
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Pfizer: A saviour or a corrupt corporation with hidden agendas?

Focus Malaysia:

Pfizer: A saviour or a corrupt corporation with hidden agendas?

PFIZER is probably the worst serial corporate criminal in the world, considering the several published news reports on Pfizer’s involvement in fraud, bribery, corruption and illegal tests on children.

Can we trust such a corrupt company on the safety of their experimental mRNA chemical vaccine when their own top management have refused to take it so far?

Yet, we are the only hot-weather developing country in the world to have ordered this very temperature sensitive chemical vaccine.

Total order so far of 32 million doses (for half the population) of highly risky (as stated by the US Govt NIH website), ineffective (in preventing COVID-19 infection and transmission as it has been proven now) & possibly very harmful chemical vaccine.

Why does the US Govt National Institutes of Health (NIH), after stating that synthetic mRNA is gene therapy, said that this approach can have “very serious health risks such as toxicity, inflammation, and cancer”?

Our procurement for vaccines should not be political but based on merit, especially safety. But we should be mindful about the principles of justice, ethics and human rights.

Our procurement must also not go against our policies to oppose Zionism (we do not recognize the state of Israel) and the oppression of the Palestinian people in Israel and the illegally occupied Palestinian territories.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is a prominent Greek Jew and there is nothing wrong in being a Jew.

On Jan 15, 2021, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, announced that it would award an honorary doctorate to Albert Bourla. No problem with that.

But instead of rejecting the offer, Albert Bourla immediately responded that “I am moved by the news and honored to receive a degree from such an important and historical institution as the Technion. In my youth, I considered studying at Technion; this is an emotional closure for me”.

Wow, such passionate support for Technion.

The issue here is that Technion has been conducting R&D into military technology that Israel relies on to sustain its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Technion developed an unmanned D-9 bulldozer for the Israeli military, which it used during Operation Cast Lead, a war that killed thousands of Palestinians, mostly civilians, including many women and children. Because of the machine’s “exceptional results” in Operation Cast Lead, Israel is expanding its use of unmanned bulldozers.

Israeli bulldozers have demolished about 50,000 Palestinian homes and properties since 1967. Technion is clearly and directly responsible on the oppression of the Palestinian people, not just in Israel but in the occupied territories.

Technion also has partnerships with Israeli arms companies, such as Elbit and Rafael. Elbit provides surveillance equipment for the separation wall, such as cameras and drones.

Rafael manufactures missiles that accompany drones and an armor protection system for the Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Mk4 battle tank.

Technion is also a leader in the development of drone technology, which Israel has deployed in the occupied territories. Israel developed such technology in the 1970s and is now the world’s top exporter of drones.

The Technion Autonomous Systems Program (TASP) focuses on researching & developing new unmanned vehicle technology, including drones.

Israeli security forces are relying on “technological means and developments that facilitate a continuation of the (Israeli) occupation with less manpower and government support.”

Such technological advancements allow for the “daily operation of instruments of occupation, such as checkpoints, with fewer soldiers”. Most of this research & development comes from institutions such as Technion.

On April 14, 2021, Israel paid tribute to Albert Bourla on its Independence Day, to cement the relationship between these two “evil forces”.

What independence are they celebrating about? Israel was forcefully created in 1948 from the invasion, expulsion, killings and oppression of the innocent Palestinian people, who were not responsible in any way whatsoever for the Holocaust and any oppression of the Jews anywhere in the world.

How can the government justify such a huge order (largest order for our country so far, for any vaccine) for such a risky experimental vaccine from such a corrupt corporation (Pfizer)?

Wose CEO is such an ardent supporter of an Israeli R&D organisation (Technion), involved in the oppression of the Palestinian people?

We should be boycotting products from Pfizer instead of rewarding this corrupt and pro-Zionist company.

We demand that the Malaysian Government immediately halt the Pfizer vaccination programme pending a review. – April 24, 2021

This article is supported by Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan (PATIOT), Covid Research Centre (AHM Group) & Gabungan NGO Islam (GNI)


  1. Go ahead...depend on clean, pure Allah given natural immune system response to fight Covid-19.
    It is perfectly within your individual right to refuse the Pfizer vaccine.

    Just don't impose your political and/or religious values on others.

  2. BioNTech founders are two Turkish Muslims, Ugur Sahin and his wife Ozlem Tureci, both working in Germany. So Pfizer-BioNTech is Jew-Muslim vaccine.....ha ha ha.....

