
Monday, March 29, 2021

Iran and China sign 25-year cooperation pact


Iran and China sign 25-year cooperation pact

Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (R) greets Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi (L) after a document signing ceremony in Tehran, Iran. - EPA pic

TEHRAN: Iran and China signed a 25-year "strategic cooperation pact" Saturday in the latest expansion of Beijing's flagship trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative as the US rivals move closer together.

Negotiations for the deal, launched five years ago, sparked controversy in Iran last year and virtually no details of its contents have been released.

China is Iran's leading trade partner and was one of the biggest buyers of Iranian oil before then US president Donald Trump reimposed sweeping unilateral sanctions in 2018 after abandoning a multilateral nuclear agreement with Tehran.

The China-Iran pact, which Tehran said included "political, strategic and economic" components, was signed by the two countries' foreign ministers, Wang Yi and Mohammad Javad Zarif, an AFP correspondent reported.

"We believe this document can be very effective in deepening" Iran-China relations, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said, recalling that the pact had first been proposed during a visit to Tehran by Chinese President Xi Jinping in January 2016.

Xi and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani agreed then to establish a roadmap for "reciprocal investments in the fields of transport, ports, energy, industry and services."

"Iran's government and people are striving as they always have to broaden relations with trustworthy, independent countries like China," supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said at the time, describing the proposed cooperation agreement as "correct and reasonable."

Xi has championed the Belt and Road Initiative, a plan to fund infrastructure projects and increase China's sway overseas.

In July last year, controversy erupted over the proposed deal after former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad charged that negotiations were being held for a "new, 25-year agreement with a foreign country" without the knowledge of the Iranian people.

The foreign minister was heckled in parliament when he assured lawmakers there was "nothing secret" in the proposed deal, which he promised would be publicly announced "once it has been finalised."

The government has yet to honour that promise and few details have been made public.

Wang's visit to Tehran comes just days after he hosted Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for talks in the Chinese city of Guilin.

The three governments all face difficult relations with Washington after President Joe Biden's administration vowed to remain firm in its dealings with them, despite a renewed emphasis on diplomacy.

China and Russia are both parties to the troubled 2015 nuclear accord with Iran that Biden has said he hopes to revive.

They were both deeply critical of the unilateral sanctions on Iran reimposed by Trump and have backed efforts to revive the agreement.

Biden has said he is not seeking "confrontation" with China, but that there will be intense competition between the rival superpowers.

"I told him (Xi) in person on several occasions we're not looking for confrontation, though we know that there will be steep, steep competition," the US president said.--AFP


  1. Good...Good.. Good..The Club of Zombies.

  2. Replies
    1. Red Zombie unit with Green Zombie

    2. Wakakakakakaka…

      Ain't u mfers promoting the very thingies that yr demoNcratic masters r playing with that colour revolution?

      Blame 3verything else that r no in syn with yr beloved doctrines.

      So convenience & easy for genuflecting mfers to please their masters.

  3. Bullyland sign 25-year coorperation contract with Iran. Bullyland oso have existing agreements with Saudi Arabia signed just a few years ago....but Iran and Saudi Arabia are mortal enemies....? Circular Bully-Logik....

    Bullyland like PAS....main dua muka....hari ini main-main dengan Bersatu, besok main-main dengan UMNO....ha ha ha....

    MARCH 16, 2017
    China, Saudi Arabia eye $65 billion in deals as king visits
    By Ben Blanchard

    BEIJING (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s King Salman oversaw the signing of deals worth as much as $65 billion on the first day of a visit to Beijing on Thursday, as the world’s largest oil exporter looks to cement ties with the world’s second-largest economy.

    The deals included a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between giant state oil firm Saudi Aramco [IPO-ARMO.SE] and China North Industries Group Corp (Norinco) [CNIGC.UL], to look into building refining and chemical plants in China.

    Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) and Sinopec, which already jointly run a chemical complex in Tinajin, also agreed to develop petrochemical projects in both China and Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia’s octogenarian monarch, who has overseen the launch of an ambitious economic reform plan since his accession two years ago, is on a month-long Asian tour.

    The visits to countries that are some of world’s fastest growing importers of Saudi oil aim to promote investment opportunities in the kingdom, including the sale of a stake in Aramco.

    Saudi Arabia strikes $10bn China deal
    Multibillion-dollar deal caps Saudi crown prince’s Asian tour, aimed at expanding Riyadh’s trade ties in the East.
    Michael Standaert
    22 Feb 2019

    Shenzhen, China – Saudi Arabia‘s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) got a tour of The Great Wall and China got a great deal as Saudi Aramco signed off on a $10bn refinery and petrochemical project hours before meeting with President Xi Jinping to wrap up his two-day visit culminating on Friday.

