
Tuesday, March 09, 2021

The blatant racist hypocrisy of the USA and Europe

Business Insider Australia:

'Catalonia is an integral part of Spain': The US sides with Spain's government in Catalonia independence dispute

OCT 28, 2017

  • The US government said it wants Spain to remain united amid the ongoing dispute over Catalan independence.

  • Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy imposed direct rule on Catalonia after the region declared independence.

  • The Catalan parliament needed at least 68 votes for the measure to pass.The US State Department says it supports the Spanish government’s efforts to seize control of Catalonia after the region’s parliament declared independence on Friday.

“Catalonia is an integral part of Spain, and the United States supports the Spanish government’s constitutional measures to keep Spain strong and united,” Heather Nauert, the State Department spokesperson, said.

This echoes President Donald Trump, who said during a joint press conference with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in September that it would be “foolish” for Catalonia to secede.

“I think Spain is a great country, and it should remain united,” Trump said.

The Catalan parliament voted 70 to 10 in favour of declaring the Catalan Republic “an independent, and sovereign, democratic and social state of law.”

The Catalan vote — which needed a majority of 68 “yes” votes — passed with 70 ballots in favour, 10 against, and two blank. As the meeting came to a close, deputies stood and sang “Els Segadors,” the Catalan national anthem.

Just 40 minutes after the vote, Rajoy requested powers to impose direct rule over the turbulent region. His request was granted and is set to go into effect Friday night.

The move follows the October 1 referendum, in which 2.2. million Catalans voted to leave Spain.

The European Union and virtually the entire international community oppose Catalan independence efforts, which have hurt the region’s economic prospects.


  1. this bully no1 oso support their buddy ccp the bully no2 to oppress tibet xinjiang taiwan n hk which yet to declare independence except some noise from a few 15 yo punk.

    what this hv to do with race?

    1. Mfer, keeps to your fabricated his-story lah !

      Yr hp6 中国通 is also been manufactured via yr indoctrinated farts!

    2. ccp fanboy resort to name calling n baseless accusations when truth is told. ccp fanboys always apply double n triple std, here they mock the malay muslim white west south asia but when ccp did the same, they either buat tak tahu or tell us ccp is diff. betui hypocrite.

    3. Name calling & baseless accusation?

      I learn from mfers like u!

      I don't mind rustling in murky water with duckheaded mfers. Bciz that's the only playground they know well.

      "double n triple std, here they mock the malay muslim white west south asia but when ccp did the same, they either buat tak tahu or tell us ccp is diff."


      Do u know what I have just farted?

      Exactitude what u do to others who don't buy yr demoNcratic shits!

      Do understand?

      What do u expect? From a 犬养mfer trying it's best to play Formosa sophism & ended with shits ALL-OVER!

  2. Spain has been a unitary state since the completion of the Reconquista against the Moors in 1450, including Catalonia.
    If Catalonia is has a right to independence , so does Xinjiang.

    1. so Catalonia should be an integral part of Spain, but HK and Xinjiang not of China?

    2. If it is blatant racist hypocrisy to regard Catalonia as integral part of Spain , then blatant racist hypocrisy (of the CCP fanboy ilk) to consider Hong Kong and Xinjiang as part of China.

    3. again your shameless twisted words.

      It is blatant racist hypocrisy to regard Catalonia as integral part of Spain, BUT not consider Hong Kong and Xinjiang as integral parts of China.


    5. I am a Fanboy of Liberal Democracy, Independent Judiciary and Rule of Law.
      Nothing racial with that.

      Taiwan , South Korea and Japan all have that.

      India and Singapore, I hope will one day have that.

      Malaysia, not ever, in its current form, as it becomes more and more Komunistic.

    6. So using yr oft-quoted theme, WHY the fart r u here?

      Go & seek yr fortune in that land of milk & honey lah.

      Or yr secret trading successe DON'T work in that demoNcratic land of our choice bcoz u r a yellow skinned katak!

  3. Nobody is disputing HK is part of China.

    But did Spain sign an agreement with anyone for Catalonia to be a Special and Different Administrative Region for 50 years? Please show.

    Tunggulah sampai 2047. Ikut janji-janji. Itu cara orang yang sudah bertamaddun 5,000 tahun.

    Bully-civilization has existed since 3000BC. What is another 26 years?

