
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

When PM, Mahathir used his power to fend off Anwar, but lacked spine to protect Tommy Thomas

Extracts from MM Online:

Tommy Thomas’ kiss and tell

These are Thomas’ account of events. Do not discount his own vested interest or the human proclivity to overstate, exaggerate or just plain lie.

As a juxtaposition, many US politicians, military men and diplomats involved with the Vietnam War held wildly differing narratives, and 45 years later opinions remain divided on the actual causes for the escalation and ultimate failure.

They are all taken in context and argued about still. For events are dynamic and democracies are about constant discussions.

Thomas’ book is one man’s perspective and experience, worthy of discussion.


It appears the ex-PM yesterday shed light on his relationship with Thomas and the lack of warmth.

He put it on his website “I decided to appoint Tommy Thomas. I knew Malays would not like it. But the Malay AGs had not been true to their profession.”

A profound study on Mahathir is still forthcoming, but his out of time and touch ways were on display.

Inside the statement resides an admission the appointment was expected to be opposed from the get go. Did Mahathir shield his attorney general from race-based vitriol? Or did he feel it was up to Thomas to sink or swim?

And Mahathir did not respond to Thomas’ claim that he was asked to resign a day after his appointment. If true, what kind of man puts an outsider in a position desperate to be credible in order to restore faith in our judiciary and then abandons that outsider immediately because it was just too hard?

Was Umno ever going to be pleased with a candidate who would want to do the job well? No, because if according to election pledges, the attorney general would mount case after corruption case against the previous government, which is Umno.

That’s the opposite of what Umno wants. An internal candidate would be a long-serving civil servant, or put better, been working with Umno ministers for decades. They would have been easier to affect or encourage to take their time with prosecutions. Especially if they calculate their actions today in terms of repercussions if Umno returns to power.

That’s the very reason Mahathir went with an outsider. Except he had no stomach to defend his hire.

Throughout Mahathir’s second term, all parties including Umno and PAS, submitted to the old man’s dominance and sought consistent audiences with him. He could have asked Zahid or Hadi Awang to tell their people to stop accusing Thomas of being a Malay-hater.

From Malaysiakini 7 Oct 2019:

Downright insulting! DAP MP censures Dr M over 'orang asing' remark

Dr Mahathir Mohamad's remarks on how the Malays were forced to accept orang asing (foreigners) during British rule in exchange for independence is downright insulting and unbecoming of a prime minister who represents all Malaysians, said DAP lawmaker Ramkarpal Singh.

Ramkarpal was referring to the prime minister's speech at yesterday's Malay Dignity Congress, where Mahathir said: “.. Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan (The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence).”

Describing the statement as uncalled for, Ramkarpal said Mahathir should have known better.

“The PM should know that such remarks are highly sensitive and threaten racial harmony in the country and can lead to a divided nation along racial lines, which must be avoided at all costs,” he added.

The Bukit Gelugor MP also noted how Mahathir claimed he did not hear the organiser of the congress Zainal Kling's statement that “Malaysia belonged to the Malays” when opening the congress.

He said the prime minister should have corrected the academician and if it is true that he did not hear the remark, then he should set the record straight now.

Ramkarpal reminded Mahathir that he won the last general election largely because of the support of non-Malays.

Corruption was the focus of Mahathir’s election speeches, and if he was sincere he would have backed his emissary to the bitter end. Far more than using his powers to fend off Anwar Ibrahim from the top.

The facts remain. Mahathir continued to rue the loss of Malay support but not his lack of spine to support his own key promise


  1. wow u really search high low for every article abt mahathir.

  2. Better than a 犬养mfer's pure fart about China - creating out of thin foul gaseous!

    1. ccp la, i make myself very clear on this, dun slander on eve of cny, u no celebrate but chinese like me do.

    2. Wakakakakakaka…

      U, Chinese?

      Again, die die want to act yr pretended role that u so proudly despised?

      What makes the change?

      Fart filled well running out of foul gaseous?

      So many questions just about a delusional act at the end of a dragged 庚子年鼠年!

      Maybe the coming bull would tremble & clear all the fart out of that fart filed well! Is that what's u r clear about?

    3. Batty is a Chinese ? LOLOLOL

      Hoi, Bahalol OCBC...sudah potong ke ?
