
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Zahid says haram for Muslims to eat ‘animals with two habitats’

MM Online:

In cryptic post on party hoppers, Zahid says haram for Muslims to eat ‘animals with two habitats’

Umno president Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi is pictured at the 2020 Umno annual general meeting in Kuala Lumpur on March 28, 2021. ― Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KUALA LUMPUR, March 31 — Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi shared a cryptic post on party hoppers yesterday, taking a veiled jab at them by labelling them as frogs “bred by certain towkays”.

In what seemed to be a dedicated posting on the amphibian, Zahid shared as to how such species are in fact very useful, as they are also great fishing baits.

However, he reminded his followers that Islam forbids its believers from consuming animals that live both on land and in water, “including frogs and softshell turtles”.

brown S-binte frogs

Zahid said that despite being an avid angler himself, he has never used frogs as bait, as some opine it to be a sin and that he would not eat said animal even if it were cooked in the tiga rasa style, that is popular with Malaysians.

“There are anglers who use frogs as bait to catch fish. Live frogs are said to be more effective than artificial frogs, to trick fish.

“I feel compelled to share the story of an angler who complained about the high price of frogs: ‘Frogs cost more now. Already hit RM15 per kilogramme.’ Perhaps that is why the market has been flooded with frogs since last year,” Zahid penned, while sharing an Utusan Malaysia report on how Malaysia had produced 1,775,847 frogs last year.

green S-binte frogs

The original report, in which Melaka was reported to be the largest frog producer in Malaysia, said that the number was an increase from the 1,736,600 frogs produced in 2019.

“Frogs are also considered an exotic food by some.

“For Muslims, eating animals with two habitats is haram, including frogs and softshell turtles,” he wrote.

Sandakan S-binte frogs


  1. But for Chinese it is OK to eat anything with or without legs, anything that flies (except aeroplane) and anything that lives underwater (except submarine), or anything that can live in all three.

    That is how MCA under Wee KHAT Siong can sleep with Zahid/UMNO under BN blanket, with Yiddin/Bersatu under PN gomen and with Hadi/PAS, all at the same time, like a foursome.

    Soon Wee KHAT Siong may also court Toonsie's Parti Kacau Bilau 13%, then MCA will be a real stud, self-proclaimed champion of the Chinese, as long as he gets his cabinet seat as Menteri Motor Bising.

    Transport minister Wee denies U-turn in bike exhaust issue, says JPJ has always used advocacy first
    By Danny Tan / 31 March 2021

    It has now died down a bit, the loud modified motorcycle exhaust issue, after transport minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong said last week that offenders will face an interview and advocacy action from JPJ instead of a summons.

    Another U-turn by the government? Wee refutes the allegations of a U-turn, saying that JPJ has always used advocacy first.

    “Let me clarify that it has always been JPJ’s strategy to use advocacy and public education to inculcate road users on safe and community-friendly practices without resorting to issuing summonses straightaway. This has always been true even in regard to enforcement on the wrongful modifications of motorcycle exhausts, an issue which had been made viral of late,” Wee said yesterday in a Facebook post.

    “The government understands that currently, many motorists including motorcyclists in areas with Movement Control Order (MCO), Recovery MCO, and Conditional MCO, depend on their vehicles for their livelihoods and are hard-pressed to be faced with punitive fines.

    “However, many road and transport policies are made to protect the safety and health of motorists and pedestrians and the JPJ must continue to play its role in public advocacy and advice, without immediately resorting to summonses......” he added...

  2. did zahid consult hadi first? if hadi can halalkan pencuri, frog is not issue.
