
Thursday, April 29, 2021

China to USA: We are rice eaters lah, not hot dogs gobblers


Stop imposing democratic ideals on us, China warns US

BEIJING: China warned the US today against imposing its democratic ideals, while criticising trade sanctions and military moves in Beijing’s backyard just hours after President Biden’s speech on American geopolitical priorities.

The remarks came after Biden’s first address to Congress, in which the US leader placed a renewed focus on diplomacy and said the country was in competition with China and others to win the 21st century.

Biden added that “autocrats think democracies can’t compete”, while noting the US welcomes competition and is not looking for conflict.

Asked about the speech, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said it was normal for the US and China to compete in some areas.

“But this kind of competition should be a track and field race, not a duel to the death,” he told a regular press briefing on Thursday.

Wang also warned that “forcing other countries to accept one’s democratic system… will only create divisions, intensify tension, and undermine stability”.

In his speech, President Biden also said the US would stand up to unfair trade practices such as subsidies for state-owned enterprises and intellectual property theft.

But China lashed out a day later at the US for “violating the market principle of fair competition” and “politicising” issues such as the economy, trade and technology, in reference to the trade war between both countries in recent years.

“China is committed to developing a relationship with the US based on non-conflict and non-confrontation,” Wang said.

While Biden said he told Chinese President Xi Jinping the US would maintain a strong military presence in the Indo-Pacific to prevent conflict – just as it did with Nato in Europe – China highlighted issues with US deployments in the region.

China’s defence ministry spokesman Wu Qian added in a separate statement Thursday that, since the inauguration of the current US government, the frequency of US warships sent to China’s maritime territory increased by 20% from last year.

The frequency of reconnaissance aircraft activity in the region also increased by 40%, Wu added, saying that China “resolutely opposes this”.

“The US frequently sends warships and planes to carry out activities in maritime waters and airspace near China, advancing regional militarisation and threatening regional peace and stability,” he said.


  1. And we thought Trumpism was bad, now Bidenism will be worse....ha ha ha... I’m Lovin’ It....!!!

    DaGe citizens now love burgers, pizzas and fried chicken southern many KFC’s, Pizza Huts and McDonalds. The world’s largest Starbucks is in Shanghai.

    Name one rice franchise in 500 yo Bullyland.

    1. oh, that national treasure that do cooking n delivery, a bicolor cat that dun know how to catch mice, n used by the zombie to trick wwf money.

    2. Including those from that f*cked island too!

      U part of it?

    3. Panda Express was founded in California...!!!

    4. The Panda Restaurant Group, parent company of Panda Inn, Panda Express, and Hibachi-San, was founded by Andrew Cherng, Peggy Cherng and Andrew's father, Master Chef Ming Tsai Cherng. Andrew Cherng and his father are from the Yangzhou region of China's Jiangsu province, while Peggy was born in Burma and raised in Hong Kong

    5. They all made their way to the Land of Free and Easy and founded Panda Express in California...!!!

    6. Those katak r known headline readers. The contents always get filtered out.

      Thus, their hp6 understanding of anything!

    7. The facts of the matter is that many ethnic Chinese have made a success in USA.

      Despite the massive ongoing effort to demonise the USA as a horrifying place for ethnic Chinese, that is NOT the truth.

    8. Land of Free?? Tell that to the natives, blacks and Mexicans who originally owned California, Arizona, Texas etc

    9. How about an itsy bit of sympathy for The Tibetans who originally owned Tibet, and the Uyghurs who originally owned East Turkestan ?

    10. "..... sympathy for The Tibetans"? Ask the Tibetans! Are they happier now when compare with 30/40 years ago. Ask them is life easier or harder compare to the olden days. Before the Dalai Lama flee Tibet in 1959, his subjects were slaves status, even their dwelling reflect the "lower caste" status. The Tibetans live to serve the Dalai Lama. And the Tibetans still own Tibet now!

    11. how to ask if there is no freedom to speak, press n pick? communist also hv burden like the whites?

    12. "No freedom to speak" ? Wakakaka ...... that's a lie.