    The deal caps a three country-tour largely seen as an effort by the crown prince to reach out to the East, and particularly to China after the recent falling out with old partners internationally over the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey last year.

    While the refinery deal pales to the $65bn in deals signed between Beijing and Saudi Arabia’s King Salman two years earlier, it will be a welcome one considering Riyadh’s efforts to diversify beyond the kingdom.

    “It’s part of a recent strategy of Saudi national oil company Aramco to expand outside of the kingdom,” James Dorsey, senior fellow at S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, told Al Jazeera.

    The refinery project will be located in the coastal area near Panjin in China’s northeast rustbelt province of Liaoning, a province that has lagged behind growth rates in most other provinces in recent years and an area for which Beijing is eager to attracting investment.

    1. why should China take side? China is an economic power and strives to trade with EVERYONE

    2. When China signed cooperative treaties with other countries, these mfers see only evil intentions!

      When Yankee forces cooperation treaties on other nations not a fart is been uttered!

      Very well domesticated, these mfers.

  4. The chorus of Yankee Doodle in upstaging their uncle Sam's demoNcratic farts!

    Competition is good, as been imprinted in that doctrine.

    Yet, what isn't been clarified is only one single superpower is allowed & it must be only from that Abrahamic Anglo-Saxon tribe!

    To maintain that status quo, US has initiated 13 major wars after the WWII. Millions of lives been sacrificed in the process of regimes change, dollar domination, economic choas & whatever f*cks imaginable!

    U people deserve what's coming & do keep cloaking for yr stars&stripes salvation.

  5. Towards the end of 1941 Japan had conquered Korea, large chunks of 5000 yo Babyland (not yet Bullyland, still a country of turnip pullers and donkey slappers), all of South East Asia and most of the Pacific Islands, and were practically knocking on Australia's door. Then they made the mistake of attacking Pearl Harbour. That woke the 500 yo Bullyland (yes they were already a BIG Bully then, so big they could fight Hitler in Europe with one hand and Tojo in the Pacific with the other, simultaneously, and still build the atomic bomb at home).

    So starting with Guadalcanal the brutal island hopping war began slowly and steadily until they reached the Japanese homeland.... Hiroshima/Nagasaki etc. The combined Commonwealth Forces were playing second fiddle most of the way. Without 500 yo Bully the British surrendered Malaya in 2 months.

    So let's all say Thank You to Uncle Sam, and be grateful we can read and write today in Malay, Chinese, KHAT, Jawi ha ha ha and not in Nippon-go. Without Uncle Sam, 5000 yo Bullyland would not have arisen, annexed Inner Mongolia in 1947, Xinjiang in 1949 and Tibet in 1951. These are all HISTORICAL FACTS, look it up yourself, don't be lazy. Taiwan would still be a Province today, not of 5000 yo Bullyland but of Okinawa Prefecture ha ha ha. And the HK/Macau Treaties with UK and Portugal would have been ripped up and tossed into the South Nihon Seas, no Dashed Lines in sight, only the Flag of The Rising Sun.

    And if you are still unconvinced how grateful we should be to 500 yo Bully please see the picture of the Chinese mother getting her head chopped off by a Japanese soldier (home screen top right) and read the article....KT likes the picture of the flying head so much it is his "masthead" ha ha ha...pun not intended, poor lady....."the Japanese were inhuman beasts" KT wrote, imagine this woman was your grandmother, hang on in that case you wouldn't be reading this because she got her head chopped off.


    1. "Towards the end of 1941 Japan had conquered Korea, large chunks of 5000 yo Babyland (not yet Bullyland, still a country of turnip pullers and donkey slappers), all of South East Asia and most of the Pacific Islands, and were practically knocking on Australia's door."

      What a nice his-story fart for yr auntie pommie!

      When Jap ruled The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere the pommie army scattered all over the land & having the only fire power to fight the Jap were the first & only one allowed to retreated to dingo land. All other lifes, serfs & normals, were left to fend for themselves! How honorable was this mfering pommie who shameless returned to claim their colonies that they left for the Jap to rule.

      Blurred mfer, first, u should get yr auntie pommie to knight u. Maybe with a mbe (mfer of bullshit empire) chivalry for this f*cked claim of yrs.

      Second, get Ned to convince biden to get u a mfering Public Service Medal for yr laudable cheers for the Yankee efforts in fighting the Nazis/Japs.

      BTW, did u ever read that during the beginning until the last one third of WWII, yr uncle Sam played both sides by selling arms to both the alliance & axis forces?

      Yr uncle Sam only got involuntarily involved in the European front when one mfering church torpedoed the Louisiana liner, where most of the passengers were Yanks & blamed the German!

      If the Jap wasnt misled to attack pearl harbour & instead move northward to Siberia to match the western attacks by the german on the russko, yr farts on the Yankee would forever be farts.