    After 2047 Bullyland can raze HK to the ground if they want, or make HK the new capital of Bullyland, nobody can do anything, but until then the Sino-British Agreement still stands.

    1. the young hoodlums changed all that - if they didn't destroy shops etc or shoot arrows at police or throw stones every which way, then the agreement would have continued - by showing their treacherous behaviour and seditious inclination to seek independence (even waved foreign flags as signs of seditious allegiance), the deal was over

    2. T'was NOT the govt which razed HKL to the ground but those Hongkie hoodlums

    3. So arrest and punish the young hoodlums under SAR laws which apply till 2047, don't send them to Beijing to be tortured under Bullyland Law.

    4. The HK protests was because Bullyland wanted to kacau2 and tambah sini tolak sana, impose extradition laws which go against the Sino-British Agreement. Anyone whom Bullyland don't like can be shunted off to Beijing, using HK as a staging post, never to be heard of again, fortunately that book-store owner managed to escape to Taiwan.

      Abducted Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kee opens Taiwan shop
      Part-owner of shop that used to sell texts critical of China opens new business in Taipei

      Associated Press in Taipei
      Sat 25 Apr 2020

      The part-owner of a Hong Kong bookstore specialising in texts critical of China’s leaders has reopened his shop in Taiwan after fleeing Hong Kong because of legal troubles.

      The opening and accompanying news conference came days after a masked man threw red paint at Lam Wing-kee while he sat alone at a coffee shop in Taiwan. Lam suffered no physical injuries and showed little sign of the attack other than a red tint to his hair.

      China’s leaders do not want a bookstore selling works that would “make them uncomfortable or impact on their political power”, Lam, who moved to Taiwan a year ago, told journalists.

      He thanked supporters in Taiwan and Hong Kong for the opportunity to start afresh, and said doing so made China’s leaders “less than happy“. Lam raised nearly $200,000 through online fundraising to finance his new venture.


    5. I see that TipuTS is still quoting from Bullshit Broadcasting Crap (BBC), Formosa Fabricating News and the likes, hehe, happy yum yum swallowing whole the cartload of shit, seeing how reverently he quoted chapter and verse those holy shits. AND TipuTS is exhibiting his otak-kosong here again, hehe

      "The HK protests was because Bullyland wanted to kacau2 and tambah sini tolak sana, impose extradition laws which go against the Sino-British Agreement. Anyone whom Bullyland don't like can be shunted off to Beijing, using HK as a staging post, never to be heard of again..."

      Pure Bullshit ! 

      The meaning of extradition should be obvious to everyone - that it is about crimes committed elsewhere, not about crimes committed in Hong Kong. (If it were about crimes committed in Hong Kong there would be no need for extradition. Do we even have to say the obvious?)  

      China did not propose the new extradition bill. China does not need the extradition arrangement with Hong Kong because Hong Kong and mainland China have been cooperating with each other by (officially or unofficially) delivering each other’s wanted suspects/criminals at the border. This co-operation is usually for serious crimes that are recognised as crimes in BOTH Hong Kong and mainland China. This arrangement or system has been in place for decades. Even the last Hong Kong UK governor exclaimed in a recent interview “they don’t need it!” doing without one in the last few decades. It has been a done thing (now and in the past, even when Hong Kong was a British colony) for Hong Kong criminals to escape to Taiwan, since time immemorial.

      The Hong Kong SAR government was the one who proposed the new bill because of a matter concerning an intended extradition to Taiwan. And the ensuing widespread false belief that it was about sending Hong Kong dissidents to China finally caused the SAR government to withdraw this extradition which now allows that Hongkie murderer who killed his Taiwanese girlfriend to escape justice. Pandai la this TipuTS with his twisting and turning...go eat shit and die, wa ka ka ka. How can anyone explain this level of stupidity exhibited here ?

    6. There r many other bookstores selling books critical of CCP/China/Chinese around that pommie incubated island known as HK.

      What so special about that dichkheaded Lam Wing-kee such that he was the one that been abducted by the 'special police' of CCP China?

      BTW, this c&p fart is dated apr2020. Care to do another search of what happened to his Taiwan bookshop?


      If u want to continue without c&p fart, do make sure u do them on time & in time.

      Otherwise, shits r in yr face!