    13. "Uyghurs who originally owned East Turkestan"



      Now u want to fart about Xinjiang history!

      Originally there were multiple nomadic tribes roaming in Xinjiang. None of them can claim ownership of the land.

      The current Uyghur moved into Xinjiang very much later (cf late Ming dynasty) from Turkmenistan. They differ from the ancient Uyghur who were part of the 女真 tribe.

    14. wakakaka, TS has a tendency to be pretty loose and "flexible" with his side of the story which don't merit debate nor rebuttals - just have to ignore his kerbau, wakakaka

    15. msian oso got freedom to speak, no doubt if we apply the same zombie definition.

    16. Facts Are Facts. No Kerbau.

      500 yo Bullyland is the NAMBAR 1 immigration destination BY FAR. Look it up yourself, don’t be lazy.

      Reason? Land of Free And Easy.

      How many people choose to emigrate to 5,000 yo Bullyland?

    17. Of the many choices in Asia to live in KT choose the ONLY ang-mor-land in all of Asia, the transplant of 500 yo Bullyland. Good Choice I might add. Free and Easy Junior....ha ha ha.....

    18. Wakakakakakaka…

      How many people choose to emigrate to 5,000 yo Bullyland?

      Blurred mfer, the right question is how easy can one migrate to China!

      Yankeeland? As long as u have enough green back & required skills.


      Tan Ku Ku lah!

    19. Very Aneh, the man who chooses to live in Oz, the Land of the Free and Easy Jr, the Deputy Sheriff, and where the Westminster Democracy System of Britannia is followed almost to the letter, hentams the 500 yo Land of the Original Free and Easy, and the former administrators of Honkieland where Honkies were looked after so well, they were so happy happy to make money and enjoy freedom, until now.....where so-called elected representatives must swear allegiance to the Bully Party.

      Very Aneh indeed.

      Hong Kong plans to make politicians swear oath of loyalty to Beijing

      Helen Davidson
      Tue 23 Feb 2021

      Hong Kong’s government has announced electoral changes requiring office-holders to pledge and maintain an oath of loyalty to Hong Kong and Beijing, or face disqualification and a five-year ban on running for re-election.

      A bill to “ensure patriots govern Hong Kong” has been endorsed by the executive council and will be tabled in March, the secretary for constitutional and mainland affairs, Erick Tsang, told a press conference on Tuesday.

      “If you claim to be patriotic and you don’t respect, or you try to sabotage, the basic characteristics of our system – a system led by the [People’s Republic of China] – that would not be acceptable,” Tsang said. “You can’t say: ‘I’m patriotic but I don’t respect that it’s the Chinese Communist party which leads the country’.”

      The announcement came a day after a top Beijing official signalled that significant changes would be coming to ensure Hong Kong was run by “patriots” – a clear sign that China intends to no longer tolerate dissenting voices, 23 years after the former British colony was handed over to Chinese rule with a promise it could maintain its own rights and freedoms for 50 years.

    20. Very Aneh, KT got something against 500 yo Bully for RAMPASING Arizona, California etc from Mexico but he has no problem with Ang-Moh RAMPASING the whole continent of Oz from the Aborigines. He even choose to live there, even though they now follow Britannia's Westminster system of Democracy and Playing the Role of the Deputy Sheriff to 500 yo Bully.

      Aneh indeed.

    21. patriotic??? wakakaka, the Union Jack and stars & Stripes flag waving bodekites and wailers of "Prez Trump, save us"

    22. Mexico was/is a nation, so were the Sioux, Comanche, Navajo, Apache etc nations, but there was none in Oz read up TS don't continue recklessly your factoid kerbau

    23. Done, just finished reading up about the dozens and dozens of Australian Aborigine nations that were RAMPAS-SED by the Ang Moh. they are.....KT can read and learn too. In fact there are many other websites.

    24. a PC rendition - check the map says "Not suitable for native land claims ..." etc etc , wakakaka

    25. "elected representatives must swear allegiance to the Bully Party"


      Even yr c&p fart mentioning about requiring office-holders to pledge and maintain an oath of loyalty to Hong Kong and Beijing!