    2. TipuTS going through his version history can be liken to a person riding a horse on a fast trot to appreciate a field of flowers, hehe. This DumbassTipu is without an ounce of nuance in his soul, which btw is the reason why he is so easily indoctrinated, although his level of IQ and EQ have a lot to do with his being captured in perpetuity in the echo chamber of the Western propaganda game.

      He willfully ignored that in spite of the great sacrifice of the Russians in WW2 to jointly defeat the enemies, the CIA had put in ACTUAL plan to drop enough atomic bombs on Russia ( after having bombed the 2 cities in Japan )  to wipe out the whole population of Russia in the millions. !  This is the diabolical US  in its true face, with its hatchet man the CIA at the  ready to commit mass murder.  Like Kissinger averred, to  be an enemy of the US is dangerous, to be a friend to the US is fatal. The real terrorist of the world is the US, which is true then as it is now. The only reason the US held its murderous hand then was because of convincing report that the toxic fumes of the bombs could have deleterious effects on the Americans back home.  

      Anyway, hopefully this view from Nelson Mandela ( may he RIP, heaven bless his soul ) will put a stop to this TipuTS bleating his endless bullshit here.

      "Nelson Mandela despised the bomb. The ANC consistently embraced an antinuclear position and for years, led efforts to expose and cancel the nuclear program.

      In 2003, at 85 years of age, Mandela unleashed as a scathing critique of the United States’ decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: “ 57 years ago, when Japan was retreating on all fronts, they (U.S.) decided to drop the atom bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Killed a lot of innocent people, who are still suffering from the effects of those bomb (sic). Those bomb (sic) were not aimed against the Japanese. They were aimed against the Soviet Union. To say, look, this is the power that we have. If you dare oppose what we do, this is what is going to happen to you. Because they are so arrogant they decided to kill innocent people in Japan who are still suffering from that.” Turning to U.S. unilateralism and Bush’s plan to invade Iraq, Mandela asked, “Who are they now to pretend that they are the policemen of the world?”

      Watch Mandela here castigating the US of AmeriKKKa :
      We would do well to just ignore these 'facts' from Tipu Ignoramus. His spew is symptomatic of him venting out his pure unadulterated hatred on anything Chinese and its government. 


    3. Australia then had "Whites Only" migration policy

    4. How come Ktemoc is still hiding out in Sydney instead of moving to Shanghai?

    5. Japanese Kempetai were still rounding up, torturing and killing people right up to the day their Emperor's surrender on August 14, 1945.

      The atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a form of deliverance.

      Japan, though soundly militarily defeated in the Pacific, continued to enslave huge parts of Asia , and would not have surrendered without the Atomic Bombs and the looming threat of Soviet invasion of their home islands.

      I hold no enmity against the Japanese people of today, but I have Zero doubts the use of the Atomic Bombs in 1945 was justified.

    6. Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs killed or maimed hundreds of thousands of civilians. That was a FACT. No denying.

      The alternative to the A-bombs was a home island invasion by allied forces but there was no more stomach for another Normandy-like V-Day landing and village-to-village march to Tokyo; Hitler was already dead, everybody wanted a quick end to the terrible war.

      But the Japanese had no intention of surrendering, teenage kamikazi pilots were sent out to sink enemy ships, millions of civilians were ready to fight any invading forces with sticks, and stones. Bushido and hara kiri everywhere rather than surrender.

      Dropping the bombs had the desired effect of forcing unconditional surrender. Sad But True.

    7. This was published 17 years ago

      Why the nuclear attack on Japan was right
      August 6, 2003

      Today marks the anniversary of one of the most morally contentious events of the 20th century, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. And after 58 years, there's an emerging consensus: Americans have blood on their hands.

      There has been a chorus that the US has little moral standing on the issue of weapons of mass destruction because it was the first to use the atomic bomb. As Nelson Mandela said of Americans in a speech on January 31: "Because they decided to kill innocent people in Japan, who are still suffering from that, who are they now to pretend that they are the policeman of the world?"

      The traditional American position, that its intention in dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki was to end the war early and save lives, has been poked full of holes. Revisionist historians such as Gar Alperovitz argue persuasively that Washington believed the bombing militarily unnecessary (except to establish American primacy in the postwar order) because, as the US Strategic Bombing Survey put it in 1946, "in all probability" Japan would have surrendered even without the atomic bombs.

      Yet this emerging consensus is, I think, profoundly mistaken.

      While American scholarship has undercut the US moral position, Japanese historical research has bolstered it. The Japanese scholarship, by historians such as Sadao Asada of Doshisha University in Kyoto, notes that Japanese wartime leaders who favoured surrender saw their salvation in the atomic bombing. The Japanese military was steadfastly refusing to give up, so the peace faction seized on the bombing as a new argument to force surrender.

