
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Wan Fayshal himself clueless re parliamentary procedures tok-kok about prior education of young voters


Wan Fayshal: I have not wavered in support of Undi 18

Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal said his statement about the need to educate voters should not be construed as him wavering in his support for lowering the voting age from 21 to 18.

This is after a report, citing his comment during an online dialogue on the Clubhouse app, said Wan Ahmad Fayhsal appeared to think that those aged 18 to 20 are not yet ready to vote.

"It is important to note that this was never my intention. However, I did express my concern and firm belief that with rights also come responsibilities. The right to vote necessarily comes with the moral duty to do so judiciously," he said in a statement.

Wan Ahmad Fayshal said that this did not mean that he was withdrawing support for the Undi 18 initiative.

"Again, I would like to state that my unequivocal support for Undi 18 remains as steadfast today as it was two years ago. Let the public records reflect that without any qualification," said the deputy youth and sports minister.

Wan Ahmad Fayshal added that he had in the past also expressed a similar position.

"In a constitutional monarchy and such parliamentary democracy as ours, voter education programmes should rightfully cover subjects such as the supremacy of our federal and state constitutions, the rule of law, the role of the monarchs as our guide and stay, as well as the indispensable purpose of democracy to safeguard our sovereignty as a proud and independent nation.

"Our democracy relies heavily on the ability of our citizenry to make informed decisions based on established facts instead of speculation and extrapolation. Our media has a role to play in providing true and fair reporting to our civil society," he said.

The Federal Constitution was amended in 2019 to lower the voting age from 21 to 18.

The implementation is supposed to take effect in June when automatic voter registration would also be introduced.

However, in the lead up to the implementation, there are now efforts to stonewall the initiative, including from Wan Ahmad Fayshal's own party.

Dewan Negara speaker Rais Yatim, who is from Bersatu, claimed those aged 18 to 20 were "not yet ready" for their democratic right.

Umno information chief Shahril Hamdan has criticised the pushback.


kt notes:

This eff-er is himself clueless about parliamentary procedures - recall his pathetic ignorance regarding Parliamentary Royal Address - yet wants to tok-kok about educating young voters (18 years to 20).

The real sinister intent is to backtrack from allowing younger voters because PPBM (party leaders via Rais Yatim & kok-tokker Wan Ahmad Fayhsal) senses it will be to its disadvantage in GE15.


  1. i think fayshal is correct, some people just dun hv the brain to vote, for eg hmmm wakakak

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Only NOW u think!

      Most katak have brain but small & only function within its boundary.

      Voting is too complicated, just follow the flow of the fart.

      Ain't that how demoNcracy works?

    2. ccp zombie that no way to vote lecture us how to vote.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Still farting about yr old tricks!

      CCP, no way to vote!


      That fart filled well needa new foul gaseous. Time for the old & stale farts to be flashed out!

  2. A person who is old enough to be held legally accountable, including for any crimes, as an adult is old enough to vote.

    In fact the earlier 21 years voting age is an anomaly, because almost everything else an adult is legally anyone over 18.

  3. This deputy minister suggested Bank Negara print and give free money to the rakyat to save the country economy .......... his opinion ....... wakakakaka

    1. just a monumental ignoramus who thinks highly of himself - was excited to hear the Agong in his Parliamentary Royal Address said "Our government ..." (gleefully thinking the Agong sided with the PN govt) without being aware that the protocol of the Royal Address would usually be written by the (any) ruling govt for the Agong to deliver, and which always refer to the ruling govt as "Our govt ..."

      Totally clueless to Westminster parliamentary procedures, and he's a deputy minister - sheeeeeesh

  4. I think nothing wrong in stating there is a need to educate young voters on political thinking, in parallel with giving them the vote.

    Many countries have introduced modules into their education system encouraging High School students to examine political issues, to prepare them to be voters.

    There should be no right and wrong in such lessons, just nudging them to think.