    7. From TipuTS : "Tunggulah sampai 2047. Ikut janji-janji. Itu cara orang yang sudah bertamaddun 5,000 tahun.

      Bully-civilization has existed since 3000BC. What is another 26 years? "

      Shooting off the mouth is TipuTS' trademark, hehehe. That's the unfortunate consequence of his inability to be impartial, in addition to the lack of the painstaking meticulousness needed to shift through reams of documents and articles to sort out the wheat from the chaff.

      The 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration is like a memorandum of understanding (“1984 Joint Declaration”) when in 1984 the leaders of U.K and China first reached an agreement on the core principles of the 1997 handover.

      Based on this Declaration, the Basic Law was then developed - all drafted under the watchful eyes of both the UK and Chinese governments. This Basic Law serves the purposes of carrying out what was said in the 1984 Joint Declaration. The Basic Law was officially “adopted” by the Chinese government in about 1990 (i.e. went through the formalities of becoming a part of the law of China). The Basic Law commenced in Hong Kong upon handover to China, on 1 July 1997.

      The Basic Law was NOT written by the Chinese government. The Basic Law was developed by a group of (180) people in Hong Kong, the so-called community leaders, such as businessmen, various professionals, industry leaders etc, including both “pro-China” and “anti-China” people. One can imagine the numerous meetings and squabbles among this diversified group of people. In the end, everyone had to make compromises and the final draft was “approved” by Beijing in 1990.

      Now this matter must be carefully noted : The Basic Law CLEARLY says, among others, that any changes to the Basic Law would require China’s approval, that China has the final right of interpretation of the Basic Law (i.e. if in doubt, China has final say), that the Chief Executive candidates must be acceptable to China, etc.

      As you can see, there is no “room” for China to breach the 1984 Joint Declaration because of the agreed role of the Basic Law. In the past 22 years China has been complying with the Basic Law and on a few occasions when the Chinese government intervened by interpreting parts of the Basic Law, it was doing so lawfully according to the said written constitution. The Chinese government learned how to play the game from the U.K government, pored over the meaning of the words in the Basic Law, and has been very careful in doing things legitimately. I cannot imagine a scenario where China would have any need to “violate” the 1984 Joint Declaration, when compliance to the Basic Law is not in issue.

      ( to continue...)

    8. It is inevitable that some people, especially the anti-China people and those too young to know the history (or too lazy to find out the contents) of the Basic Law, that they would find China’s “final say” power in Hong Kong’s written constitution unsatisfactory. In the same way many Americans find some parts of the US constitution objectionable. Well, too bad then....the
      written constitution is Hong Kong's reality in the same way other countries’ constitutions are other countries’ reality.

      And please note too - Hong Kong is given 'a high degree of autonomy' but NOT a full autonomy. Digest this difference carefully.

      And another side of the question is : If Hong Kong attempts to declare independence from China, does that violate the "one country" side of the bargain ?

      Inviting foreign power ( US and U.K) to intercede in Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese business seems a clear violation of the "one country, two systems" agreement and China can and will do whatever it pleases within its sovereign territories.

      The point of the agreement was to INTEGRATE Hong Kong fully back into China after 150+ years of colonialism. Hong Kong has responsibilities to uphold their half of the bargain.

      [ Note : the New Security Law was a requirement in the Basic Law but due to the protests from the Pro-Dems proponents, this much needed piece of legislation was delayed for 23 years. China indeed was very patient in this matter but finally did the correct thing to get this law put in place ].

    9. If KT can copy and paste from October 2017 why can't I do the same from April 2020....?


    11. Bully-Mock-Cracy....ha ha ha.....

      Why China’s Hong Kong crackdown could backfire
      Minxin Pei -March 11, 2021

      The Year of the Ox has begun darkly for the people of Hong Kong. On Feb 16, nine pro-democracy activists, including 82-year-old Martin Lee, the revered long-time leader of the city’s Democratic Party, went on trial facing charges of illegal assembly.

      A week later, the Hong Kong government announced that it would enact a law allowing only “patriots” to serve on district councils, the lowest level of the city’s administrative apparatus, with responsibilities ranging from sanitation to traffic.

      This will likely result in the expulsion of democratically elected council members and the disqualification of future candidates deemed disloyal to the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC).

      Then, on Feb 28, in the most sweeping crackdown yet since China imposed a draconian national security law on the former British colony last July, the Hong Kong authorities charged 47 leaders of the city’s pro-democracy movement with “conspiracy to commit subversion” under the law. Because the law rigs the trial process to ensure conviction, these activists face the prospect of years in prison.