      "We of the peace party were assisted by the atomic bomb in our endeavour to end the war," Koichi Kido, one of Emperor Hirohito's closest aides, said later.

      Wartime records and memoirs show that the emperor and some of his aides wanted to end the war by the summer of 1945. But they were vacillating and couldn't prevail over a military that was determined to keep going even if that meant, as a navy official urged at one meeting, "sacrificing 20 million Japanese lives".

      The atomic bombings broke this political stalemate and were thus described by Mitsumasa Yonai, the navy minister at the time, as a "gift from heaven".

      Without the atomic bombings, Japan would have continued fighting by inertia. This would have meant more firebombing of Japanese cities and a ground invasion, planned for November 1945, of the main Japanese islands. The fighting over the small, sparsely populated islands of Okinawa had killed 14,000 Americans and 200,000 Japanese, and in the main islands the toll would have run into the millions.

      "The atomic bomb was a golden opportunity given by heaven for Japan to end the war," Hisatsune Sakomizu, the chief cabinet secretary in 1945, said later.

      Some argue that the US could have demonstrated the bomb on an uninhabited island, or could have encouraged surrender by promising that Japan could keep its emperor. Yes, perhaps, and it should have tried. It could also have waited longer before dropping the second bomb, on Nagasaki.

      But, sadly, the record suggests that restraint would not have worked. The Japanese military ferociously resisted surrender even after two atomic bombings on major cities, even after Soviet entry into the war, even when it expected another atomic bomb on Tokyo.


    8. ....cont...

      One of the great tales of World War II concerns an American fighter pilot named Marcus McDilda who was shot down on August 8 and brutally interrogated about the atomic bombs. He knew nothing, but under torture he "confessed" that the US had 100 more nuclear weapons and planned to destroy Tokyo "in the next few days". The war minister informed the cabinet of this grim news - but still adamantly opposed surrender. In the aftermath of the atomic bombing, the emperor and peace faction finally insisted on surrender and prevailed.

      It feels unseemly to defend the vapourising of two cities, events that are regarded in some quarters as among the most monstrous acts of the 20th century. But we owe it to history to appreciate that the greatest tragedy of Hiroshima was not that so many people were incinerated in an instant, but that in a complex and brutal world, the alternatives were worse.

      Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof is a columnist with The New York Times.

    9. such childish baiting/taunting is mindless

    10. without the 2 atomic bomb, there would be at least another 2 mil chinese civilian go perish, of course this wont impact the communists that hide far far away in the jungle, mountain n cave, just like how kt n ck spook the melayu from far far away, thats common among chinese with communist characteristic.

    11. Katak farts all over with only demoNcratic propagandas to sustain that foul smell!

      Why atomic bombs were used on Hiroshima & Nagasaki after the Nazis was defeated?

      1st the hawky Yanks wanted a real test of the killing power of that theoretical bomb.

      2nd to silent the russko bear who was in constant sopo contests with the Yank in his doorstep.

      In fact, the Yank could very well deploy a single atomic bomb in a chosen European warfront to completely stop the WWII to last for another yr!

      But the confrontational advices of the Yankee scientists on radioactive fallouts & millions of white deads delayed its deployment.

      Then Nazis Germany fell, due to the wrong military move to attack Russia in winter instead of first clean out the residual European resistances!

      Thus, the atomic bomb fateful ground zero was set on Asia where the Jap were still fighting relentlessly after the fall of Nazis Germany.

      Poor communication amongst the military outposts was a factor. So too were the mrme-ed die fighting spirits of the Jap higher commands.

      Then, why two bombs when one would be sufficiently enough to convince the Jap to surrender?

      Besides, why so close to each other in time to allow the Jap military high commands to absorb the real impact of the 1st bomb?

      There lied the evilness of the hawky Yanks.

      The Japanese life must be sacrificed sufficiently to impressed upon the Russian that Yankee military might was one-up than all those archaic weaponries that the Russian currently processed.

      Asian lives were nothing - a convenient collateral damages of long term radioactive sickness & instant flesh incinerations.

      The russko bear must be warned in total certainties that US had sufficient atomic bomb to cause annihilation in any Russian soil!

      For those mfers who tried to champion the use of 2 atomic bombs on Jap soil ARE just Yankee apologists big the f*cked kind.

      To stop the war? Lessen the number of deads?

      How humanistic & self-righteousness. Superficially, all u mfers - knowing or/& blurred!

    12. rather die 2 mil chinese to prove his point, typical communist mindset, always follow mao zedong preach die 300 mil chinese is fine.

    13. Typically 犬养!

      If u really don't keep to yr 南魔萬 England comprehension then u wouldn't have farted about the unnecessary additional deads when the Yank decided only to use the atomic bombs on Jap territories!

      Keep farting lah with yr blacken white facts!