      WHY do u change that requirement of elected representatives must swear allegiance to CCP?

      Blurred mfer, which country in the world has elected representatives NOT swearing allegiance to the country?

      Maybe those demiNcratic 'utopia' under that fart filled well.

      Indeed very aneh on yr part.

    26. No native land claims?

      KT must be educated on Aboriginal Native Land Rights Law, then why now the Ang Mor have to say sorry for the centuries of Land Grab? In fact, Australia Day is now known as Invasion Day.....ha ha ha....

      Where did the money go?’: How native title failed a community
      By Deborah Snow, Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett
      May 3, 2021

      Early last month, hundreds of Adnyamathanha people began travelling from their rocky ancestral lands around the Flinders Ranges and from elsewhere in South Australia to gather at Port Augusta, a town known as the nation’s crossroads.

      As the evening of April 9 drew in, there was mounting anticipation. Some found shelter with relatives or friends; others unrolled swags as evening temperatures plunged in the desert air.

      Hope had drawn them – hope that when the next day dawned there would be light shed, at last, on the millions of dollars from mining revenues which had poured through a maze of entities associated with the Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association (ATLA), the body set up to manage their native title rights.

    27. No native land claim in Oz? Then why are these people so upset and commemorating Invasion Day?

    28. next to NZ, Oz would be one of the MOST PC nations

    29. Besides RAMPAS-ING Aboriginal land Aussies also RAMPAS their children, that’s why they have NATIONAL SORRY DAY, on May 26, starting 1998.

    30. to Christianise them and save their pagan souls, wakakaka

  2. ccp force uighur to eat pork, disallow hker to choose leader, undermine tibetan way of life, want to invade twn for insisting democracy values, now bully sea countries in the name of a comical 9 dash line that was changeable from time to time started as 11 dash n tomorrow could be 18 dash.

    asian eat rice, ccp eat shit, we r diff so ccp get lost n pls return to yr motherland russia bring along yr fanboy in oz, colombia n msia.

    1. 犬养mfer, recycling yr stale lies again & again!


      A bit of smart too now for tagging u as Asian!

      But still in the same cloth as hy - a spurious Chinese serf - doing the same asslicking of a western elite value known as demoNcracy.

  3. Democracy is thriving in Rice Eating Confucian societies Taiwan, South Korea, Japan.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Running out of recycling farts!

      DemoNcacry is indeed thriving in rice eating Confucian societies of Taiwan, SKorea & Japan as promote by those well dwelling katak hoodwink on the idealism of lie propagations!

    2. South Korea and Taiwan only became democratic after they reached a certain level of income i.e USD10k. Much of the economic growth came when South korea and Taiwan were under military dictatorship.

      China you get a democracy within the CCP. CCP members choose their leaders. The CCP leaders choose their leaders and on it goes. Whether it is superior than US style democracy I dont know but it has worked for China.

    3. These well dwelling katak couldn't accept the fact that there r many ways to achieve a set target!

      For them, the only way is that f*cked demoNcratic way dressed up as the only humanity savior.

      Ain't I said about well dwelling? That fart filled well is their WHOLE world of existence.

    4. of course via capitalism, albeit use interchangeably with authoritarian by some. for eg twn n south korea, regardless authoritarian or democracy, economy still growing at a reasonably rate, look at india, the most populated democracy that believe in socialism follow soviet approach, poverty is everywhere until replaced by a capitalistic economy system, finally ccp the copycat that not only copy but thick face enough to rename what was copy, n con the gullible the growth is due to authoritarian model n hv nothing to do with capitalism as if 5000 years ago there is one bursa ccp.

      ironically many live under the democracy cum capitalism system believe ccp like how we believe pas is for all n conman is not a conman.

