
Monday, March 01, 2021

Was Najib Razak responsible too?


It’s final – ex-tow truck driver to hang for Ambank founder’s murder

Koong Swee Kwan has exhausted all legal avenues and his last resort now is an appeal for clemency to the King. (Bernama pic)

PUTRAJAYA: A former tow truck driver will hang after he failed in his final appeal for the murder of Arab-Malaysian Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi eight years ago.

A three-member Federal Court bench chaired by Rohana Yusuf also affirmed Koong Swee Kwan’s 18-year jail term for the attempted murder of Najadi’s wife, Cheong Mei Kuen.

The accused, 52, gunned down Najadi at a parking lot of the Kuan Yin Temple near Lorong Ceylon in Kuala Lumpur between 1.30pm and 2pm on July 29, 2013.

Rohana, who sat with Abdul Rahman Sebli and Hasanah Mohammed Hashim, in dismissing Koong’s appeal, said the trial judge had considered his defence.

“We find there is overwhelming evidence of the commission of the crime,” she said.

She said the accused’s defence was bare denial, an afterthought and a concoction.


kt notes:

So Koong Swee Kwan will hang for the murder of Arab-Malaysian Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi.

I have googled here and there but couldn't detect any mention of his intent to murder. I was wondering, based on the precedence mentioned by Pakatan supporters of the two policemen sentenced to death for the murder of Altantuyaa Shariibuu, a murder must have a motive, without which the two policemen would not have murder Altantuyaa.

Thus the mob screamed out that Najib Razak must have paid them to murder the Mongolian model, or they would not have.

On this basis, can we blame Najib Razak also for the murder of Hussain Ahmad Najadi, since I can't find Koong Swee Kwan's motive anywhere?


  1. KT never Google properly. Jibby’s tembakpanas loryar was captured on photo just “chasing ambulances” like loryas do ayam sure, and it just so happened that the ambulance he was chasing had Najadi’s body inside.

    A complete stranger to the Najadi family, offering help to “quickly bury the body”. Hmmmm...

    And a few weeks later RM4.3 million flowed from Jibby’s Ambank account, yes, the same account which received 1MDB/SRC money, which Jibby has been FOUND GUILTY AND SENTENCED, to tembakpanas’ account.

    All coincidental of course.....if you are a Gullible Guppy.

    Motive? Just Google Pascal Najadi.

  2. It does not compute.

    Another stupid "deliberately truncated" or "deliberately ignorant" police investigation under the Najib Administration.

    Koong Swee Kwan, a truck driver of dubious past character, one fine day decides to shoot to kill Arab-Malaysian Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi. A man he had never before met in his life., and never had any past dealings with. No robbery was committed, Najadi's wallet was still with his dead body. Being a wealthy man his wallet reportedly had a fair but of money , no robbery.

    Maybe Koong was trying to rape Hussain Najadi, and something went badly wrong, keeping with the often quoted "lust" theory

    The esteemed Royal Malaysian Police stopped there and were strangely uncurious who and why, wanted Hussain Najadi dead. NOBODY ELSE was pursued and charged for the case.

    Another DELIBERATELY Stupid investigation

    To stop Najadi from talking? About what ?

    1. c'mon, don't stop - you have been fabulous on wild speculations, wakakaka

    2. Don't be so protective.
      I only accused Your Najib of being overall Administration at the time of a VERY dubious and ignorant police investigation over the Koong / Najadi case.

    3. good olde Balls, in form again with wild speculations

    4. What wild speculations ?

      "Koong Swee Kwan, a truck driver of dubious past character, one fine day decides to shoot to kill Arab-Malaysian Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi. A man he had never before met in his life., and never had any past dealings with. No robbery was committed, Najadi's wallet was still with his dead body. Being a wealthy man his wallet reportedly had a fair but of money , no robbery."

      Given the facts, the police investigation stopping there and nobody else got charged with the murder is strange indeed.

      These are facts, but the problem is you can't handle facts.

    5. shall we also blame Najib for the murder of Canny Ong in 2003? After all her murderer Ahmad Najib bin Aris had never met her and according to your reckless speculative theory had no motive to do so.

    6. Canny Ong was raped by a sexual predator.

      Oh.. maybe Koong Swee Kwan was a sexual predator as well ?

      As I said, you are Wayyyy to protective of Najib. I haven't even tried to tie him directly with the case, but you are already frightened of facts.

      I merely condemned the police investigation.

    7. Canny Ong was raped by a sexual predator??? So Najib wasn't involved - damn, dash it, and tiu

      Altantuyaa wasn't raped? ... when things then went wrong?

    8. just speculating wildly like you love to, Balls

    9. Methinks Ktemoc Doth protest too much on behalf of his Najib.

  3. Police "failed to seek a motive" (or did they not want to find one?) of the "small fry Tow Truck shooter" (the Chinese equivalent of the Indian BBG Besi Buruk Guys ha ha ha).

    "It had been made public that Koong had been paid 20,000 to carry out the murder..." but police did not seem interested to try the Lim guy who was supposed to have paid the money. They released him after two years.

    Gangsters Were Paid RM30 Million To Murder My Dad - Pascal Najadi Claims New Information
    29 March 2017

    Pascal Najadi, son of the former AmBank Chairman Hussain Najadi, who was gunned down in broad daylight in Kuala Lumpur, says he has a new informant on the case.

    Police have failed to seek a motive for the killing, which took place in late July 2013, shortly after his son says that his father had reported concerns about the Prime Minister’s billion dollar private accounts opened at his former bank to both the police and central Bank Negara.

    A car re-possessor named Koong Swee Kwan, was charged and originally found guilty and sentenced to death for carrying out the shooting, but his case is currently subject to a re-trial,.

    At the time it was made public that he had been paid a sum of just RM20,000 to carry out the murder and the suspect behind that payment was named as a Malaysian understood to be linked to the gangland world by the name of Lim Yuen Soo.

    A warrant was issued for Lim, who was believed to have escaped to China. However Najadi family members have long complained that little effort was made to pursue the case once the small fry shooter had been found guilty.

    Finally, in September 2015 news came through that Lim Yuen Soo had been arrested at KL airport and taken into custody, but was then let go after 8 days owing to an apparent lack of evidence, according to police. The Najadi family have expressed outrage that they were only advised that the man accused of ordering the murder had finally been arrested after he had already been subsequently released.

    KL police had issued an Interpol alert on Lim Yueng Soo, but released him two years later after his arrest

    Pascal Najadi has since protested to the United Nations over what he believes has been a willful failure by the Malaysian police and prosecutors to investigate the motive behind what has been confirmed to have been a hired killing, apparently connected to the Prime Minister.