    If not happy PATIOT (sic) can always choose DaGe vaccine with efficacy of 50%......maybe....

  3. "32 million doses (for half the population) of highly risky (as stated by the US Govt NIH website), ineffective (in preventing COVID-19 infection and transmission as it has been proven now)"
    FAKE news, and lets be clear, Ktemoc is aiding and abetting publication of Fake news.

    "PFIZER is probably the worst serial corporate criminal in the world"-
    , considering the several published news reports on Pfizer’s involvement in fraud, bribery, corruption and illegal tests on children."
    WHERE is the evidence ?

    "when their own top management have refused to take it so far?"
    WHERE is the evidence ?

    Is Ktemoc a FAKE News promoting blog ?

  4. i fully agree muslim shd refrain from any pfizer jab, let those non muslim to be the guinea pig, while ccp lover can use sinovac.

    1. U jealous ke?

      Right now all the vaccine inoculations done in China r using China made products!

      U want to be a jumping queue Pfizer guinea pig?

      Put a sweet word to yr dangdut pals during the happy hour lah.

      No need to act play play here.

  5. The mRNA vaccine from Pfizer-BionTech has a Frankenstein origin.

    The vaccine is simulated by BionTech - a German biotechnology company based in Mainz that develops and manufactures active immunotherapies for patient-specific approaches to the treatment of diseases. It develops pharmaceutical candidates based on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) for use as individualized cancer immunotherapies, as vaccines against infectious diseases and as protein replacement therapies for rare diseases, and also engineered cell therapy, novel antibodies and small molecule immunomodulators as treatment options for cancer.

    Note its base of research is cancer treatment via gene treatment.

    Uğur Şahin & his wife/partner Özlem Türeci, both r leading German oncologists & immunologists, r the co-founders of BioNTech.

    Both of them r German of Turkish descent with Islamic links. (Wakakakakaka… to those ketuanan NGO!)

    Pfizer's role in the setup is to provide financial links & manufacturing facilities for the vaccine.

    The mRNA vaccine patent is held by BionTech alone.

    The joined business entity cones out from the close personal relationship of Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, with Uğur Şahin. (Wakakakakaka… Jew/Muslim cooperation!)

    1. ccp mnra is on the way, anticipate higher efficacy rate, 51.7% vs the current sinovac 50.7%.

    2. Lies!

      China has a mRNA vaccine programme. But it's not for covid.

      Do u mfering understand that mRNA technique is a gene research on cancer treatment?

      Modena/BionTech just 'think-out-of-the-box" to use the RNA of the spike protein to dupe the body T-cell into recogniting a potential SARS-CoV-2 invasion. But SARS-Cov-2 isn't just consisting of spike protein only!

      Mfer, u pluck those numbers from the sky?

      Ooop… generated from the cesspool of the fart filled well.

    3. The reason CCP and their fanboys are demonising mRNA technology is because CCP is years and years behind the West in the technology.

      What you can't catch up, you demonise.

    4. "CCP is years and years behind the West in the technology"


      Can u bunch of katak do some coordination in yr attacks?

      C&P is easy, especially when stale infos r just circulating within that shallow fart filled well!

    5. yalor, ccp is good at 3 things: copy, demonise n censure, they just censure the news of first chinese female oscar best director who once said ccpland is 'a place where there are lies everywhere'

    6. So now yr turn to cloak about a turncoat who has forgotten about how the country invest in cultivating her current 'achievement'!

      China had 1.4B people, there would be no less than 5% of the mfering 公知, 恨国党,ignorant fools & bloodsucking carpetbaggers.

      犬养mfer, it's know as biting the hands that feed u. Ooop… most likely such phase never exists in yr f*cked understanding.

      "copy, demonise n censure"!!!

      Wow 2X!!!

      Look at yrself in our cracked mirror lah.

    7. zhao,a prc passport holder, acknowledge in english the chinese characteristic of people at birth are inherently good, while the ccp zombie n eunuch maki hamun the usa day in day out while living in america using a language most american cant grasp, or via a platform which no audience r american.

      tak malu punya ccp fanboy.

      oh btw, sorry i forgot one more ccp characteristic : bully the weak.

    8. Zhao is just a sample of those 崇洋媚外 serf that I have mentioned before hand. Yet u come back with an illogical & totally confused f*cked rant!

      What r u hallucinating about, 犬养 mfer?

      "zhao,a prc passport holder, acknowledge in ENGLISH the chinese characteristic of people at birth are inherently good, while the ccp zombie n eunuch maki hamun the usa day in day out while living in america using a language most american cant grasp, or via a platform which no audience r american."