    5. South Korea and Taiwan only became democratic "of course via capitalism, albeit use interchangeably with authoritarian by some"


      There r never true democracy in these two Yankee vassal states. What they have r the twisted form of demoNcracy, whom they copied piece-meal with tons of erratum. Thus they have had a form of governance by selected elites feeding on the common lowly masses to enrich themselves via rotational political theatrics.

      Their later prosperity after the transformational administration has NOTHING to do with capitalism, which has long existed within their system before those changes.

      Capitalism has always played its role in both places throughout the so called transition from authoritarianism to demoNcracy.

      Rather it has a lot to do with the effusive semi-liberalism of the marketing economy plus sensible doses of socialism on worker benefits.

      This 犬养mfer, likes to claim monopoly of marketing economy by capitalism! It conveniently ignores the fact that marketing economy has had an intransigent hold on human trading activities since human started barter system for their excess goods eon ago! & that's long long before any sopo idealism been formulated!

      India is a copycat with two minds. It wants a capitalistic monetary system while maintaining a control (socialist) market economy. A mutually exclusive dilemma that leads to its total administrative failure in uplifting the sopo status of the country till this day (wakakakaka… what a f*cked lie - "until replaced by a capitalistic economy system").

      Many has mistaken this two-minded phenomenon as the most populated democracy that adopted a Soviet styled socialism!

      What/how India copied Soviet approaches r, that that no economist, worth his/her salt, has been able to elaborate!

      China has been gung-ho in trying (not copying - but can yr 南魔萬 England distinguishes the difference?) various sopo systems to find the best match.

      Through trial&errir 摸石头过河 & painful modifications & sacrificial adaptability to finally evolve a homegrown socialism with Chinese characteristics. Mind u that system is still evolving as time changes - an unique characteristics of the Chinese civilization!

      And that system has done NO any other country in history has managed to achieve - transforming a dirt poor & intimidated nation into a sopo formidable & economical recognizable country within 50yr!

      "ccp the copycat that not only copy but thick face enough to rename what was copy"

      Mfer, keeps repeating yr stale lies lah.

      Can u prove conclusively how socialism with Chinese characteristics is a renamed copycat?

      Ooop… don't ever use yr f*cked irrational claim that marketing economy is patented by capitalism as in "the gullible the growth is due to authoritarian model n hv nothing to do with capitalism"!

      What's wrong with a benevolent authoritarian governance system? It's indeed bringing growth & rejuvenated confidence back for the 伟大复兴, 中国梦!

      BTW, it's a recorded fact that 5000 years ago there is one bursa China! Go check 杨朱的理想! It was just a twist of fate that the Chinese ancestors rejected that idealism as too commercialization. & the ancient Chinese had had a ultra abhorrent for 铜臭. Haven't yr Formosa dickhead taught u about the distinctions of 士农工商?

      Mmm… maybe there is no surprise there! How could a katak breeds within a fake capitalistic greed would talk about the "underhands" of commerce!

    6. 士农工商 is the evidence why industrial revolution n market economy never happpen in china, however it did happen in dream, zombie dream.

    7. Mfer, proves one for all yr hp6 China/Chinese understanding!

      士农工商 Is an old status demarcation in China. It ONLY indicated how the people judge the values of each trades!

      The presence of 工&商 under such status demarcation clearly indicated industrial revolution & marketing economy thrilled in ancient China long before the western world!

      Yaloh, someone is dreaming with induced hallucinations of the demoNcratic fart!.


  4. Interesting. I suppose we should not be so fixated on the name of the systems, whether democracy or communism. This is not the case of "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"! Indeed the "sweetness"/"essence" of democracy and communism have changed for the better or worse compare say, the 1960s and now the 21 century.

    Back then people equate Democracy = Freedom + All Things Good and Communism = Autocratic + All Things Bad.

    However, we witness today Democracy has turned into Demon_crazy + elitism (another name for modern autocratic) and Communism (Chinese style only, not the North Korean type) is becoming more "good"/beneficial to the citizen of China (700 million citizen lifted out of hardcore poverty despite the country being robbed blind by the west and have to worked and toiled so hard for 70/80 donkey's years, which some of us got imprinted in our mind as image of communism China).