      Several considerations may have prompted Chinese President Xi Jinping to escalate the repression in Hong Kong. For starters, indications that the national security law has succeeded in instilling the rule of fear in the once-defiant city may be encouraging Xi to take advantage of the despotic momentum and try to decapitate Hong Kong’s pro-democracy forces.

      Moreover, the West’s measured response to China’s imposition of the national security law – until now limited to diplomatic denunciations and sanctions against a small number of senior Chinese and Hong Kong officials – has not really hurt the government in Beijing.

    12. ....con't

      Chinese leaders also appear to have drawn a line in dealing with new US President Joe Biden: China’s sovereign prerogatives in Hong Kong and the western province of Xinjiang are non-negotiable. China will do as it pleases in those places, despite Biden’s warning of “repercussions” for human-rights abuses.

      But Xi may have underestimated the costs of his actions in Hong Kong. This latest spate of prosecutions of pro-democracy activists, coupled with a lack of goodwill gestures from China to improve ties with the US, will most likely harden Biden’s stance.

      For the time being, the Biden administration wants to avoid a frontal collision with China, because it must first attend to domestic priorities such as tackling the Covid-19 pandemic and fostering economic recovery.

      As Biden’s advisers weigh the best approach to China, the CPC’s intensifying crackdown in Hong Kong will undermine advocates of a more nuanced and less confrontational US approach while vindicating those convinced that only a hardline position can modify Chinese behaviour.

      When the 47 pro-democracy activists are convicted and sentenced to long prison terms, the Biden administration will have no choice but to make China pay. The narrow window for stabilising US-China ties, which should serve Chinese interests, will likely close, and bilateral relations could resume their dangerous downward spiral.

      At that point, Chinese repression in Hong Kong will make it much easier for Biden to recruit wavering Western democracies as allies. Currently, many European countries are hesitant about becoming full-fledged partners in a new US-led anti-China coalition.

      Aside from their extensive commercial interests in China, they worry that an unrestrained US-China geopolitical rivalry could plunge the world into a new cold war, disrupt and fragment the global economy, and doom any hope of combating climate change.

      But European leaders ultimately must respond to voters, many of whom care deeply about human rights and are demanding tougher policies toward China. It will not be long before Germany and France, in particular, find it untenable to maintain a policy that relies on strategic neutrality in the unfolding US-China duel to preserve their economic interests in China. When European democracies finally join the Biden administration’s nascent anti-China coalition, the credit should go not to America, but to Xi.

      Such a coalition could impose painful costs on China for its actions in Hong Kong. True, in the short term, the US and its allies cannot easily undermine Chinese efforts to build Hong Kong into a financial centre capable of rivaling New York and London; after all, financial sanctions, such as a ban on investing in companies listed there, would cause chaos in global markets. But they still have a wide array of other options to squeeze China.

      Decoupling China from global technology supply chains currently seems inconceivable, but could become a reality if the coalition agrees to a new arrangement similar to the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls, which choked off Western technology transfers to the Soviet bloc during the Cold War.

      Western democracies could also deny Chinese leaders the international prestige they seek by curtailing high-level exchanges and vigorously contesting Chinese influence in multilateral organisations. And sheltering victims of China’s crackdown in Hong Kong would be both a humanitarian gesture and a forceful rebuke of Chinese policy.

      Chinese leaders are most likely already aware of these consequences as they weigh their options in Hong Kong. They have settled on an ultra-hardline course in the belief that its costs are bearable; arguably, their gambit has paid off so far. But, by throwing down the gauntlet to a new US administration and its allies, China may be overplaying its hand.

  4. Is Spain involved in any secretive program to "thin out" the Catalonian population by TIPU-ing and sending their young people to work thousands of kilometers away from their homeland? If so please show....

    'If the others go I'll go': Inside China's scheme to transfer Uighurs into work
    By John Sudworth
    BBC News, Beijing

    China's policy of transferring hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang to new jobs often far from home is leading to a thinning out of their populations, according to a high-level Chinese study seen by the BBC.

    The government denies that it is attempting to alter the demographics of its far-western region and says the job transfers are designed to raise incomes and alleviate chronic rural unemployment and poverty.

    But our evidence suggests that - alongside the re-education camps built across Xinjiang in recent years - the policy involves a high risk of coercion and is similarly designed to assimilate minorities by changing their lifestyles and thinking.

