
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

PAS signals win in GE15 will allow it to redraw election boundaries to FURTHER benefit Muslims


PAS hopes for two-thirds majority win in GE15 to redraw election borders

PAS is aiming to win a two-thirds majority in the next general election with the help of its allies in order to redraw election boundaries in a way that will benefit Muslims.

Central committee member Khairuddin Aman Razali said the three Malay parties - PAS, Bersatu and Umno - will have to work together to achieve this goal.

"There are long-term (needs) that require us to win the next general election with a two-thirds majority. (Upon achieving this) the electoral boundaries need to be changed to benefit Muslims.

"We also need to increase the number of parliamentary seats in Malay-majority areas," he wrote on Facebook.

Based on Article 113(2)(ii) of the Federal Constitution, Parliament can pass new election boundaries without the approval of two-thirds of the Dewan Rakyat.

Electoral boundaries for Sarawak cannot be changed until 2023, followed by Sabah in 2025 and Peninsular Malaysia in 2026.

Khairuddin's suggestion that a two-third majority was needed possibly signalled that PAS has the intention of amending the Federal Constitution.

According to the Kuala Nerus MP, the goal of a two-thirds majority can only be achieved if PAS, Bersatu and Umno are involved in straight fights with the opposition parties.

Umno's supreme council had decided that it will not work together with Bersatu in the upcoming 15th general election (GE15). The decision is expected to be reaffirmed at the party's national delegates assembly this weekend.

Officially, PAS is a coalition party within Perikatan Nasional, which is led by Bersatu, and is also part of the Muafakat Nasional pact with Umno.

Both PAS and Bersatu are Umno splinter parties.

Khairuddin added that PAS will remain "patient" in its quest to ensure Muslims unite.

"Let's look at the long-term benefits we can bring to Muslims," he said.

There is ample evidence that the country's electoral system already suffers from severe malapportionment where voters in rural areas have greater voter weightage compared to urban counterparts.

The last redrawing of electoral boundaries, which exacerbated the problem, was passed in March 2018.


  1. make one muslim 5 votes, democracy with pas islam characteristic.

    1. Oredy 6.6 to 1.

      Bangi 178,958 voters = 1 DAP seat (Ong Kian Meng)
      Putrajaya 27,306 = 1 UMNO seat (Ku Nan)

    2. or follow ccp democracy, the chairman, vice chairman, assistant vice chairman, assistant of the assistant vice chairman must be pas member.

    3. Ain't u following the Formosa katak-ised demoNcracy?

      All must in the family of the elite!

  2. Better start dreaming now folks, or soon non-Malay/Muslims will be ghettoed into 500,000 vote sized constituencies. Let's start with DPM shall we....? Ha ha ha....

    Wee KHAT Siong will be looking for a Malay/Muslim seat to run in....because no Chinese will throw him any telurs...ha ha ha....

    1. 42 pun kalah kpd 13, wakakaka - no balls

    2. Tak kalah. 42 ada 6 menteri, manyak Timbalan including FM dan rangkul Deputy Speaker, AG dan CJ semua bukan Islam. Becoming multi-racial.

      Next step was DPM but KT hound and pound Harapan until tak jadi ha ha ha....

      Sekarang MCA ada apa? 1 kerusi saja, duduk bawah meja PAS.

    3. For what it's worth, I dare say DAP will be fighting hard against this, while MCA will be collaborating and abetting with the move.

  3. MCA, MIC and Gerakan are the racist parties because they want to help the APARTHEID PN gomen win two-thirds majority so that they can amend the constitution and redraw election boundaries.

  4. The sheer disrespect these muslims display towards tge nons is staggering.

    They never talk of NATIONAL unity but always malay/muslim unity. The nons are better off leaving this land of utter racial bias and hypocrisy.

    This islamic unity talk makes me puke!!! If their allah allows or condones this kind of attitude, I say "keep your islam to yourself".

    I wonder if the chinese converts subscribe to this philosophy or they become Malayanised like the idiot ridduan tee.