    End of the day I would say freedom of choice should be freedom to live in safety and peace, freedom to earn a living, to develop oneself, in an environment with good healthy social safety net. One person one vote would be the last priority. Wakakakaka ..........

    1. to live in safety n peace hker check, freedom to earn a living hker check, freedom to develop oneself hker check, freedom to live in environment with healthy n safety net hker check. anything else?

    2. U r wasting yr time to try enlighten these bunch of well dwelling katak!

      大道万千, 殊途同归!

      There r multiple paths to enlightenment. Eventually all lead to the same target.

      The forever truth advice from the Chinese ancestor.

      To these mfers, they r so meme-ed by their f*cked indoctrination that demoNcracy is the ONLY way for humanity.

    3. US is trying to sabotage China development. Without a valid logical reason ban Huawei to stall its advancement and expansion and illegally detained Sabrina Meng trying to "break" Huawei. In inciting Hong Kong riot they are trying to make China look bad in human right issue (in hindering China's freedom of development, what is a better way than using those Hong Kong "blur-blur no-brainers" to do rioting? In misleading this group of "no-brainers" aren't they being deprived of their freedom to live in peace?). And what has got a security law contradict with democracy when in US, UK and most if not all other countries in the world already have such law and yet nobody make a fuss and cry out loud and protest and riot to oppose that.

      It is the China policy and practice to select and elect an officer through meritocracy with real governing experience and from US style it can be seen one man one vote does not result in election of such a person. The US winner is just a populist such as Donald Trump who won a popularity contest even though he is not the best nor a suitable person. A lot of his supporters just supported him because they like him and not knowing he is not able to do a good job as the POTUS.

    4. 犬养mfer, did all yr HK checklist happened when those 废青 doing their daily rioting all over HK?

      Anything else to fart?

    5. Just wondering since the Hong Kongers still enjoy all those freedoms, freedom to live in safety and peace, freedom to earn a living, to develop oneself, in an environment with good healthy social safety net, nothing has been taken away, so what are they protesting and complaining about democracy being taken away?! They are just a bunch of no brainers so easily manipulated by the west!

    6. 157 years of Pommie colonisation and they miss sucking the Pommie kuku

    7. dun tokkok, leave yr western liberal country n live in hk or better, ccpland. so who is one that sucking the whites dick?

    8. pray tell when can hker exercise their last priority to choose their leader? still no answer after so many words? stick to yr own topic la.

    9. It is the China policy and practice to select and elect an officer through meritocracy with real governing experience and US style democracy is not accepted as evidenced by what is happening in US. It is not good so why still want to copy?

    10. not copy, its what hker want. if u insist to copy, copy taiwan sweden denmark new zealand oz german switzerland japan korea canada. so when?

    11. Oh by the way, before the 1997 returning to China, where got Hong Kongers right to elect their governor/CEO ?

    12. HY, HK is an intrinsic part of China, full stop

    13. "when can hker exercise their last priority to choose their leader?"

      Mfer, how about in 2014 when the yellow umbrella movement of the 废青 disrupted the legislation for the election of the HK SAR chief executive?

      Keep lying through yr f*cked orifices.

      There r people keeping scores of yr lies!

  5. The South China is IS NOT China's maritime territory.

    Hainan Island is 1,000 km away.

    US warships Pass through the South China Sea, as they have been , since 1945. It's only as issue because China claims practically the entire South China Sea as its maritime territory.

    One day sleepy Malaysia is going to wake up and find you can't even sail or fly from Kuantan to Kucing without getting DaGe permission.

    1. admirable cheng he was sailing here and there before there was even an American nation

    2. see, 18 dash line on the way.

    3. Admiral Cheng Hoe sailed to Sri Lanka, and surrounding seas... does that make the Indian Ocean China territory as well ?

    4. See, lies after lies about the China expansionism by this 犬养 mfer!

    5. "China claims practically the entire South China Sea as its maritime territory"

      Mfer, do u have any proof about yr fart?

