
Saturday, March 06, 2021

MCA deputy president mocks DAP for cozying up to Umno


MCA deputy president mocks DAP for cozying up to Umno

MCA deputy president Dr Mah Hang Soon targeted DAP for "pandering" to Umno despite a long history of animosity.

Speaking at the MCA Youth annual general meeting today, Mah said DAP appeared to be keen on replacing MCA as Umno's partner.

"Comrades, MCA was not wiped out. But our rivals are still training their guns at us. They are now pandering to our partners Umno.

"Are you ready, comrades? They want to replace MCA. This shows that in their hearts, they know we are on the right path.

"After they had experienced being in government, they forgot about principles. Their goal is solely to rule," he said.

Mah's use of "are you ready" in his speech appeared to be a veiled jab at Perak DAP chief Nga Kor Ming, who used the line while mooting a possible tie-up with Umno.

Perak DAP chief Nga Kor Ming

In December last year, Perak DAP and Umno state assemblypersons had worked together to topple Ahmad Faizal Azumu as Perak menteri besar.

Following this, Umno briefly flirted with the idea of a coalition government with Pakatan Harapan. That plan fizzled out.

At the time, Nga said Perak DAP was willing to work with Umno under certain conditions.

"Are you ready?" he tweeted, tagging both DAP and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

In view of the current political crisis, Perak needs a multiracial, clean, strong & stable government based on the principle of integrity & good governance. I am prepared to work with anyone who share this vision.Are u ready? @dapmalaysia @anwaribrahim @DrZahidHamidi @guanenglim— Nga Kor Ming (@NgaKorMing) December 6, 2020

Meanwhile, Mah said reaching out to young voters was very important for the party and lauded the efforts by MCA Youth chief Nicole Wong.

"I can see that our comrades in MCA Youth are working hard. Wong is now an online celebrity. Let us use (online platforms) to attract young voters!"

He added that once the voting age is lowered - expected to be in effect in July - there could be up to 7.8 million new voters.

"After the 2018 elections, Malaysia has undergone a lot of changes. These first-time voters will be kingmakers. Every party will have to appeal to them," Mah said.


  1. MCA, UMNO bedfellows for 64 years , deputy president mocks DAP for cozying up to Umno.... WTF how hypocritical can MCA get ?

  2. MCA pre-marriage course for bride - karate chop chop class.....ha ha ha manyak lucu....

  3. Mah Hang Song, sudah 1 tahun jadi Timb Menteri Pendidikan, ganti Teoh Nie Ching......UEC macam mana....? Kena tunggu 60 tahun lagi....?

  4. Apa Mah cakap ni, kalau tidur dengan UMNO itu salah, MCA sudah lama tidur dengan UMNO, since Merdeka. DAP tak boleh tapi MCA boleh?Ini circular logic.

  5. Mah ini cakap macam Komunis, nak bertengkar, comrade, guns, wipeout.....

  6. Replies
    1. In the same mold as fickheaded katak with demoNcratic farts theme!