      Mfer, reread yr fart & see whether u realised that Zhao is exactly parading what u have written! The type u have blamed the CCP Chinese!

      But well dwelling katak is known to be 坐井观天 & with such a*cked worldview perhaps u should refrain from exposing yr inherent know-nothing lies!

      But should I care? I'm not about listening to a 井蛙语海! I'm here to debunk yr lies & to defuse those foul gaseous leaking from yr body orifices.

      My target audients ain't u. U r just my exposing subject of recalcitrant liar. Remember that!

  6. When Pfizer launched Viagra everybody so happy happy.....nobody questioned its potency....ha ha ha...

    1. Taking into consideration actual licensed Viagra, generic brand equivalents , and fakes, China is easily the world's largest market for Viagra.

    2. Now u c&p trashes from everywhere to bash China/Chinese!

      Mfer, don't u know the Chinese have tons & tons of aphrodisiac TCM?

      Probably u have tried some too!


    Choose your poison , American poison or Chinese poison.

    1. All vaccines r poisons in disguised!

      The RIGHT question is how ethically it has been deployed!

  8. Even 5000 yo Bullyland allow Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to be produced locally. No confidence in their own?

    BioNTech vaccine mass production in China close to ready, may get go-ahead before July
    By Chen Shasha and Hu Yuwei
    Apr 22, 2021

    The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine co-developed by German-based BioNTech and China's Fosun Pharma can be rolled out in the Chinese mainland very quickly once it receives authorization, as key steps for mass production are close to ready, the Global Times learned from a source on Thursday.

    It is highly likely that the vaccine, named BNT162b2, will be approved in China before July, the source said, noting that relevant preparations including the production plant and cold-chain delivery drills are in progress.

    On Wednesday, Shanghai Party chief Li Qiang held a virtual conference with BioNTech founder and CEO Uğur Şahin, a positive sign for the vaccine's landing in the city, some observers said.

    The source said that launching of the co-developed vaccine in China will be carried out in three steps: approval for import and marketing, shipment of 100 million doses under an order signed before, and attempts by Fosun Pharma to produce the vaccine in China to meet local demand.

    The company is planning a storage plant in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai, which has already been equipped with more than 100 refrigerators for storage, the source said, noting that drills on cold-chain transportation systems have been done many times to prepare for a future launch.

    Wednesday's meeting was the second virtual discussion between Shanghai government and BioNTech since October. In the first discussion on October 19, Li appealed to BioNTech and Shanghai-based Fosun Pharma to strengthen cooperation to promote the launch and relevant research at the earliest stage, on the premise of ensuring clinical efficacy and safety.

    "We welcome BioNTech to deepen cooperation with Chinese companies on vaccines and make positive contributions to better safeguard people's lives, safety and health," Li said on Wednesday.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Where do u get this fart of "No confidence in their own?"

      Ooop… directly coming put from a petrified jelly up in yr headcover.

      A business setup gets u up for cloaking no ends!

      Produced in China doesn't mean it would be approved to be used in China!

      How about to ease the production bottleneck of Pfizer?

  9. Why Israel can achieve such a high immunization rate using Pfizer vaccine while US & EU r fighting themselves out of its availability via vaccine nationalism?


    One person - Albert Bourla who pushes for his Zionist agenda while selling out his allowed Pfizer shares, & made a huge monetary gain, when its civid vaccine was announced to the world.

    One more thingy - all covid vaccines, excluding those used within China, has demoNcratic monetary profile WITHOUT ethical responsibility.

    This comes about his ALL covid vaccines r been inoculated to the people under the notion of medical emergency!

    An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Taking into consideration input from the FDA, manufacturers decide whether and when to submit an EUA request to FDA.

    Once submitted, FDA will evaluate an EUA request and determine whether the relevant statutory criteria are met, taking into account the totality of the scientific evidence about the vaccine that is available to FDA.

    1. Bullshit
      It's pure numbers.
      Israel, population 9 million. They got their vaccine orders out early.
      Immunise 100,000 per day , they got 60% of their population inoculated within 60 days.
      USA population 330 million. Even xurrenly vaccinating 2 million people per day, they have just managed to immunise 40 % of their population.

      CCP and their fanboys are all out in a global campaign to demonise Pfizer, because CCP Covid-19 vaccines cannot match on performance effectivity 50% vs 92%

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      Indeed it's pure number!

      The first country to place vaccine order is yr USofA with Modena, Pfizer & AstraZeneca vaccines.