      By that statement of foul air, obviously u know fart about what r China's entitlement claims of territories within the nine dash-lines!

    6. China didn't claim that, wakakaka, so why should you conjure it?

    7. CCP fanboys should be careful about bringing up Admiral Cheng Hoe to bolster CCP claims to the South China Sea.

      CCP promoters like Kishore Mahbubani have been trying very hard to convince the world that China is not an expansionist power.

      Ming Dynasty China, which Admiral Cheng Hoe served, was certainly an imperialistic power.

      Thanks for reminding us that China is perfectly willing and capable of imperialism when it is rich and powerful.

      That could we be coming soon..

    8. Monster continues his anti China kerbau. Just because Admiral Cheng He sailed as far as Africa, and according to Gavin Menzies, all over the world, that didn't mean the Ming Dynasty was on a colonisation foray like the British, French and American navies, wakakaka

    9. Colonisation is not just about faraway lands.

      Throughout much of history, most imperialism and colonisation involved neighbouring lands, but - get it - subjugating your neighbour is no less ugly than colonising overseas territories.

      Ming colonisation and subjugation of Vietnam

      Ming Invasion and conquest of Yunnan

      In fact Cheng Hoe was a product of the conquest, brought to Beijing as a captured slave when he was a child.

      Ming conquest of Central Asia

    10. This old moneyed mfer could only think with his meme-ed anmokausai indoctrination of imperialism via forceful colonization!

      What else?

    11. Wakakakakaka…

      Old moneyed mfer, why don't u quoted reputed historical researches?

      Instead, u play with a wikipedia where every Tom, Dick & Harry would add some syiok-sendiri paragraphs into a published piece!

      Truly know-nothing & yet just want to parading yr f*cked skill of searching for lopsided infos to suit yr fart!

      Pariah of the nth order.

    12. what research? pray tell how china getting larger n larger along the years? multiracial is mostly a concept used by the ruling class to legitimate conquest n pacify minority to avoid internal war n tussle, china is not that diff with how us of a to become such a land mass state, only us of a did it in a shorter period. go read not ccp version how the various ethnic kill each other n genocide happened from time to time, eithey yr understanding of china history is at kindergarten level, or u r a revisionist that speak with fork tongue.

    13. CK, there's no disputing that this Pariah Monstrosity is truly fucked up.

      Looking back into history, the Age of Colonization is really the outlier, and not the norm. The norm of settling border disputes among nations was through marriage alliances, and/or court intrigues through client princes/kings.

      Even complete military conquests ended up with marrying the locals and pacifying the nation, because nobody can manage the local people better than the local people themselves.

      I have delved through this period and found that skin color was no problem. It seemed that Julius Caesar had no problem treating the black Sudanese in Egypt as fellow human beings.

      But during the Age of Colonization, a new and brutal dehumanization ideology was born, de-human the locals to the degree where they could be slaughtered by the colonizers wholesale.

      This turned out to be not only disastrous to the colonized, but equally disastrous to the colonizers. Thus we soon see the colonizers started using the same dehumanizing ideology and tactic on each other, which was what we saw during WW2. Bayoneting babies and pregnant women. Exterminating whole people and whole cities ( Auschwitz concentration camps, Lidice massacre, Unit 731, etc etc )

      Things not heard of since the end of Roman empire, all happened 70 years ago. And as long as those people who profited from dehumanizing other people are still sitting in full splendor, their very existence is a living incitement to more attempt at dehumanizing other people for power and profit. A danger to us all.

      The most “aggressive imperialism” in recent history has been practiced by the West.

      There is this one picture that I couldn't erase from my mind...this is a picture of a Congolese, looking intently at the severed hand and foot of his 5-year-old daughter, severed as a punishment for the father not collecting enough rubber for the Belgian King, Leopold II.

      When the Western Powers went on its imperialist rampage, they almost entirely wiped out the native population in America and in Australia, The population of Congo was reduced by half. And the slavery trade that's so brutal in its cruelty that it takes a stout heart to read through the various accounts.

    14. ah jerk, u know nothing abt the concept of tianxia n barbarian.

