
Saturday, March 20, 2021

When God’s name becomes a political tool


When God’s name becomes a political tool
When Malaysians cannot speak Bahasa Melayu, they are criticised. Yet, when they pray in Bahasa Malaysia, they are told they cannot.

Islam is a tolerant religion, but the attitudes and actions of some of its followers give many people the impression that it is not.

Those who believe that Islam is intolerant can now say they have been proven right by pointing to the uproar and the extremist comments on social media following the recent High Court decision giving Christians the right to use “Allah” as God’s name.

Some Malays have called for churches to be closed in Malaysia, which they wrongly refer to as “Tanah Melayu”.

For decades, Umno Baru and PAS have been warning the Malays that their race and religion need to be protected and defended. Gullible Malays believe the spin because their faith is shallow.

During Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s first tenure as prime minister, non-Muslims were prohibited from using 20 words, including Allah, al-Kitab, firman, rasul, iman and ibadah. Decades later, the ban continues to divide us.

The non-Malay can never win. If he does not speak Malay, he is told off for lacking patriotism. But many non-Muslims, like the Bumiputeras of East Malaysia, use words like “Allah” in prayer. However, the ultra-nationalists attack them for insulting Islam or for attempting to convert Malays to Christianity.

So, if Malaysian society has rejected Bahasa Melayu, it is only because of government policy. The language, like race and religion, has been used to divide Malaysians and control our behaviour.

Look at what 63 years of Umno and Umno Baru misrule has done to the Malay mind.

Malays are told that looking at the cross on the roof of a church, the wall of a chapel, a school badge, a football jersey, a car emblem or a copy of the Bible will make them Christians. Are Malays that gullible? Why haven’t Buddhists, Hindus or atheists turned into Christians just by looking at the cross?

Malaysian Christians in Peninsular Malaysia were banned from using “Allah” because, the authorities claimed, its use would confuse Malays and make them convert to Christianity.

One outcome of this ban was the bad blood between east and west Malaysians, which has helped to fan the flames of secession.

Another outcome is that the Malay mullahs have become a laughing stock.

Why don’t the more intelligent and moderate Malays educate their more impressionable co-religionists?

If a Malaysian cannot speak Malay, he is criticised. If a Bumiputera, say a Christian Iban, were to pray in the national language, he would be condemned.

It appears that the national language and Article 11 of the Malaysian constitution, which protects the right of the individual to freedom of religion, are not compatible. Is this what the Umno Baru and PAS politicians want us to think?

When will some forward-thinking Malay politician start the new narrative that there is nothing to fear when the Christians, who have been using “Allah” as God’s name for many centuries, are not the problem.

The problem lies with our politicians and religious extremists.

A Malay who supports the use of the word “Allah” by Christians will be accused of being a traitor to his race and religion and of being manipulated by non-Malays.

He will also be told that he knows nothing about Islam because he did not study Islam at university.

If Islam in Malaysia is under threat, because of one word, people will feel contempt for Malays. If the Muslims are reviled, blame the government of Malaysia.


  1. either mariam copy my writes, or wise man....n woman think alike.

    1. !!!???

      What a f*cked braggart of shameless instant change!

      Pejuang bahasa?

      Nons learn other call signs that Allah to address their God?

      Suddenly mariam (navigation isa's mother) to be yr copycat?

      All in all - just another face for that don't-spook-the-melayu-sendirivities fart!

    2. below is what our chinese atuk taught us, ada paham?

      "Kebenaran yang dapat diperikan
      Bukannya kebenaran yang kekal.
      Benda yang dapat dinamakan
      Bukannya benda yang kekal."

    3. Wakakakaka…

      Yr "chinese atuk taught u"!!!

      犬养mfer, when did u, a self proclaimed nonchinese, have a Chinese 爷爷?

      Have u double, treble confirmed with that plate hanging over yr front door?

      BTW, hp6 Mandarin tak pakai. & now u want to brandishing yr equally f*cked ketuanan bahasa!

      Ooop… Chinese ancestors didn't use melayu pantun!

      R u sure yr nonchinese ancestors had NO melayu gene ke?

      两者均明镜, 维有心自纯.

      That's how our Chinese 老祖宗 would pass the advice down the generations!

      But, how can a nonchinese mfer understands but keep twisting them.

    4. The teachings of the ancient Chinese sages have been studied by people of many lands, and carried out in many different languages.

      In fact , one key reason the ancient Chinese teachings have survived into the 21st Century is precisely because they have been preserved by non-Chinese scholars, as well as overseas Chinese, outside of Mainland China.

      Because after the Godless Horde took over Mainland China after 1947, the ancient teachings of Confucious and Lao Tsu were banned and burned.

    5. Wakakakakakaka…

      Talk about his-story fabrication, old moneyed mfer u r getting near to the top, to surge pass that Formosa trained 犬养mfer!

      "In fact , one key reason the ancient Chinese teachings have survived into the 21st Century is precisely because they have been preserved by non-Chinese scholars, as well as overseas Chinese, outside of Mainland China."

      Mfer, fact checking how many non-chinese scholars have done significant preservation & deciphering works on ancient Chinese teachings? Especially those before Qin(秦)dynasty!

      Mfer, DON'T give excuses like all those ancient texts were burnt and scholars buried by 始皇帝!

      BTW, many ancient Chinese archeological show pieces, especially ancient texts, displayed all over those western museums r just 'show pieces' only with limited researches & hp6 descriptions.

      During, the 文革 period, though many ancient texts were banned from learning. BUT, they remain in existenceb& safekeepings! If they have been totally eliminated within CCP China, as u have so perfidiously implied, there won't be any possibility of their current robustly expansions/revivals now.

      But how could an anglophile, who knows no Chinese/Chinese history, understands that significance.? All u have r just pure western fabricated lies plus yr per hatred CCP+ imagination!

    6. This MonstrousBigot...he has absolutely nothing positive or good to say about or ascribe to China or the Chinese. You see a lot of these type of vicious, virulent hatred on YouTubes by the followers of Falun Gong on their Epoch Times and NTD TV media( New Tang Dynasty, haha..that crazed Falun Gong's leader Li Hongzhi who proclaimed himself God, obviously has delusions of grandeur to be the new Emperor of a revived Tang Dynasty...that's quite telling, haha ). These are the crazed overseas OCBCs who are so consumed in their pure unadulterated toxic hatred that they are practically frothing at the mouth at those times when their mouths are not sucking the Whiteface's arse/cocks.

  2. Timely subject for Sunday.
    A Church that I regularly pass by in Penang lists Bahasa prayer services every Sunday morning. I have asked Chuch members whom I know, out of curiosity.
    No, they don't use "Allah", in order not to get into trouble. But some congregation members do, because that us how they read their Bibles.
    Mostly East Malaysian Christians residing in Penang, some Indonesian foreign workers, some locals who mainly use Bahasa.
    Zero local Malays. wakakakaka...though there ARE Malays who are curious about Christianity.
    My guess is, if it were not illegal in Malaysia, there would be a small but significant number of converts from Islam into Christians.... hahaha

  3. Some God's names are used as a political tool, other God's names are used for swearing....
