
Friday, March 26, 2021

Sacred Prostitutes

Wikipedia informs:

Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew Bible uses two different words for prostitute, zonah (זונה) and kedeshah (or qedesha) (קדשה)‎. The word zonah simply meant an ordinary prostitute or loose woman. But the word kedeshah literally means set apart (in feminine form), from the Semitic root Q-D-Sh (קדש)‎ meaning holy, consecrated or set apart.

Nevertheless, zonah and qedeshah are not interchangeable terms: the former occurs 93 times in the Bible, whereas the latter is only used in three places, conveying different connotations.

This double meaning has led to the belief that kedeshah were not ordinary prostitutes, but sacred harlots who worked out of fertility temples. However, the lack of solid evidence has indicated that the word might refer to prostitutes who offered their services in the vicinity of temples, where they could attract a larger number of clients. The term might have originated as consecrated maidens employed in Canaanite and Phoenician temples, which became synonymous with harlotry for Biblical writers.

In any case, the translation of sacred prostitute has continued, however, because it explains how the word can mean such disparate concepts as sacred and prostitute. As put by DeGrado, "neither the interpretation of the קדשה as a "priestess-not-prostitute" (so Westenholz) nor as a "prostitute-not-priestess" (so Gruber) adequately represents the semantic range of Hebrew word in biblical and post-biblical Hebrew."

Meanwhile the Biblical Archaeology site informs about the story of Judah and Tamar, the ancestor and ancestress of all Jewish people of the House of Judah (virtually 99.99% of today's Jews in the World, if not 100%):

Some Biblical scholars, for example, have interpreted the story of Judah and Tamar as a case of sacred prostitution. According to Genesis 38, the unsuspecting Judah mistook his daughter-in-law Tamar for a veiled “prostitute” (Hebrew zonah). For her services, Judah promised Tamar a sheep and gave her his seal as assurance the debt would be honored.

[kt notes: I have a different interpretation-analysis of the story of Judah & Tamar which is NOT at all flattering to Judah - maybe another day-another post, wakakaka]

12 March 2021 - we have FMT publishing:

Veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah had labelled PAS as a ‘prostitute’ for working with various parties. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s statement calling PAS a “prostitute” does not represent Umno’s view, as far as PAS leaders are concerned.

PAS information chief Kamaruzaman Mohamad was also confident the statement would not affect the Islamist party’s relationship with Umno.

Asked if the statement by Razaleigh, also known as Ku Li, would hurt PAS supporters because the party had helped Umno candidates win in several by-elections, Kamaruzaman said PAS members would not be quick to react as they were familiar with the political culture.

“Now in 2021, most people are mature enough to accept information very openly,” he said, adding that PAS faced various accusations and insults in the past.

PAS information chief Kamaruzaman Mohamad.

“I see Ku Li’s statement as being narrow-minded. It does not represent Umno because for us, the biggest agenda that PAS, Umno, PPBM and other Islamic NGOs have is uniting the ummah.

“This is far more important than Ku Li’s view, which is personal,” he told FMT.

Kamaruzaman also said he felt Ku Li’s statement was only a “small insult” when compared to all the other attacks against PAS.

He advised all PAS members to remain calm, not to get emotional and to maintain a mature political mindset, as had been practised for so long.

In a statement, Tengku Razaleigh had labelled PAS as a “political prostitute” for working with various parties. He said Umno should oppose PAS in the next general election.

“Even in the (2019) Tanjung Piai by-election, when they were already with us, they did not vote for Umno. PAS had 3,000 members in Tanjung Piai but less than 1,000 voted for us.

“They are not trustworthy allies and this also goes for Semenyih (by-election).

“PAS is like a prostitute that goes back and forth between DAP and Semangat 46,” said the former Semangat 46 president.

Meanwhile, commenting on Tengku Razaleigh’s accusation that PAS could not be trusted as it had worked with DAP, Kamaruzaman said the party would decide on its political stance based on what benefits the ummah the most.

Although PAS had worked with all parties, it always prioritised the fight for Islam, he added.


kt notes: zonah (זונה) or kedeshah (or qedesha) (קדשה)‎



  1. Ummah?? F**k your ummah!!

    I am sick of talk of ummah as though the nons are on the warpath against the muslims and the muslims need to defend itself.

  2. Ain't all these abrahamic religious cults share the same root but different interpretations of their dogma?

    So what so special about them? Even their diverse descriptions for the oldest trade of the world?

    Still all in the family with a f*cked superiority mentality of god's chosen people meme-ed within the core teachings.

  3. islamist that talk like a prostitute? only pas hv it.

    1. Don't conveniently ignored yr beloved Formosa !

      Send yr greeting to that bitch who promote 我不在乎的大国崛起,我在乎小民的尊严幸福 in prostuting Chinese priority!

    2. pas islamist n ccp communist keep talking rising, revival, dream, sound very like those prostitute before gety paid.

    3. Ask that bitch hiding in Pingtung about her understanding of professionalism in prostitution.

      U? Just 吹 lah.

      Spreading the legs voluntarily w/o demanding pay - that's Formosa doctrine inherited from her Jap colonial master - just grovel & keep suffering in silence!