    15. "how china getting larger n larger along the years?"

      Such a typical 台毒 fart that I have had demolished so so many times!

      National boundary IS a modern concept that has its place with the rise of MODERN nationalism.

      The identity cohesion from internal &/or external forces pressuring unity and cohesion among individuals in societies, and produces wide-ranging effects, from a distinct but peaceful national identity to mobilization for warfare, racism and hostility towards disliked groups.

      Thus a nation boundary is established to demarcate the distinctions between each individual nationalistic groups.

      Hence borders are geographic boundaries of political entities or legal jurisdictions, such as governments, sovereign states, federated states, and other subnational entities. Borders are established through agreements between political or social entities that control those areas; the creation of these agreements is called boundary delimitation.

      In the past, many borders were not clearly defined lines; instead there were often intervening areas often claimed and fought over by both sides, sometimes called marchlands.

      The Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 established the wesyern concept of nation-state, membership of which became the identity that is the basis of modern society. It became the forerunner of the sovereignty state with loose boundary confinement.

      In the FAR EAST, many countries were still loosely defined with their common & sometimes conflicting borders. China as an old civilisation of 5000yr, has a stable & recognizable boundary bounded in the east by Pacific ocean & in the West by the Himalayan range.

      The first legally recognizable border came only after the establishment of UN under the chapter of "territorial integrity or political independence" of another state. It is enshrined in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter and has been recognized as customary international law.

      Wakakakakaka… do u realise that Article 2(4) of the UN Charter has been declared dead, not once, but many times since its legal establishment in October 24, 1945?

      So China has her current boundary as established legally & recognizable under the same territorial integrity chapter. The only changes happened when outer Mongolia was 'annexed' & became independent by kmt under the arm twistingsvof Soviet & US!

      Ever since the firm establishment of the sovereign border under UN chapter, China has NOT claimed any other territories that r not legally hers!

      If u want to use tribal/state blood feuds before the concept of sovereign border as defined under the UN chapter to legitimate yr f*caked understanding of "conquest" & territory expansionism then u must convincingly drawn the lines of how those inter-tribe & interstate marchlands were been defined as in yr equally moronic excuses of "how the various ethnic kill each other n genocide happened from time to time" to gain foods & productive agricultural/pastoral lands!

      So 犬养mfer, who is speaking with forked tongue with a very heavy dose of lies?

      I strongly suggest too u eat/sleep with yr f*cked katak-ised China/Chinese history within that fart filled well! Bring all yr 台独 dickheads too for yr occasional choir of China bashing!

    16. tell that to one that talk colonization n imperialism, discuss n get an agreement among yr kind which era u all wanna debate, red indian or trump vs biden, malacca sultanate plus zhenghe or liaoning vs roosevelt.

    17. Mfer, u should be clearly stated as "tell that to one that talk colonization n imperialism" - the one as in those western powers that did that all over the world!

      When China was the dominant power of the world, did she ever established any oversea colonies as the pommie, the Dutch, the pinoy or the Portuguese? She kept to what she had.

      Even NOW, she maintains that territorial sovereignty despite all u mfers' sectarian independence instigations as in HK, Taiwan, Tibet & Xinjiang. Period!

      So which era u want to debate?

      How about going all the way back to the "out of Africa" era rather than choosing the one that suit yr fart!

      & which one is that?

      Truly know-nothing & yet still want to parade yr farts of inconsequential!

      Again, let me remind u - u r in no one hundredth of a part as those 台毒 dickheads that I have had challenged in their f*cked arguments.

      U r just a lousy sore loser doing yr usual 死鸡撑饭盖 act.

    18. Oooop…

      What's it understanding of the "concept of tianxia n barbarian"?

      Don't just quoted - spell them out!

      Afraid that yr f*cked hp6 Chinese definitions from that fart filled well boomerang back to u with shits?

    19. "Truly know-nothing & yet still want to parade yr farts of inconsequential!"

