
Thursday, March 25, 2021

The God Party with UnGodly Intention - VELL-y FIRE-y MALICE

MM Online:

Guan Eng accuses minister Tuan Ibrahim of conspiring with PAS-mate Kedah MB to disrupt Penang’s water supply

Lim Guan Eng said the DAP will fully support any court action filed by the Penang state administration to challenge what he called ‘vicious unconstitutional act’ by the Kedah mentri besar to allegedly reduce water supply to the state. — Picture by Sayuti Zainudin

KUALA LUMPUR, March 25 ― DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has today accused federal minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man of conspiring with Kedah Mentri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor to disrupt water supply to Penang.

In a statement today, Lim said the DAP will fully support any court action filed by the Penang state administration to challenge what he called “vicious unconstitutional act” by the Kedah mentri besar to allegedly reduce water supply to the state.

“Since the minister in charge and the Kedah mentri besar comes from the same political party, is this another act of political vengeance against Penang that is run by Pakatan Harapan?” Lim asked.

Both Sanusi and Tuan Ibrahim are from the Islamist party PAS, formerly an Opposition party when Pakatan Harapan was in power. The party now is part of the ruling coalition in both federal and state level there.

“Instead of advising Muhammad Sanusi to abide by the law and constitutional provision, the federal government has chosen to work in cahoots with Muhammad to bully Penang to the extent of forcing 1.8 million Penangites to drink muddy water.

“This is cruel and inhumane against fellow Malaysians and will be condemned not just by Malaysians but also by history,” the Bagan MP added.

This follows after Muhammad Sanusi announced plans to build 14 water tanks along the Sungai Muda river in order to provide enough water to the Kedah residents and paddy farmers.

However, the Penang state government argued that this action could effectively reduce the water supply to their state.

Lim said the project may lead to the river drying up at its southern end in Penang, thus throttling water supply that provides 80 per cent of Penang’s water needs.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Environment and Water, and consists of barrages or barriers to “stabilise” the river water level with 14 of them to be built in different locations, with depths up to 20 metres to 30 metres and up to a kilometre wide.

Lim then reminded Muhammad Sanusi that both states have signed a various agreement including the (Alteration of Boundary) Act 1985 which concluded the agreed altered boundaries between Kedah and Penang as well as state riparian ― or relating to banks of river ― rights as enshrined under the Federal Constitution.

He said this action can be challenged in court to reaffirm the constitutional principle that Penang has the right to receive a natural flow of water in its usual quantity and quality.

“Even though Muhammad Sanusi said that the possibility of Penangites drinking muddy water is only an early warning, this is obviously a threat by him to bully and force Penang to pay raw water charges for using the Sungai Muda on Penang’s side of the river.

“Muhammad Sanusi is irresponsible to resort to such bullying tactics when paying for water on Penang side of the border is both illegal and unconstitutional,” Lim said.


  1. Green Komunis government like that ler...

  2. omnipotent but narrow minded n full of vengeance.

  3. I think DAP is fighting a losing argument against the combined might of the Green Komunis Federal and Kedah State Government.

    Either one alone, Penang can take them on, but combined , Penang will lose

    Get ready to pay Protection Money.

  4. A "holy" party resorting to unholy acts!!

    This is islam as practised by the PIS PUS party.

    Thank you for affirming why I do not consider islam a fair religion

  5. Green communist!??

    Wow… wow!!b

    The coordinated katak fart to associate communism with zombieicism!

    That fart filled well must be truly running out of foul gaseous that those katak have to reinvent a new one!

    Communism is godless while zombieicism is a cult of the omipotent monotheist Abrahamic faith. Two parallel lines that shall never mix. Yet, through the f*cked mind of these katak everything goes to suit their fart!

    End of that fart filled well us as near as the end of decay in bolihland. Maybe both r one of the same.

    1. religion cult communism zombiesm all no diff one la, look at their follower chant.

    2. So what's up with yr altarised demoNcracy with endless greediness capitalists scammer the blurred meme-ed commoners?

      Ain't u have been chanting no end too?

      Ooop… katak followers too!
