
Monday, February 15, 2021

Sugar Babes

MM Online:

Higher Education Ministry takes serious view of alleged sugar babies among university students

The Ministry of Higher Education has contacted several universities whose students are allegedly involved in the ‘sugar baby’ activities.

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 14 — The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has contacted several universities whose students are allegedly involved in the “sugar baby” activities, to obtain information on the validity of data that has been published in several media.

Its director-general Prof Datuk Husaini Omar said the ministry took seriously the revelations made by The Star Online on the “student programme” website and Facebook reports about the sharp increase in the number of university students involved in these activities.

“In this case, the university explained that there are many doubts about the data submitted,” he said in a statement here today.

He said the Sunway Education Group stated that it was quite impossible that 45 per cent of Sunway University students were involved as sugar babies, as the number of Sunway University students at present is only about 7,000.

“Therefore, the report published by the media that a total of 3,105 Sunway University students were involved in sugar baby activities is not reasonable.

“On February 10, Universiti Teknologi Mara also lodged a police report to deny the report by the media,” he said.

Husaini said the MOHE together with university authorities would address this issue more effectively.

He said the university authorities would conduct detailed internal reviews to ensure that what was reported by the media is handled as best as possible.


kt notes:

From the Web:

Are sugar babies girlfriends or sex workers? It seems that they walk a thin line between the two.

A “sugar baby” is someone who receives “gifts” (including cash) in exchange for company – which can include sex, but doesn't have to. A “sugar daddy,” a person who gives such “gifts,” is typically wealthier and older than the sugar baby. The case of “sugar mommas” is rarer, probably since women are less willing to pay for sex. Sugaring is also present among homosexual people. I focus here on the most common relation between sugar babies and sugar daddies.

Some sugar daddies provide “allowances,” namely, a fixed amount every week or month, and some pay by date. Sometimes, there is no concrete agreement, and the sugar baby relies on the gifting whims of the sugar daddy. Some sugar daddies want to meet several times a week; others prefer once a month. While sugaring ranges from hand-holding and cuddling to a full sexual encounter, sugar daddies usually seek both companionship and sex. Those more interested in companionship tend to gift their sugar babies with a monthly support, and those more interested in sex tend to gift them with cash on a date-by-date basis.

SeekingArrangement, a premier site for sugaring arrangements, indicates that the average sugar daddy is 38 years old and earns $250,000 annually, while the average sugar baby is 25 years old and receives $2,800 monthly from their daddies. Sugaring has become increasingly popular in the past few decades, especially among students. There are many sites for this purpose, which are used by millions of people.

Although sex is indeed common in sugaring, not all sugar daddies seek such intimate relations. Similarly, although most sugar babies engage in sugaring in order to meet their expenses, some are hoping for a serious relationship—yet, in many cases, the sugar daddy is married.

Self-esteem can be a tricky issue for both sugar babies and daddies. A sugar daddy does not want to feel like he is a john and a sugar baby does not want to feel like she is a prostitute. Accordingly, sugaring aims for mutual respect between the partners. This is reflected in the sugaring terminology of “partner” rather than “worker” and “client”—although sugar babies are clearly the weaker partner. Indeed, while people speak about “ordering,” or “going to,” a prostitute, they speak about “meeting” or “dating” a sugar baby.


Maren Scull (2020) has identified a range of sugaring types: at one end of the continuum there is sugar prostitution, and at the other end there is sugar friendship and sugar love. Scull further claims that 40% of women who have sugared do not have sex with their benefactors—and that those who do often have genuine connections with the men.


  1. no sex really? what they do then? tok abt mahathir n anwar?

    1. i thot sugar daddy is a chinese thingy, gweilo copy from us?

    2. The Top Sugar Daddy networking app in USA is run by a Chinese Singaporean. There was a documentary on it in CNA. It has now gone international.

      He readily admits the design concept is Asian/ Chinese in cultural origin, but rich Western men and mercenary White girls readily get on board.

    3. Katak turns Chinese bashing fart into new height!

      "sugar daddy is a chinese thingy"


      U might as well saying sex-ploitation is a Chinese patent.

    4. to grasp some essential of the chinese custom, hk old series is a good start, novel written after xinhai but before prc is another. ccp china novel n series stress ccp value albeit follow what i talk dun follow what i do, thus all the past tradition that divulge the ugly part of chinese is sweeped under the carpet. the fifth generation director is perhaos the only/last batch of ccp artist that wanna portray a more real china, but they cant resist the fancy to become red capitalist that own big car n 3 concubine, so end of story.

      btw, can u tell jerkie the victim of 228 is mainly the native n islander, the former embrace kmt while the latter is the strength that started off dpp that become the main force to resist mainlander ie kmt n ccp. in taiwan, the islander is taiwanese while the mainlander include those cross strait ie kmt is non taiwanese, something like our consti to separate msian into 2, bumi n non bumi.

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      Trying hard to parade yr hp6 Chinese cultural customs!

      "hk old series is a good start, novel written after xinhai but before prc is another"

      HK TV series r notoriously sensationalist, besides the localised effects of the pommie colonisation.

      Xinhai novels written after before prc was just a reflection of the total collapses of the old Chinese cultures as determined by the warlords, especially those cultivated under the Christian influences of song family.

      So don't BS lah. Those farts can get u somewhere in that fart filled well. But definitely no where else!