      CK, he's not worth the time to be taken seriously ( btw, ditto for his gang of whiteface worshippers )....this Batshit Otak is only good enough be thrown some taunts his way when one happened to have some free time and looking for some giggles.

      Batty...go play far far away, we can't make out your inane ramblings and we couldn't be bothered to. Just stick to your daily one line bitching against the Chinese government. Your baiting absolutely fail bigtime, hehe

    20. JJ, I'm not interested in taking all these fart well dwelling katak anymore serious than their pure foul gaseous.

      I just want to debunk their lies, clarify their imaginary twisting of historical events & parading their total know-nothing c&p farts to the OTHER readers.

      They can continue with their farts for all I care. Bcoz the more they r putting their f*cked views forward, the more I can bullseye their intentiond so that many others r not been mislead by their contemptuous acts.

      Meanwhile, they r also been exposed as WHAT they r - a bunch of cloaking katak feeding on shits.

    21. What a ridiculous joke.

      For the sake of promoting CCP's so-called "peaceful rise" the CCP fanboys here are trying to foolishly sell the idea that Imperialism by Contiguous land empires was harmless compared to European overseas empire building.

      The facts, borne out throughout history, are both were ugly and inhumane.

      By the Way , Wikipedia is sometimes controversial, but it IS subject to global peer review, and many contributors and reviewers are world-class experts.

      A damned sight more accurate and credible than CCP's CGTN and Global Times.

    22. Wakakakakaka…


      "Wikipedia is sometimes controversial, but it IS subject to global peer review, and many contributors and reviewers are world-class experts."


      Know-nothing fart of the nth order!

      So self evident that no need to clear this foul gaseous fart!

      Let it be forever encircled thus old moneyed mfer.

  6. CK, you've certainly more than debunked those lies and malicious spins of those clowns here whose main objectives are to demonize and shit-talk China or any country that does not kowtow to their white Mastah ! I do appreciate the wealth of information and new perspective from you. Ya, you've resoundingly put them in their places and I applaud your patience and diligence dealing with these craven, intellectually-dishonest 'farts', hehe

    Alas, I'm afraid that I am sorely lacking in having the aptitude to deal with these whining losers who pretended to be what they are not.

    1. JJ, don't be frustrated with yr efforts in debunking those fabricated lies, distorted historys & evil twistings of these well dwelling katak.

      U must be very clear about what yr basic intention of fighting these mfers is.

      Never, ever thought that u can reeducate/rehabitate these bunch of deeply meme-ed indoctrinated pygmies of zilch substance!

      Just remember, short of force-marching them to their graves, all other efforts in correcting their attitudes r wasted bath water.

      So yr basic starting point is to debunk, clarify & reorientation their evil fraudulences to the other readers who might be conned/misled by their flowery presentations.

      The more people know about their contemptuous acts of lying, the less people would believe them.

      Eventually, most of them would just avoid u & trying to find new ground to repeat & propagate their farts.

      This is what I have discovered after so many rounds of debates in various forum.

      Remember, don't be dishearten by their continuous & repeated lies. Bcoz truth triumphs over lies, especially evil construed one!

      Yr audiences r those out there who r trying to find truth amongst the lies, which r already well established through massive first moves in English medium forums & supplemented by the propagandas of the western demoNcratic countries!

    2. CK, you are absolutely right about these morons..." Never, ever thought that u can reeducate/rehabitate these bunch of deeply meme-ed indoctrinated pygmies of zilch substance!"

      I was never once under that illusion at all...these indoctrinated losers can be likened to those extremist religious zombies that hold on to their dogma like a crazed dog which will never let go once it sets its teeth onto something ( hehe, maybe the word dogma comes from that crazed dog, wa ka ka ka )

      And these moronic zombies keep on multiplying and marching inexorably infecting many more with their toxic brain-eating mad cow disease for which there is no cure, with their evil white masters in the West leading the charge.

      The West' pervasive control of the Propaganda Machine has definitely put the Nazi Goebbels Washing Machine in the shade. But there is a glimmer of hope in this era of the internet and smartphones ! Yay !!