    The study, which was meant for the eyes of senior officials but accidentally placed online, forms part of a BBC investigation based on propaganda reports, interviews, and visits to factories across China.

    1. Yes, Yes ,Yes, only CGTN and Global Times publish the truth.

    2. ONLY now u know?

      Pity those katak dwelling under that fart filled well.

    3. John Sudworth got his full worth from BBC the Bullshit Broadcasting Craps, hehe. Oh yes, a Chinese confidential report study "meant for the eyes of senior officials but ACCIDENTALLY ( emphasis is mine ) placed online, WA KA KA KA...these Pommies are so hilariously funny. Of late, we have been regaled with so many 'confidential reports leaks' from the Chinese government...sheesh, due time the Chinese officials pull up their socks, sleeping on the job, OMG, what are they thinking...leaving such important confidential reports online for BBC to also accidentally found them. LMAO.

      TipuTS, watch this...China Daily could do better than that Bullshit Broadcasting Craps :

      Western media’s disinformation campaign: two tales, one Xinjiang

  5. CCP fanboys fund it impossible to see that there is such a thing as CCCP racism.

    1. What about all u, dickheaded kayak dwelling under that fart filled well?

      To u, there is no such thing as DemoNcratic racism - that echoes its spurious humanistic farts!

  6. The hypocrisy of the Whiteface countries is beyond salvation. It is so deep seated into their psyche that they have not even a shred of shame, such that they can tell whopping, outrageous lies with a straight face, hand at heart and swear on the bible. Their double standard is their Gold Standard.

    The world is getting increasing weary of the US and its allies smearing and demonizing China so relentlessly now that not a single day goes by without negative news and spins about China, conveniently using Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang to fabricate fake stories and news.   

    Whether it's a Republican in the Oval Office or a Democrat, their policy of aggression against China remains unchanged. There's not much difference between Pompeo and Blinken.....the scripts are still the same, just the manner differs, the Democrats will smile more willingly at you, but will stab you in the back without hesitation, whereas the Republicans will talk shit to your face and will stab you openly in the heart, shrieking with laughter at the dripping blood on their knives, very upfront now with this new Trumpism Republicans.

    So how is China managing all such shenanigans ? With equanimity, I should say. China will simply brush it all off, refusing to get down to wrestle with the pig in the mud.

    China doesn't get into a war with words. It just stays on plan. Like it did in Hong Kong...let the Western powers run rampant until the HK residents had enough of the destruction and mayhem, lost patience with the little rioting boys and then crushed the 'DemonCrazy' proponents. A piece of paper ( NSL) stopped the spooks and all mayhem stopped overnight. Then Covid19 happened and this buried the Pro-Dems for good. With no game to play, the spooks went home ( some ran off to Taiwan ) and the Chinese traitorous pawns made a quick escape to the West. America sold a huge chunk of property as it had no further use. A few months later, all you hear from HK is the occasional arrest.

    The same will happen with the Uyghurs. American spooks will fund and train extremists to go into Xinjiang to agitate. Their media and politicians had set the ground with fake stories of genocide, mass rapes, mass sterilization, mass forced labour and mass incarceration in "concentration camps".

    However, China knows what to do, it won't spend sleepless night agonizing over this yet another attempt by the depraved West. The Uyghurs themselves will sort out these interlopers.....the Americans and the Brits won't have a ghost of chance to have a foothold in Xinjiang. After the Uyghurs have finished with them, the Chinese government will simply do the mopping up. You see, the Chinese had done their homework here....the government had gained tractions as mentors in Xinjiang -  it's hard to be a radical if you have full time employment and growing prospects. (The other alternative  for the West to wage a conventional war with China over Xinjiang is also not feasible, former allies of the US will certainly balk at sending in their soldiers to die in Xinjiang...BIden's mewing about 'multilateralism' is so fake)

    I'm afraid the spooks will be crying into their beers again.

  7. Guys, take a break, watch some real Xinjiang Uyghurs scolding Fat Ass Pornpeo here, hehe :

  8. Just received on my feed - great news - finally that Rapture-waiting religious nut cum compulsive liar Adrian Zenz is to be sued for falsehood and slander, mischief making, etc. Finally ! Taking a leaf from the great Lee Kuan Yew eh ?