      Canada has the largest hoarding of AstraZeneca vaccine that yet to be used & soon would be expired! What's the population of Canada, mfer?

      So placing order first doesn't necessarily mean u get the order fulfilled first!

      Pure business intricacies that an old moneyed mfer WOULDN'T know!

      Population count plays a part only when u can get hold of the vaccine supply & start an immediate inoculation program. Otherwise, it's just pure fart.

      Many Scandinavia countries have similar or lesser population than Israel. They have also placed their vaccine orders fairly early. Yet until today, their vaccine inoculation rates r still way way behind Israel.

      Answer - artificial vaccine shortage via nationalism hoardings! Currently the key word match between UK & EU. Orders placed & delivery promised & scheduled. Yet the shipments r been hijacked via the commonest supply chain blackgoating - manufacturing delays beyond planning!

      In truth - shipment diversion via selective schemings as in favouring Israeli delivery.

      Demonized Pfizer!


      What demonization r u farting about when all Chinese r been inoculated with China made vaccines w/o any visible major side effects!

      U want to play numeric game?

      Out of 1.4B, at least 200M (∼14%) have been inoculated with 2 doses of the required vaccines.

      Using yr averaged 70% efficacy (50 vs 92) 60M inoculated users would have suffered serious 2nd wave covid infestations. Since China has effective controls, let's cut that down by 50%, ie 30M recurring focus patients. If using the 50% efficacy that number would still be 15M!

      Mfer, nobody in the world can hide this number of patients. Just check the current India runaway vivid train lah.

      Truly know-nothing yet die die still want to do “死鸡撑饭盖” to vent yr irrational & twisted fart!

      U r truly the kind of mfer, who has been conned & yet still want to help the cheater counting his reward money.

      Better stay with yr silver spoon-fed heirloom & count yr days.

    3. 200 M Covid-19 vaccine doses given in China.
      How many have died after being vaccinated with Sinovac ?

      Maybe it's zero, maybe it's thousands. Who knows ?

      CCP State Secret.

      Any investigation into fatalities and/or serious side effects ?
      Who gives a fuck ?

    4. Of course u won't give a f*ck!

      Bcoz yr fart is just another one of yr lies leaking out from those body orifices of yrs!

      Go ask the 犬养mfer about how he can do a guesstimate of 30M deads during the cultural revolution.

      So easy mah - even CCP state secret could be cracked by simple cesspool digging!

      BTW, even if there r investigation into fatalities and/or serious side effects, all u mfers would just term them farcical shows!

      So who gives a fuck?

      Definitely not u!

  10. Have anyone of u ever think about WHY there r such silences on Modena?

    Ain't u guys surprise that so far all the news, especially the bad one, r related to Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson, all China made vaccines?

    Currently Modena is only available in USofA.

    Go dig deeper & don't forget these searchings must be done on alternative sources!

    Vaccine nationalism at best & panic prevention as ordered.

    Unfortunately, not many Yankee r buying into the required herd immunity as postulated.


    1. Every government in the world, except perhaps Iran ( they hate the Yankees) that is buying Sinovac understands very well they are trading vaccine availability for 4th Best, and to lesser extent, pricing.

      They would rather be buying Pfizer, AstraZeneca or J&J if they were available.

      It's not vaccine nationalism.
      USA and Western Europe have been the worst hit by Covid-19, it is perfectly understandable they prioritise their national interests.

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      Typical know-nothing well dwelling katak fart.

      So in the face of life&dead, pricing is still yr f*cked consideration! How big is it hippo?

      Besides, haven't u read deeply into the supply tussles happened all-over the world - with developed nations hoarding all available vaccines & signing multiple supply contracts with multiple pharmaceutical manufacturers?

      Case in point - Canada has secured the world's largest number of potential Covid vaccine doses per capita - but it's struggling to get its hands on some of those doses and to get jabs into arms.

      These pre-orders total more than 400 million doses. Six of the seven vaccines require two doses each to be effective, with the exception of the Janssen Pharmaceutica (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine which only requires one dose.

      Canada 2020 population is estimated at 37,742,154 people. That's 5X per 2 doses per Canadian!

      USofA is one notch higher by keep their vaccine contracts data murky. Especially with his cornering of homegrown Moderna vaccine!

      U called that prioritise their national interests?

      I term it KIASI to the tune of u-die-yr-business & five-fold selfish security!

      If that's not vaccine nationalism it must be leaked foul gaseous from all yr body orifices!