      Mfer, one word u obviously DON'T understand. Dramatized sensationalism!

      228 white terror targeted mainly the native n islander (ain't they one the same?). But there r others too!

      犬养mfer, did yr history lessons mentioned anything about them? Or they r just like 张學良(Chang Hsüeh-liang) been blanketed in those Formosa history lessons? Those unmentionables worked with a total different aim as u so sneakingly tagged for the 'native n islander'.

      Yes yr 'native & islanders r Taiwanese but they r Chinese citizen - similar as Fukien r residents of Fukien but citizen of China.

      In the China Constitution mandated by the People's Congress all Chinese r equal. Remember that!

    6. when the plutocrat, general n officer cant take any third forth five wives or concubine as they wish to under the new sun yatsen govt that promote the western monogamy, sugar daddy become trendy. i said hk "old" series bec the old was the creative artwork from chinese that came to hk from mainly the northern china, including shanghai after the fall of kmt, its part n parcel of china n chinese. u know very little of most thing china n chinese, lin yutang even said that concubine is a much better practice than the west that divorce nonstop, so ccp adopt the east or the west way? and what all this hv to do with soong christian?

      228 is the political capital of ddp like our bukit kepong, it would take numerous generation to get past, my point is dun simply talk a issue from a narrow perspective for sake to suit yr argument, that sound very stupid.

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      "western monogamy" !!

      In name but secret missus all over the places where the wifies don't look/care! That's yr western fart that u so gungho-lly mentioned.

      Mfer, in that famed Abrahamic faith, monogamy is for moronic followers (do make a different with believers, just in case!) to chant but not for the elites to follow.

      Totally f*cked western cultural conjectures from a know-nothing.

      Same with hp6 Chinese history on parade AGAIN!

      "hk "old" series bec the old was the creative artwork from chinese that came to hk from mainly the northern china, including shanghai after the fall of kmt, its part n parcel of china n chinese."

      犬养mfer, there were 'runners' from the northern China to HK during those trying days. But majority of them runners were still from the South, especially from the Kwangtung surroundings.

      What creative artworks were u farting about? Those from runrun Shaw or 长城?

      Runrun Shaw, being a 浙江 born, carried with him the trading instinct of that province. Thus, right from the very beginning, he played to the dream of the runners about an utopian built with western conceptual idealism.

      So how creative were those 'works' that came under his care? He, too, practiced polygamy in a western way, mind u!

      Yr mfering "part n parcel of china n chinese" from a nonchinese!

      "lin yutang"!!!

      Mfer, this dickhead who cheated 陈嘉庚 in scumming the education fund of 厦门大学 while running it. A true scum that eventually died in his dreamed land of US.


      犬养mfer, quotes someone more believable lah! Or that's the best u can get from yr rat/snake hive?

      CCP adopts what's BEST for the Chinese within the China contextualization. Tries&errors - 摸石头过河 by standing on the shoulders of the 古今中外 giants to explore any possibilities.

      Now u want to clarify "228 is the political capital of ddp"!!!

      Mfer, too bad. U r not dealing with any simpletons.

      BTW, who is that mfer that "simply talk a issue from a narrow perspective for sake to suit yr argument"?

      Let me REMIND u again - u r just a simple cheat compared with those 台毒 dickheads that I have had encountered all over my travels.

      So if u have nothing new or ingenious to fart about, u r just keep parading yr minute mind that's full of shit!

  2. I think multiple partners for companionship, joli-joli, sex or whatever should be made legal and moral. What Allah has allowed for Muslims should be allowed for non-Muslims too.

    ‘Rebranded’ Obedient Wives Club now back as polygamy counsellors
    Melati A Jalil of The Malaysian Insider

    The Edge Financial Daily

    February 25, 2015

    PETALING JAYA: The Obedient Wives Club (OWC), which caused a furore four years ago when it pitched sex lessons to help wives “serve their husbands better than a first-class prostitute” to promote harmonious marriages, has been dissolved as part of a rebranding exercise following the group’s renunciation of its past beliefs.

    Former OWC committee member Dr Azlina Jamaluddin said the move was part of a rebranding process as the Selangor Islamic Religious Department had agreed that they should abandon their past beliefs and start afresh.

    Azlina said those days were behind them and the decision to dissolve OWC was their own initiative. “After repenting, we want to start again, so whatever occurred prior to that has been dissolved,” she told The Malaysian Insider.

    OWC was formed by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, an organisation founded by former members of the banned Al-Arqam Islamic sect. The company has since been renamed GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd.GISB itself went through several rebranding exercises, as it was first known as Al-Arqam Group of Companies that was banned in 1994, then it changed its name to Syarikat Rufaqa Corp Sdn Bhd and then Syarikat Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, before changing it to GISB Holding Sdn Bhd. OWC courted controversy in 2011 with its statements on marital relationships and a book on Islamic sex reportedly banned by the government.

    Azlina said GISB recently set up a new initiative called “Rumah Poligami Indah dari Tuhan” (Beautiful Polygamy Home from God) based in Bertam Jaya, Melaka. She said the initiative was established in December last year in an effort to give a better understanding of polygamous marriages as advocated in Islam.

  3. Nothing wrong with mutually consenting transactions / relationships, whatever you chose to call it.

    Hey, if it's mutually beneficial, others should stay out of the matter.