  9. This one hot off the press...AFP ok....? Meet everyone's censorship laws...?

    New Pres Biddy starts to draw Dash-Lines around Bullyland....ha ha ha...Great Wall of Dash Lines....? Ha ha ha...again...

    In message to China, Biden to meet Australia, India, Japan PMs
    10 March, 2021

    WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden will hold first-ever joint talks on Friday (Mar 12) with the leaders of Australia, India and Japan, boosting an emerging four-way alliance often cast as a bulwark against China.

    It will be one of the first summits, albeit in virtual format, for Biden, who has vowed to revive US alliances in the wake of the disarray of Donald Trump's administration.

    "That President Biden has made this one of his earliest multilateral engagements speaks to the importance that we place on close cooperation with our allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific," White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Tuesday.

    The meeting of the so-called "Quad" comes amid rising tensions with China, which is seen as flexing its muscle both in trade and security realms.

    Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that Biden was "taking this to another level".

    "It will be an historic moment in our region and it sends a strong message to the region about our support for a sovereign, independent Indo-Pacific," Morrison told reporters.

    Both Psaki and India, which earlier announced the participation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said that the talks would take up climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic - two key priorities for Biden.

    "The leaders will discuss regional and global issues of shared interest, and exchange views on practical areas of cooperation towards maintaining a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific region," the Indian foreign ministry said in a statement.

    The talks, also involving Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, will touch as well on promoting maritime security and "ensuring safe, equitable and affordable vaccines" to fight COVID-19 in Asia, the Indian statement said.

    Japan said that Suga spoke separately on Thursday to Modi and voiced alarm about China's "unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the East and South China Sea" as well as the status of rights in Xinjiang and Hong Kong.

    The Quad foreign ministers, however, were careful not to make an explicit mention of China, which has voiced alarm at what it sees as an effort to gang up on its interests in Asia.

    After Biden's election, Chinese state media had printed articles calling on India to end the Quad, seeing New Delhi as the most likely opponent.

    But views have hardened in India after a pitched battle in the Himalayas last year killed at least 20 Indian troops. China has named four dead in confirmation that took half a year.

    Australia has also shown growing willingness to participate in the Quad as relations deteriorate with Beijing, last year joining naval exercises with the three other nations off India's shores.

    The Quad was launched in 2007 by Japan's then prime minister Shinzo Abe, who was alarmed at China's growing assertiveness around Asia.

    Biden has pledged in general terms to continue his predecessor's hawkish line on China, including by pressing on human rights and territorial disputes.

    Source: AFP/ec/dv

    1. Hehe...the Quad will become Squash, made into Mush LOL

      Yankee go home ! these waters in Asia are not your playground.

      India intruded into Chinese land in the recent skirmish at the border and got more than they bargained for, 20 Indian soldiers dead and India went crying for mommy, spinning outright lies, started banning this banning that, hehe. As is China's stance, it played its usual cool shouting, no finger pointing until the little hot headed Indians calmed down, and now, months later, released footages showing the true picture. So STFU la, dei India !

      Little pet poodle Sugu who took over that Abe the Obey-doggie, went cuckoo too and started to mew " China's unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the East and South China Sea" as well as the status of rights in Xinjiang and Hong Kong."

      Well, the South China Sea will be death knell of the Quad team...akan jadi bubur kentang, wa ka ka ka

      Digest this :

      The Chinese navy outnumber the US navy in the Western Pacific

      Rand wargaming has consistently played out a Chinese victory by BIG MARGINS, especially when it comes to the defense of Taiwan. China definitely pack a mean punch. Don't play play

      How long must China convince the Americans that it is FUTILE and too expensive to maintain forces in the region, Quad or no Quad.

      So go back home la Yankee !

      Hasn't the American Military Industrial Complex (MIC) made more than enough insane profits to trick Japan and India to hike defence expenditure by buying all kinds of war machines year after year ?

      Of course we know, and even understand, that it helps MIC to clear redundant inventories which otherwise will end up in the scrap yards. Taiwan just last year got some antiques from the MIC at an exorbitant price and that ah tSai woman even had to help buy carcinogenic pork as a condition of the purchase. LOL

  10. Inconvenient talk about Xinjiang

    1. Why so selective about yr Xinjiang inconvenient stories?

      What happens to all those other convenient talks about Xinjiang done by Xinjiang natives of all races?

      Fake news/propagandas just like yr western demoNcratic farts?
