainer!

    5. Don't get yourself in a twist. Life is too short to have your blood pressure up just because you disagree with what others say.

      Chill, man. After all this is Malaysia, Truly Asia

    6. Why should I care about yr fart?

      I'm just tearing out yr outer thick skin to expose a closet hippo!
